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Assault Squads Tactica ?


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Hello guys,


I'm wondering what's the best way to run Assault Squads with Jump Packs?... there are several interesting combos. Also what's the difference between putting a Power Axe vs Power Fist on the Sergeant ?


Maybe there's already an updated link to a tactica article, but couldn't find anything

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The previous page function should bring up some interesting things:


What weapon?



Jumper charge ranges



Some peoples favoured weapons



Axe v fist: You know the rules, axe gets an extra attack, but lower strength bonus, fist higher strength, but fewer attacks.


Previous consensus was that assault squads should roll 2 meltas, powerfist. Now the fist can be replaced with other stuff, depending on what you want to do with your sergeant. Claws may be goof dor challenges. Melta bombs are always useful.


Meltaguns are still good. Plasma pistols iffy.


2 attacks on the charge + 12" S8 AP1 shot vs 3 attacks on the charge + 12" S7 AP2 shot for 50% more points. The melta usually wins out.

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Axe v fist: You know the rules, axe gets an extra attack, but lower strength bonus, fist higher strength, but fewer attacks.


Previous consensus was that assault squads should roll 2 meltas, powerfist. Now the fist can be replaced with other stuff, depending on what you want to do with your sergeant. Claws may be goof dor challenges. Melta bombs are always useful.


Meltaguns are still good. Plasma pistols iffy.


2 attacks on the charge + 12" S8 AP1 shot vs 3 attacks on the charge + 12" S7 AP2 shot for 50% more points. The melta usually wins out.


So you seem to recommend to run 2x Meltaguns (MG) in the unit (+20 pts). But doesn't that reduce the number of attacks of the unit? Or anyway those models should go at the back? I mean on a charge a model carrying a MG should have 2 attacks vs 3 with a pistol (eg: Plasma Pistol)


If the unit Sergeant is designed to be a "challenge taker" a.k.a Power Fist Killer (in order to free up your special chars from challenges) a good config would be Power Weapon (sword) :


Power Sword because you want to hit the enemies Power Fist first. AP 3 still ignores servo armor, and I don't really see the Lightning Claw helping in anyway to fulfill that role, it just reduces one attack from you. (Specially if you're using Sanguinary Priests of some kind, which already gives you +1 Str on the charge and the LC wound re-roll doesn't sound all that relevant in this scenario)


Melta Bombs: Basically you MUST run this in order to be able to do something against a monstrous creature, against a vehicle you still run the MG's but this helps too.


The only problem that I see with the Power Sword is that you're not going to charge into terminators with it. You would probably get massacred unless you soften the unit with the MG's and the Sergeant's Plasma Pistol (if you're running it).


Now on to the questions:


Would you run a Plasma Pistol with your sergeant? It's 15 pts but would give you an extra S7 AP 2 shot (good against termies), would add the +1 attack for the Power Weapon, and if you run priests you have the FNP from them which helps quite a bit.


I don't see inferno pistol being very good in the new edition with the new charge rules ( the range is only 6" )


Would like to hear your thoughts.

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I just played my first 6th ed game this weekend and ran a 10 man squad w/ 2 meltas, thunderhammer serg and an attached priest w/ power ax


The meltaguns are MUCH better than the 1 extra attack u would gain from having a pistol. They fried a few GK termies and strike squad marines plus they got a boost in 6th against vehicles


For the serge, I would go with a power weapon, the hammer i used wasn't bad, but i never got challenged with it but can see the downside


However, the priest is where you want the ax or fist. With the serg taking a challenge, the priest can hang back until I1 then pile in and start wailing on people. The higher WS is a bonus here and an AP2 weapon in cc is awesome to have.


I never got any kills with the new hammer of wrath, so unless you're already close, use the jp for the extra movement and stay in cover when able

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The only problem that I see with the Power Sword is that you're not going to charge into terminators with it. You would probably get massacred unless you soften the unit with the MG's and the Sergeant's Plasma Pistol (if you're running it).


An Assault Squad is going to be massacred by Terminators unless you seriously soften the unit up with shooting no matter what weapon the Sergeant is carrying. Any more than two, maybe three, Terminators should not be charged by an Assault Squad. Despite the name, they're not overly good at assault.

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However, the priest is where you want the ax or fist. With the serg taking a challenge, the priest can hang back until I1 then pile in and start wailing on people. The higher WS is a bonus here and an AP2 weapon in cc is awesome to have.


No good, you pile in at your Initiative 4. The Unwieldy rule says you make your attacks at Initiative 1..... it does not say anything about "makes them I1 or counts as I1" or anything like that. Grammar and Rule as Written means You pile in at Model's Initiative, then you make your attacks at Initiative 1.



However, I completely agree with you about an Ax on the SangPriest. That guy 'by definition' has Furious Charge so a Strength 6 PowerAxe is a great choice for bargain points, esp since he's WS-5

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So you seem to recommend to run 2x Meltaguns (MG) in the unit (+20 pts). But doesn't that reduce the number of attacks of the unit? Or anyway those models should go at the back? I mean on a charge a model carrying a MG should have 2 attacks vs 3 with a pistol (eg: Plasma Pistol)


Yes, you do lose attacks. On the charge, the unit goes from 31 attacks to 29. In return, you get the ability to open transports enabling the charge, take wounds off monstrous creatures, insta kill T4 W2 things. Put a plasma pistol on the sergeant.

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I run 2xMelta, Meltabomb, for 215 points.


Generally find that putting special weapons on the Veterans isn't worth the points, as I often end up throwing them under the proverbial bus in challenge situations. Our Independent characters end up doing all the heavy lifting.

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However, the priest is where you want the ax or fist. With the serg taking a challenge, the priest can hang back until I1 then pile in and start wailing on people. The higher WS is a bonus here and an AP2 weapon in cc is awesome to have.


No good, you pile in at your Initiative 4. The Unwieldy rule says you make your attacks at Initiative 1..... it does not say anything about "makes them I1 or counts as I1" or anything like that. Grammar and Rule as Written means You pile in at Model's Initiative, then you make your attacks at Initiative 1.



However, I completely agree with you about an Ax on the SangPriest. That guy 'by definition' has Furious Charge so a Strength 6 PowerAxe is a great choice for bargain points, esp since he's WS-5



Dear god not this again!


Ok trying not to derail this thread with a big rules arguement too much but if what you are suggesting were true grey knights with halberds would never be eligible to attack, nor would anything with a bonus to the initiative it strikes at.


I understand the other side of the arguement but it hinges only on one piece of dodgy semantics. Wheras the "common sense" position (yeh I went there lol) is simpler, creates no conflicts with other rules and is infact supported entirely by the rules as written in the book.

One slightly cack-handedly worded line about attacking at initiative is the only thing that even suggests you might have to pile in before your initiative step, and even then its ambiguous at best (sometimes I feel like I'm reading a tabloid article with some rules arguements :) ).


Priests pile in at the same I step they attack at making axes & fists doubly sweet as it helps keep the priest away from the front untill he strikes. There is a segment of the community that believes otherwise but unless you have to deal with them (or are one I suppose) you should be pretty safe to play the rules as they appear in the rulebook without a big arguement ^_^

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However, the priest is where you want the ax or fist. With the serg taking a challenge, the priest can hang back until I1 then pile in and start wailing on people. The higher WS is a bonus here and an AP2 weapon in cc is awesome to have.


No good, you pile in at your Initiative 4. The Unwieldy rule says you make your attacks at Initiative 1..... it does not say anything about "makes them I1 or counts as I1" or anything like that. Grammar and Rule as Written means You pile in at Model's Initiative, then you make your attacks at Initiative 1.


Rule book page 23 "Note that certain situations, abilities and weapons modifies a model's initiative"

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