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Struggling with how to Equip my Terminator Captain

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I know that captains are not the best HQ choice in a BA army, but purely for fluff reasons I want to have my army led by one. I also want to use the dead sexy Asterion Moloc model. So that means terminator armour and he'll be accompanying terminators in a Crusader or Redeemer, along with a priest.


Now, given the fact that power weapons are now AP3, I am debating what to give him. I want him and his unit to be able to take all comers, but especially to be able to fight with other terminators since it seems to me termies will be much more prevalent given the new rules. I was still planning my army out pre-6th ed. and had decided on a pair of lightning claws since that fit nicely with my vision of the enraged Blood Angel captain falling upon his enemies in fury. Now I'm not so sure -- although I suppose there's still an argument to be made for stacking as many wounds as possible and if he has to roll enough dice he's bound to roll a few 1s.


Pair of LC still good? Or do you recommend a different loadout? The cliche thunder hammer and storm shield (shield feels like a bit of a waste of points given the iron halo, though).

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I'd be tempted to use him as modeled storm shield power spear. With the priest that's some high Initiative hits with a nice ST bonus.


Only on the charge, then both its str and AP drop. I would say that lances are awesome, but not for a Captain with terminator armour. Though it would look awesome with a shield :P

There was a thread on here not to long ago that was called something like captain thunder and lightning. Long and short of it was that things like Thunder hammers and lightning claws, even power fists all have a new special rule that means they don't get an additional cc attack for another weapon, nothing new there, unless that weapon has the same said rule. This is where it gets interesting, so you can now give a captain both a thunder hammer and a lightning claw, he still gets the +1 for 2 cc weapons and he has the choice of ap3 and speed, or those lovely lovely hammers that have a tendency to make things they touch in an aggressive way explode violently.

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Re: axe instead of hammer ... Could work ... Chapter House has a spiffy Death Angel Storm Shield to replace Moloc's minotaur shield.


Or thinking of the storm bolter/single claw suggestion, I was thinking that a combi-bolter/metla might be fluffy?


EDITED: to correct my foolish question about why an axe is better than a hammer -- remembered that it gets the +1 attack bonus with storm shield.

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Check your Captain options. He can't pair a power weapon with a storm shield in terminator armour.


I would say thunder hammer plus storm shield is a nice default combination. You can survive most things, and kill most things. I generally use Lysander, but of course he's not a Blood Angel.


If you want to use a forge world model get Tyberos the Red Wake, buy him a lightning claw and a chainfist and you're good to go.

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Now chainfist and lightning claw -- there's an interesting combination suited to fit all circumstances. Pretty expensive, though.


I am leaning towards a power axe and combi-bolter/melta mostly from a fluff perspective. My (as yet unnamed) chapter has been inspired by the Lamenters, and I noticed that their chapter master wields a Glaive Encarmine and infernus pisol. Seems to me that axe and combi-melta is the closest I can get to that, should still be fairly effective, and look good. Plus a little extra anti-tank never hurt anyone.

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I run tuberous and his LC and chain fist are straight brutal. And plus the model is nice to look at. But not sure if some one will let you use both. He has special rules to so you can use both.


But sense you allready have a model no point in buying another one. Unless your trying to build a fully customized assault termanators sq.

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The new rules say that a weapon with the "specialist weapon" special rule needs another weapon with that rule to gain a bonus. The new rules do not say that it needs to be a weapon of the same type. Therefore, you don't need 2 thunder hammers, just a thunder hammer with anything else that's a specialist weapon. So indeed, a chain fist and lightning claw, both having the rule, gain an extra attack for being used together and anyone can run an equivalent to Tyberios. This is a nasty combo, if expensive. At least you guys have iron halos (unlike us BTs who have to pay for it or stay with the TDA 5++).


If you guys have the option, power axe and power sword make for a cheaper "extra attack, i1 ap2 or ap3 at initiative" combo, although it does not hurt quite as much. Taking a power axe with anything else than a pistol/power weapon/ccw is a waste of its benefits over the power fist, besides the slight saving in cost. If you're not going to get the extra attack, a fist is always better than an axe. The extra strength is well worth the extra points for instant death and hurting MC & vehicles (very easy now for characters since all you need is a few glances from the many attacks that hit very easily).

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The more I think about it, the more I am liking the Lighting Claw/Chainfist combo. Since I've played Imperial Guard or Sisters of Battle for 99% of my 40K career, I do want to have a warlord who is able to wreck some serious face in hand-to-hand combat. Don't know that I would model it the same was as Tyberos ... might actually put a chainfist on one hand and LC on the other ... or two standard chain fists with the chainsaw on the bottom and then LC's on top ... decisions, decisions ...


Thanks for all the discussion, everyone!

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