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Bloody rebirth

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I'm tired of being acuused of cheese so I've decided to retire my Grey Knights, shelve my Wolves and leave the nipplewing at home.


I'm thinking of A 2nd company theme led by a Captain. I wan't to use the terminators from the Space Hulk boxed game along with the two Stormravens, libby Dread and Furioso I currently have.


Any ideas would be welcome for my lactose-intolerant rebirth.

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Tycho or Seth (or counts-as versions thereof) so you're not -completely- hamstringing yourself by taking a captain. Pretty good for their points costs, and I don't think anyone would cry cheese at them. As special characters for the BA go, Dante, Mephy, Sangy and Asty will draw looks, but Seth and Tycho won't.
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I've been using Captains since...well, ever since I started with the codex of the third edition, and I've only regretted it a few times when rolling really, really poor - but on the other hand, I've had the most exciting and funny moments in games with my Captains.


In the earliest games of mine, my Captain, Lightning Claw, Plasma Pistol and Artificer armour 'n stuff, chewed through half a necron army on his own(I made some ridiculous armour saves there) while most of my troops had already left the battlefield. He was standing on a pile of wrecked toasters(= 'crons) slaughtering his way through the next wave until I managed to table my opponent(don't ask me how that's possible, 'twas when I started. :) ).


Then, with our newer incarnations of the codex, my Captain has been in every list I've been building as the character suits my aggressive play style. Powerweapon, Infernus Pistol and JP, that's all I needed back then. When I left home without him, I felt quite naked....a company needs its Captain.


I've actually assembled and painted a counts-as version of Seth - I love the originial model, but a 8-foot chainsword is not very Blood-Angel-ish and so I gave him a Grey knight sword instead. I'm kinda pleased with how he looks. Rules are great. Counts-as wise, I'll treat him as a high ranked officer and ex-honour guard of Aphael who became some kind of advisor and even lead battleforces himself in Aphael's stead/on his behalf.


The second Company is led by Aphael, and I find that to be a very cool name, actually. Sure it got that whole '-el' thing going on, but hey, that's what you got for messing with the archangels.





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