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Death Guard army project


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Ok so i'm back got distracted by shiny things as usual here's what i've got so far not much more than last time but with added nurglings and blight grenades (if they still exist, not sure?)will be adding typhus to this shortly to bring the terminators up to the magic seven and some bases of nurglings eventually.......










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These are great Fullbrook - love the the grey as the predominant color and a great contrast it makes to the rusty weapons... The LR and the Termies are super scary in a very unique way... The departure from the usual sickly green and dirty white palette gives your work a very personal style - I really love it!
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  • 1 month later...

Ok so I've joined the call of chaos v as a way to get me re motivated to finally add some more models to my poor Death Guard.


My vow consists of Typhus and 3 bases of Nurglings, though I hope to be adding to this when funds allow (Stupid Christmas)


First up will be my Nurglings which I am painting right now hopefully finished before the end of the night though don't hold your breath...................................................................

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Like the colours on your plague marines(although the pictures are a bit dark), and those plaguebearers look a little like one of the test schemes i did for mine using cadian fleshtone, and devlan mud wash. Concerning the usual of colours of Nurgle im also at a stopping point somehow with my Call of Chaos, cant decide if i want to go green, brown or grey. White is out of the question as that seems to be mainly "real deathguard". The nurglings make me laugh they are so freaky :)
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@Whythre - Thanks, I used the same method as for my other daemons and exposed flesh. calthan brown base,

Then layered with 3/4 snakebite leather 1/4 golden yellow

Then 1/2 snakebite leather 1/2 golden yellow

Then 1/3 snakebite leather 1/3 golden yellow 1/3 dheneb stone,

wash with watered down liche purple then devlan mud then open wounds eyes and tongues washed with chestnut ink.


@Zacco Kathcis - Yeah the pictures on this page are from my camera phone there are some better ones on page one, If you're going for non Death Guard plague marines I personally like The all over rust look like The Apostles of Contagion.


Will be getting some more Nurglings finished tonight will update with pictures ASAP.

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@The Colossus - Yeah that was the main reason for adding Daemon allies the more models I added the more bland the whole thing seemed I hope the Nurglings I have added to the bases have helped with that and tied them all together.


Ok Nurglings completed!



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

OK so Typhus finally arrived and have got him glued up and ready to paint.


He is my first finecast model and so far am pretty happy with it only a tiny imperfection on the right arm which would normally be annoying but hey hes a plague marine it'll look fine. :cry:

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  • 1 month later...






Ask and thou shalt receive.

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Cool, thanks for the fast response- I like the rust effects a lot! The verdigris is so thick it's practically hanging off his scythe. Do you use fine sand or some other form of texturing?

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