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who do you attach gabriel seth to?

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I made a sweet conversion chainstaff guy that I am Counts As for Seth. I really want to use him too but am having trouble finding a place for him. I did play him with a sternguard squad to give them alot of high strength attacks incase they get charged. Turned out that he served as a plasma gun soak, taking fire from 4 crisis suits like a boss before dying In the second turn of shooting but saving the squad. I think I like the idea of putting him with DC but for the sameish pts a chaplin/reclusiarch helps the squad more. The man needs a JP something serious :-(


I am thinking about trying him in an a Razorback with a cc HG squad, seams like his most viable place to me


I also really want to use Capt. Tycho (made a nice conversion off an AoBR Captain) and all I can think is to put him with sternguard as a 2+/4++ shild, but at 175 a Capt. with SS PW is cheaper and does basically the same thing :-(


I am at a complete loss for how to use DC Tycho... he can't join squads :-(


These guys may be fluff/fun game only, not sure though, have not used them enough to say

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I really like the Seth model but am none too keen on his rules so I've been toying with the idea of painting him black and running him as a regular DC Marine who counts as armed with a Power Fist or Thunder Hammer.


The Black Rage is no respecter of status after all; even the mightiest can fall.

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I've been trying him out lately. I used him last week like this:


Seth (who is my counts as Captain of my company)

6 Vanguard vets, no jump packs (power axe, Claw, Plasma pistol and Sargeant with double plasma pistol)




Delivered them in a storm raven and sent them off to do their thang. The plan was that they'd have all those rending attacks from corbs and seth (rerolling their misses thanks to chappy) and all the other varied goodness.


Unfortunately my oppoinent turned up with 2 x 1000 point units of GK paladins (draigo in one, and expensive libby in the other) so as you can imagine I can't really tell you how effective the unit is. I got my little blood red bum bounced up and down the table, winning only because my opponent forgot he had given them all rerolls of 1s to wound instead of making his elite squad (purifiers?) troops and not grabbing his objectives.


So Seth survived the game with some challenge shenanigans, but only just.


I'll be using Seth again and regularly, the other characters in the book are nice and everything, but pretty expensive. Seth is pretty much kitted out as I'd like to kit a captain anyway, and though he doesn't have artificer armour, it's not like I could get that on a regular captain anyway :|



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