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Wow thats a lit of NL tanks. She.you dont get to paint much of your own stuff, bit i understand time is money for you and the more time painting commissions the more momey you earn ;)


Look forward to seeing these NLs come on. Will you be able to get a full army shot? Or have you already shipped the rest to the client?

  • 1 month later...

Hey all!!

So huge update time....
Been so busy with painting the massive nightlords army that i didnt post any of the smaller commissions that i did in the meanwhile....
I am about to finish the 20 assault marines and 40 Raptors this week so stay tuned for those pictures! 

But here we go, another update!

More nichtlords:

2 Renegade Knights:

Painted some more Nids:

Another Death guard Leviathan:

2 necromunda gangs, Gang leaders are high rest is normal tabletop:

2 Epic titans:

And a group of Robots:

  • 1 month later...

Thanks everyone! :smile.:


Quixus: No idea TBH, they where metal.


So big one again today!
working on the last 40-ish infantry and last tanks hope to finish them within 2 weeks but this heat is killing me and my work... im sure everyone has problems with the heat these days...

Anyway pictures!

  • 3 weeks later...

Hey all!

Lunkhead: Thanks! :)

Big update! Finished the Night Lords army!
Tomorrow the client is going to pic it all up and bring the rest of the army i painted 2 years ago so i can take pictures of the +/- 25K! POINTS!


And also finished this warhound for the large mech army i did last year, he has joined the  ranks next to his lost brother (see last picture)

Edited by Whitescar

Hey all!

Thanks Bjorn! :)

So here it is the finished army in all its glory!
It was hard to take pictures the army was so big i couldn't fit it on one table so my photo setup was kinda useless.
Thanks for all the nice words when i was doing this project it helped me to get motivated again when i was dreaming at night about lighting and bats haha!

Anyway here are the pictures!

  • 2 months later...

Hey all, its been a while! 

Very busy with my personal life and had a much needed break from all the painting madness.... but im back in the game!
Have been painting a pretty big warmachine army (sorry cant show that here) but also some other warhammer stuff like these knights:
And some Tau: 

Next up im working on a heresy 1k sons army and some Nova marines! :)

  • 1 year later...
Hey all!


It has been a very long time since i have posted anything here!

But im not dead, i just build myself a house and a new studio in the meantime and everything is finished and im back working like a madman! :)


Since i have been out for a long time id like to start back fresh with this years work!


Some Mechanicum knights:



Stay tuned for more updates! :)


More stuff finished! :)


House Makabius Knights:


Mechanicum Prophyrion:
Heresy Iron warriors:
  • 3 weeks later...
Hi everyone,


More stuff painted in the meanwhile, here we go:


Heresy Night Lords reinforcements:



Heresy space wolf reinforcements:



Forgeworld Scorpion in classic candy red:



Start of a Massive Tau army


  • 1 month later...
Another update! :)


Finished the first part of the Tau commission more coming by the end of this year!


Individual pictures:



Groupshot of the full army so far:


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