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Scar's 40k and Pre heresy Painting log

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Hey all,


I can finally show you guys the scenery i have painted for Mantic Miniatures!

These buildings are all customizable and they are really nice kits, i was pretty impressed with them tbh!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Cheers guys!

Finally got my bases in so here and rebased the already painted models i had done!
Here are some pictures of them and a picture of the Armies on parade display im working on for the night lords:

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Hey all!

More work on the reaver!

Also finished Guilliman:

And some more mch for the deathguard mech army:

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  • 3 weeks later...
Hey all!!
Thanks guys!

For the night lords i made my own mixture from imperial blue (vallejo game air range) and mixed with white to make several highlights.
THe marble i did with washes fist i strayed a creme color on the base then i sprayed white making sure the creme was still visible at some spots.
Then i striped with agrax earth shade, sepia, and nihilakh oxide. after that i drybrushed really light with pure white to make them not to hard.
It's kinda hard to explain hope it helps!
It took some time but i finished Angron and Khârn on their display bases and another warhound for a dark mech army that's coming up on commission soon!
Angron and his display base:
Khârn and his display base:
Dark mechanicum warhound:
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Hey Everyone!

millest: Pins and glue! :smile.:

Finished the 1st bacth of this mechanicum army:


Also working on a Space Hulk set and finished the terminators already:

Edited by Whitescar
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  • 3 weeks later...
Hey Everyone!


Been working hard on my Armies on parade display for this year and it's finally finished (just a few small touch ups to do).

It's a display for my Night Lords army with the title ''Thramas Crusade'' where the night lords fought the dark angels.

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