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DG mix project


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Hi. Not sure where this should go. But I am building my new DG army. However nothing is in stone do to the new book being out soon. So far I have only order 25x marines in the mark V Hersey armor. And the greater daemons look cool as hell. Mainly the. Bloodletter.


So my plan ( obviously waiting on new dex) but would be to find a way to add the bloodletter to the army. I don't want to play demons. But however that model would make a great center pice. Is it practical or even possabile to build a list and toss that model in it?


So far just speculating on my list but I am thinking on the flowing.




2-3 x7 plague marine sq melta and plasma

1-2 sq of bezerkers


Either mon bikes or terminators


Now tryying to fit in to 1850.


I would really like mix a equal force of korne and death guard. Hoping I can do that.

Can trying to build a anvil and hammer style army.


Now not playing chaos sense late 4th I know a lot has changed and even more is going to change once our dex comes out. So unsure if my plans are even going to be legal rule wise. But any avice from the more veteran players would be great.

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Bloodletters are just the Khorne daemon troops, are you sure you don't mean a Bloodthirster?


If that's the case, then you can use daemons as allies, and take a Bloodthirster as your Allied detachment HQ, and 1 squad of 5 Bloodletters for 330 points (that's without any gifts etc.).


Rumour has it that there will be no daemons at all in the next codex, or I would've brought up that you could just use it as a summoned greater daemon (which isn't a very good unit, in my opinion).

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I've written about 3 completely different lists in my head based on the rumors for the new codex ... glad I'm not the only one.


Since 1 HP, and 1 Troop is the minimum ally requirement, you will have to grab some Bloodletters along with your Bloodthirster as Circus Nurgling mentioned. Going to the minimum number of Bloodletters is one option. Alternately, you could replace one of your Berserker squads with a slightly larger squad of daemons. Keep in mind, as rumors suggest, Berserkers without a Khorne-marked Lord will be Elites, so upping your troops to 4 squads with the daemons is actually not a bad idea (zombies may not be scoring units), especially considering the similarities between the 'Letters and 'Zerkers.


With the lists I've had in mind, I'm going to fully embrace allies to provide more varied, and potentially cheaper troop options, amongst other things. One will need to keep in mind that allies can basically replace some of the slots you'd normally include in your primary detachment (not in the force org, obviously, but all those non-mandatory slots can be filled by allies instead of your own 'dex).


Good luck with the list dreaming! I know I can't wait to see how it all plays out for real.

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Thank's and yeah I totally miss typed that I ment to bloodthirster, seeing how that is the FW model I have been eyeing for a while.


And while letters would good sub in for berzerks. I heard all about how greater daemon units suck and are over priced. But like I said having played sense around 4th.


It's kinda of ridiculous I have all ready fiuger out how I am going to convert the bloodthirster and not even sure if I can use it. Just the though of that model scuming to plage the conversion are endless.


Zombies will be interesting to what role they play.


But yeah list building before the new dex is out, is a building sand castles, once reality hits it's all over.

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My great unclean one usually wrecks shop, I don't know what you've been hearing. Maybe they were talking about the greater daemon units in the CSM codex? If we're talking named character type greater daemons, I'm with you. Bloodthirsters are winged monstrous creatures now, and they have a whole page of new rules to play with outside of their baseline rules. Try it out as a daemon, you might like it. The main complaints I have about that [daemons] codex is having to keep half of your forces in reserve (but don't get me started on that) and the real lack of ranged attacks (which really can be solved by proper use of winged monstrous creatures and some decent terrain/cover). If they could assault after deepstriking, it'd be a different story.


Khorne and Nurgle make a nice team in both codices, imo.

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Yeah they do work well together. It's close to impossible to shift dg from a object. Now if the rumors hold about the blight grenades that would be great. Slow them down keep double tapping them. Than switch to bolt pistol and cc and charge in. Posin is going to be great boost. Let's hope we get to keep bolt pistols. And boost to cover save is going to huge.


But yeah I am probly going to run the bloodthirster from the daemon dex, cause he seams to be better choice. As far as berzerks going to the elite spots that's fine with me. DG are more soild choice.


Thanks for the imput guys. This site is great for helping some one get back in to the game.

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