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BA Captain Armour

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I've noticed that all the BA special characters who are captains (Tycho, Dante) have gold armour. From a fluff perspective, is this what a BA captain should wear -- gold?



Gold should be special. No other BA captain image I've ever seen from GW had them gold.

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I've noticed that all the BA special characters who are captains (Tycho, Dante) have gold armour. From a fluff perspective, is this what a BA captain should wear -- gold?



Gold should be special. No other BA captain image I've ever seen from GW had them gold.


You need to go back abit my friend. Back in the day (Rogue trader and 2nd ed) Gold armour was the fashion for BA captains. The original BA captain model was all gold and had a deathmask, but we are going back a fair few years now.

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Seems to me a chapter master would wear gold, especially? I've been searching through the forum and one of the gents who does Lamenters did Malakim Phoros in gold and said that the Imperial Armour books specify him as wearing gold armour.


Not a true Son of Sanguinius, however!



As a general statement, BA Captains wear what you want them to wear. However, going by the most current fluff, only some characters/officers in the Blood Angels Legion wear gold - Dante, Tycho and the Sanguinary Guard - because they have artificer armour. Since our Captains don't get artificer armour, one could argue that they armour wouldn't be gold.


In the end, do what floats your boat. My Captain's armour is red with gold adornments(on the helmet, axe, IP and the shoulders) since I felt that too much gold was a little over the top.






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I've noticed that all the BA special characters who are captains (Tycho, Dante) have gold armour. From a fluff perspective, is this what a BA captain should wear -- gold?



Gold should be special. No other BA captain image I've ever seen from GW had them gold.


You need to go back abit my friend. Back in the day (Rogue trader and 2nd ed) Gold armour was the fashion for BA captains. The original BA captain model was all gold and had a deathmask, but we are going back a fair few years now.

I agree with this statement. I also remember the time when gold armour was in every Blood Angel Captains wardrobe.


- EgoDraconumNigrorum

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It seems Gold is linked to elite troops, I seem to remember Vanguard Vets and Sternguard have Gold Helmets no?


In the end I believe in painting them as you see them, every persons blood angels are a bit different, different red, different shoulder trim etc, as the fluff has changed over the years.

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Thanks for the input, everyone.


Snorri: why do you say that Malakim Phoros is not a true son of Sanguinius?


He's a Lamenter. I know, the Lamenters have quite some fanbase here, and I'm going to get some flaming for that, but in my eyes, the Lamenters don't deserve the title of the Sons of Sanguinius. Their armour is yellow with little to no red(which is the major point), then they doomed the whole chapter even more whehn trying to 'fix' the flaw, their whole background is about their crying (=lamentation) of how they got their asses handed to them by the Minotaurs, and finally they didn't respond when Baal was under attack of Deamons, 'Nids and an Ork Waaaagh. Even the Knights of Blood showed up, and they have been excommunicated by the High Lords of Terra! Now THAT'S dedication and true brotherhood.


Basically, the Lamenters have tried to stay apart from their Progenitor Legion, by every single means. They are no Blood Angels' descendants in my eyes, but marines of lesser status.




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My understanding is that all contact with the Lamenters was lost as of 992.M41 after their "encounter" with Hive Fleet Kraken. The invasion of Baal by Hive Fleet Leviathan et al. was in 999.M41 so I don't think it's fair to say the Lamenters refused to help -- they were probably all dead or at least had no way of being contacted by their parent chapter. Also, their fluff seems to indicate that they've been shunned by their brothers not the other way around.


I'm not trying to flame you, though, Snorri -- I think your view is valid and in the fluff is probably shared by many a Blood Angel.


I personally like the Lamenters, although not their colour scheme. Last night I was thinking about making my own BA descendents of the Lamenters. I originally thought that only the First Founding chapters had successors, but as I was reading on the Badab War I saw that the Astral Claws have a successor chapter, and then discovered that lots of subsequent founding chapters have their own direct descendents.

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Their armour is yellow with little to no red(which is the major point)


Personally I've always been disappointed by the Blood Angels - a chapter reknowned for their artistry - almost complete lack of originality when it comes to successors. Every other legion that was split spawned chapters of different colours during the 2nd Founding: yellow Imperial Fists spawned blue & red and black & white (and *cough* purple & gold *cough*), even the cold heartless Iron Hands and unthinkingly dogmatic sons of Guilliman spawned a veritable rainbow of successors, yet all the sons of Sanguinius can come up with is red-red-red.. tho of course artistry doesn't mean creativity..


Ultramarine: "It is said that the Blood Angels are artists without peer."

Blood Angel: "That is so Brother. Allow me to demonstrate."

*paints the Mona Lisa*

Ultramarine: "That is truly breathtaking, I am astonished than an Astartes could possess such skill. Pray tell could you paint something else?"

Blood Angel: "Why certainly."

*paints the Mona Lisa again*

Ultramarine: "Your skill still amazes me, tho what I mean't was could you paint something different."

Blood Angel: "Oh my mistake"

*paints the Mona Lisa AGAIN*

Ultramarine: "Thank you Brother, but, I meant, could you paint something.. other than the Mona Lisa?"

Blood Angel: "I don't understand..?"


I must say I cling to the hope that the Angels Porphyr will one day be fluffed out as a Blood Angel successor..



I don't believe it was ever set in stone that ALL Captains had to wear gold, any more than it was set in stone that all Ultramarine Captains had to wear a brush on their hat. In 1st edition you had the pre-Tycho fella on the cover of the RT Compilation in Gold (who may have been the Chapter Master or 1st Company Captain), the Terminator squad Blood Angel Captain who was in red, and the Space Crusade 'Captain Supremus' who was in white. In 2nd edition you've got the red armoured captain on the cover of the boxed game as well as the red armoured boss dude on the cover of EPIC 40k, then in 3rd edition you've got Leonatos of Bloodquest fame as well as the fella with Storm Bolter in the codex.

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1) Their armour is yellow with little to no red(which is the major point),

2) then they doomed the whole chapter even more whehn trying to 'fix' the flaw,

3) their whole background is about their crying (=lamentation) of how they got their asses handed to them by the Minotaurs,

4) and finally they didn't respond when Baal was under attack of Deamons, 'Nids and an Ork Waaaagh. Even the Knights of Blood showed up, and they have been excommunicated by the High Lords of Terra! Now THAT'S dedication and true brotherhood.


5)Basically, the Lamenters have tried to stay apart from their Progenitor Legion, by every single means. They are no Blood Angels' descendants in my eyes, but marines of lesser status.

Apologies for chopping the quote but it makes my life a bit easier to pick out the points.


1) As Vodunius has already pointed out this is a bit on the meaningless side. Quite apart from the fact that the Death Company might have as little red on their armour as a Lamentor (are you saying 'they' arent Sons of Sanguinius?), this is your own bias.

2) The attempt to 'fix' the flaw happened before they even existed. Arguably the Bllod Angels were at least partially responsible for whatever happened to their geneseed (ref IA 9) - a bit harsh to fault them for somethign that definately happened before they existed.

3) Guess again. they were called the Lamentors prior to the Badab conflict, so how is their eventual defeat by the Minotaurs relevant to their name? The Adeptus Sororitas who repaired their Chapter Banner after the Badab conflict wept while they did so at the thought that noble sons of the Emperor could fall so low as to nearly rebel against their liege.

4) As pointed out by Nicodemus, they had already been out of contact before the attack on Baal. So how are they to know that Baal is under attack? Maybe the Inquisitors hwo are 'supervising' them decided that they are not worthy to help defend Baal (and decided not to let them know about it/censoring their astropathic contacts).

5) They were stationed a fair way away from Baal. And we dont know how close they were to start with. Or if they were a direct descendant of the BA's or came from the Angels Sanguine or some other descendant. And it seems a fair guess that if the BA's were responsible for whatever curse ails them that they might not exactly feel like bestest buddies with the people who dumped a big pile of excrement on their shoulders for th erest of ever and then promptly left them to deal with the clean-up... Is it even worse that the Blood Angels may not actually know what happened to them at Badab?

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No, it's WHITE:



I'll definitely paint my second captain white, though I painted my Counts-As Tycho Red/Gold in Captain Gabriel Angelos's colors:


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Sexy white armor!


- Who are those guys on the right they're fighting?! (top box)


Also, nice Counts as Tycho, looks cool. ;)


I converted my old Tycho model to have a power fist and painted him gold, I thought it worked nicely.


I might have to copy that Counts as one to use as actual Tycho now, haha.



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Sexy white armor!


- Who are those guys on the right they're fighting?! (top box)




they were chaos androids, kind of pre necron necrons. they were really close to what the 1st metal necrons were when they came a few years later. there were also genestealers, chaos renegades (marines) and gretchin with blunderbus :) happy days


had it not been for FW's amazing apothecary set my SP would have been made from nipple guard like the IA ones..... but i love the FW ones too much

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Their armour is yellow with little to no red(which is the major point)


Personally I've always been disappointed by the Blood Angels - a chapter reknowned for their artistry - almost complete lack of originality when it comes to successors. Every other legion that was split spawned chapters of different colours during the 2nd Founding: yellow Imperial Fists spawned blue & red and black & white (and *cough* purple & gold *cough*), even the cold heartless Iron Hands and unthinkingly dogmatic sons of Guilliman spawned a veritable rainbow of successors, yet all the sons of Sanguinius can come up with is red-red-red.. tho of course artistry doesn't mean creativity..





I know what you mean, but I dare to disagree with your points.

However, the fact why every other successor chapter has red as a dominant colour can have it's origins somewhere else. Let's have a look at the Imperial Fists, to stay with your first example. They Legion's colour was yellow, and different successor chapters wear completely different colours on their armour. Their bond with the Primarch is different than the Blood Angels'. Rogal Dorn was a master tactician, and his numerous ranks spoke of his qualities, no matter what. The geneseed of the Imperial Fists is one of the most stable and uncorrupted, only second to the Ultramarines, and therefore there's no reason for changing the armour's looks of the successor chapters in order to connect them with the founding legion. This was done by taking the heraldy of the Imperial Fists or the Emperor's Champion Sigismund.

Not sure about the Soul Drinkers, though.


The Blood Angels have suffered serious injuries during the Heresy after Sanguinius died. It was always known that the initiation ritual was induced through drinking his blood from the Red Grail. Take that, the Legion's name and you have a very strong focus on blood, not purely bloodshed or vampirism, but simply the life-juice of every living human being. After the Heresy was ended with Horus death, Sanginius slain and the Blood Angels's geneseed flawed, the Legion was split up into successors. It's only a reasonable choice to include red, the colour of blood, of the Angel himself and the Legion, as your dominant colour. That was before the flaw was discovered.


3 successor chapters were of the second founding, 2 of unkown and one chapter of the 21. founding. Every single one has red as a dominant colour in order to honour the primarch Sanguinius, his sacrafice for humanity and the Imperium. Only one chapter, where the geneseed was mixed together with other chapters' seed, did not take on these colours. By that, the Lamenters deny their heritage in my eyes and are not proper Sons of Sanguinius.





Apologies for chopping the quote but it makes my life a bit easier to pick out the points.

No problem.


1) As Vodunius has already pointed out this is a bit on the meaningless side. Quite apart from the fact that the Death Company might have as little red on their armour as a Lamentor (are you saying 'they' arent Sons of Sanguinius?), this is your own bias.


I probably answered this one in the paragraph above!


2) The attempt to 'fix' the flaw happened before they even existed. Arguably the Bllod Angels were at least partially responsible for whatever happened to their geneseed (ref IA 9) - a bit harsh to fault them for somethign that definately happened before they existed.

From what I know, the geneseed was mixed with the geneseed of other chapters in order to cure the flaw, and that the Lamenters were of the doomed founding and had always a strain of tough luck. There was an Index Astartes article on the very old GW site, I'm not sure if it's still existent in the webz. In that article, I believe, it was said that because of the apparent 'cure' for the flaw, no need to field a Death Company ever emerged for the Lamenters.


The Blood Angels were responsible for donating their geneseed to the Senate, like every other Space Marine chapter in order to scan it for purity or mutation.


3) Guess again. they were called the Lamentors prior to the Badab conflict, so how is their eventual defeat by the Minotaurs relevant to their name? The Adeptus Sororitas who repaired their Chapter Banner after the Badab conflict wept while they did so at the thought that noble sons of the Emperor could fall so low as to nearly rebel against their liege.


I didn't make that one clear, I'm afraid. Of course, their defeat can't have any relevance to their name at all, or else we'd be talking about dark and foul witchcraft!

I was trying to say that the background of the Lamenters eventually is brought down to the Badab conflict(why not, it's a great story!) but yet they appear to be wimps, to be honest.

There was that article about the doomed chapters, as mentioned above, and it was said under the Lamenter's entry that the enemy would need to make some sort of test(LD? not sure right now...) in order to overcome the Lamenter's aura of sadness. When your whole appearance as a Space Marine of the Emperor is making enemies cry so hard they struggle to attack you, I have bad news for ya. :lol:


4) As pointed out by Nicodemus, they had already been out of contact before the attack on Baal. So how are they to know that Baal is under attack? Maybe the Inquisitors hwo are 'supervising' them decided that they are not worthy to help defend Baal (and decided not to let them know about it/censoring their astropathic contacts).


Well, those are possibilities. My view is only a possibility as well. The short paragraph about how Dante sent help requests to all of the successors and the Lamenters were the only ones not to respond made me view them in a different light. I didn't like them from begining, but at that point I openly despised them. Probably a bit too harsh, yes, but that's how I roll.


Maybe you're right, maybe I am, maybe neither of us is, and something else is closer to the truth. It's a shame we can't find out, I'd really like to know why the didn't send help - unless they were already extinct. In that case, this accusation I will take back.


5) They were stationed a fair way away from Baal. And we dont know how close they were to start with. Or if they were a direct descendant of the BA's or came from the Angels Sanguine or some other descendant. And it seems a fair guess that if the BA's were responsible for whatever curse ails them that they might not exactly feel like bestest buddies with the people who dumped a big pile of excrement on their shoulders for th erest of ever and then promptly left them to deal with the clean-up... Is it even worse that the Blood Angels may not actually know what happened to them at Badab?


I see your attempt at gathering pity for their fate, but I can tell you that I have none. They are Space Marines of the Emperor, and their geneseed was connected to Sanguinius. They have duties towards their progenitor Legion, as do all successors. The Flesh Tearers weren't standing close to the Blood Angels either but they showed up. They were, in fact, almost outlawed and declared heretic because of their bloody assaults on allied forces. They remembered that the blood bond is the most important thing for a true descendant of Sanguinius and aided the Blood Angels.


Does it matter what anyone knows? From a imperial point of view, the Lamenters did turn against imperial forces and fought with heretics. No matter what the Blood Angels would have known at that point, not even their influence could save the Lamenters from being forced to take a 100 year penitence crusade.


I'm not sure on this, but are successor chapters allowed to have successors themselves, or are new chapters generated from one of the original Legions?






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I'm not sure on this, but are successor chapters allowed to have successors themselves, or are new chapters generated from one of the original Legions?


I'm still pretty new to Space Marines fluff, but it seems that successor chapters are allowed to have successors themselves, just from the "successors of successors" I was able to find on Lexicanum. Just a few examples:


Tiger Claws = successors of the Astral Claws

Marines Errant = successors of Eagle Warriors

Mantis Warriors = successors of Marauders

Iron Champions = Executioners successors

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