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are dreadknights stength 10 now?

like the lion

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in 5th edition dreadknights were only strength 6 because a dreadnought cc weapon only doubled your strength if you were a walker and dreadknights are monstrous creatures. in the 6th ed rulebook under dreanought cc weapon it only says strength x2 and nothing about being a walker. are they strength 10 now? if so thats nasty considering they get 2d6 armor penetration for being MC.
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Note that they're only S10 when using their DCCWs or Daemonhammers, the greatsword still makes them S6. But with the greatsword you can smash to be S10 again, just with less attacks.
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Though there is no actual reason to 'use' the greatsword in close combat. You can 'use' the DCCW and still reroll to hit, to wound, and AP rolls. Huzzah for the wording! :P
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Though there is no actual reason to 'use' the greatsword in close combat. You can 'use' the DCCW and still reroll to hit, to wound, and AP rolls. Huzzah for the wording! :rolleyes:

While the RAW is indisputable, I suspect I'd get a suspicious, sideways glance were I to try and leverage this local to myself, haha. <3


I recommend bringing this up before putting the NDK on the table, juuuuuuust in case. :cuss

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The Nemesis Daemon Hammer is now essentially a poor choice, because:


1. NDH follows the Thunder Hammer rules and is therefore a "specialist weapon" and prevents you gaining the extra attack.

2. NDCCW makes the NDK Strength 10 anyway, with a bonus attack, this is included in the base points,

3. NGS gives you the option of rerolls on anything where you don't need Strength 10, (so up to T5, and single wounds or Eternal Warrior) and still lets you gain an attack, and this is assuming that you can't claim the re-rolls with the S10 fist.



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It's really not that iffy at all; 40k players are just unused to rules working this way. In WHFB (written exactly the same), there'd be no questioning it that you'd use the S10 DCCW with the benefits of the NGS. It's an item that bestows a special rule, whether it's in use or not. But I guess that's neither here nor there as far as this discussion goes. :)
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