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Sorcerer Lords- TDA or not?

Lord Morgrim

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I prefer to run my sorcerer with normal power armour just because I am not a fan of terminator armour usually run him with mark of Nurgle, Nurgles rot, Wind of Chaos and familiar. Hopefully in the new Codex Sorcerers can get cooler powers and wargear.
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What other units do you have on the field?


If you have or are planning on fielding a squad of Terminators, then by all means, a Sorc Lord in TDA can be useful. However, once in TDA, he can't ride a Rhino, and is rather Bulky in a Land Raider, limiting him once his boots hit the board to what PA units he can run with impunity.

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Mine's got terminator armor, a familiar (or MoTz if I'm feeling fancy), doombolt, and wind of chaos, and deep strikes with a terminator squad. Does alright, provided he and his unit land early enough, and I've got a forward icon in place for them, though I usually field a prince instead. Haven't tried him with the new psyker rules, though, as I'm holding off on playing chaos marines until the new book hits.
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A sorcerer with lash in TDA in a terminator squad can be very useful. Just bring an enemy unit closer and enjoy a turn 2/3 charge. :lol:
Given how slow Termies on foot can be, this is what I recommend as well.

Tis' also great to lash defenders into the open/off objectives.

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Keep in mind before converting or painting a slaaneshi sorcerer purely for the lash that rumors are suggesting that it won't exist in the new book, which is theoretically only two to three months out.
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Keep in mind before converting or painting a slaaneshi sorcerer purely for the lash that rumors are suggesting that it won't exist in the new book, which is theoretically only two to three months out.


Yeah, 'cause heaven forbid Chaos gets a powerful spell . . . GK get Hammerhand that they can cast on themselves multiple times, Njal's storm shenanigans, JoWW, ect . . . /end rant.

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I just run a basic one in power armour. Last game I just gave him.... Doom Bolt. Rolled on the pyro table for the lulz, got immolation. I generally run him as a telepath though.


The reason for this is that I generally play against Eldar, and the only reason for bringing a psycher vs Eldar is to improve one DtW roll against Doom. Unless you manage to kill Eldrad really quick, though this is much harder than you might think (3++ rorollable save).


For more general play, I would give him a familiar, mark of Slaanesh (hey, the old SM librarian got +1 I from his familiar!) and Lash. That's +25 pts for +1 I and one extra roll on the table. If you actually want to use Lash, I think he should be painted and modelled as a Slaanesh Sorcerer though.


Or you could go all out and give him the mark of Tzeentch and Warptime , but that´s +55 pts for lvl 2 and a 4++ save. Being lvl 2 gives you access to some cool warp charge 2 powers, and that could be fun. You still get two rolls, so you have a good chance of getting what you want.

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I run mine in TDA with a Mark of Tzeentch. Having the extra power and the 2+/4++ saves are quite nice. Not to mention the other bonuses with the weapon AP changes that came with this addition. Granted it's not cheap, but it's effective imho.


Good Luck whichever way you decide to go with yours...



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