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daemon allies for Word Bearers?

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I have a question on daemon allied too, about daemon troops. What are the choices good for? Is it worth going for any of them, or would it be better to fill in the slot with the minimal number of nurglings to get to the elites/hq slots?
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I have played a few games with my Daemons so far.


Herald of Khorne on a Chariot

x7 Plaguebearers

x6 Fiends

x9 Screamers


I run this exact list in my 1501+ lists every time and have had very good results. The abuse that the two wound models and plaguebearers can take really make it stand up vs any type of fire out there, the mobility that they bring to the board is amazing, and then the fact that they all can charge any target i need and not have to be "Specialized" is really a life saver.


Herald is str 7 on the charge with a power sword, also gets a D6 HoW attacks, then his normal 5 attacks.

Plaguebearers are more for objective holding and trying to bog something down for a turn or two.

Fiends just mow down anything they charge, and being immune to terrain is a big big deal.

Screamers are in the same boat as the Fiends except that they are much much faster about it. Being able to deepstrike in and then turbo boost 24" is just not even right.


The fact that three of the units that are meant to do damage can charge any other unit in the game and have close to the same results makes them very versatile and are able to interchange their "parts". As a Word Bearer player I obviously had to represent each chaos god equally, favored numbers for more flavor. I think the total points come out to around 610 or so, in my 1750 or 1850 games which i play most it is about 1/3rd of my army.

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i think that word bearers would use what ever daemon would do the job best, they just dont prefer any specific type. in the word bearers omnibus he summons a load of slanneshi daemons without summoning any others. i dont think that they are looking for perfect balance all of the time, just worshiping them all equally as a whole.
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Herald of Khorne on a Chariot

x7 Plaguebearers

x6 Fiends

x9 Screamers

Nice lack of favouritism! Has it been hard resisting the call of the Flamers?



Yes it has, especially since I have 9 painted up I used to use back in our 3.5 Codex. I have been "Proxying" the flamers as screamers to get a feel for if I actually want to buy the model or not. I am in the camp of "They are beastly and will buy some". The only issue with the flamers is that intial deepstrike in, you are never going to be able to get a mass of flamer templates off, and you have to deepstrike so close that you are going to eat a mass of small arms fire (probably in the open). The screamers you can summon wherever and with the 24" move, you can move them to a safe position. That is really what does it for me.

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i think that word bearers would use what ever daemon would do the job best, they just dont prefer any specific type. in the word bearers omnibus he summons a load of slanneshi daemons without summoning any others. i dont think that they are looking for perfect balance all of the time, just worshiping them all equally as a whole.


I agree to a certain extent. It is like having a swiss army knife vs having a dagger. The dagger is better at doing one thing, but not better at doing anything else. I prefer to have the all-comers list, instead of tailoring my list to who I am playing at that moment. Just a personal preference.

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The only issue with the flamers is that intial deepstrike in, you are never going to be able to get a mass of flamer templates off, and you have to deepstrike so close that you are going to eat a mass of small arms fire (probably in the open).

Yep, I hear that. I've heard of lots of small groups working well, but unfortunately Allies doesn't give you enough slots. The screamers look lovely and weird though so they work just as well!

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The only issue with the flamers is that intial deepstrike in, you are never going to be able to get a mass of flamer templates off, and you have to deepstrike so close that you are going to eat a mass of small arms fire (probably in the open).

Yep, I hear that. I've heard of lots of small groups working well, but unfortunately Allies doesn't give you enough slots. The screamers look lovely and weird though so they work just as well!


I can see them being really good in a pure Daemon army. You can actually take a full unit and be a little more patient with them since you can have them come on the first time (in most games), a full unit of these getting their flamer attacks off (which shouldnt be an issue since they are jump infantry) should be fairly devestating to anything they target. Just better hope you kill the unit, cause they get locked into combat and their effectiveness goes down the drain lol.


The bigger issue is they are competing for a spot with Fiends, who are still very very good and just as resilient.


Playing with my old daemons i had from all the previous editions of the Chaos Codex was a great feeling, i hope others get as much satisfaction of running their Daemons with their Chaos Space Marines as i did. Has been a long five years :lol:

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