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Flyers coming in from any table edge?


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I guess the "confusion" (which is what led me to this post), is that "in a turn in which a flyer enters reserve from board, it can do so facing any direction." Apparently someone I play with is interpreting the RAW as the flyer can come on from any edge, facing whatever way they want. I take it to read that it can come in from the player's edge, facing any direction toward playing area (since it can't leave the turn it comes in - but I can't "prove" his interpretation is wrong RAW, any help?
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I guess the "confusion" (which is what led me to this post), is that "in a turn in which a flyer enters reserve from board, it can do so facing any direction." Apparently someone I play with is interpreting the RAW as the flyer can come on from any edge, facing whatever way they want. I take it to read that it can come in from the player's edge, facing any direction toward playing area (since it can't leave the turn it comes in - but I can't "prove" his interpretation is wrong RAW, any help?


Can he prove his interpretation is right though?

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If it doesn't say "Any edge you want", the simplest and safest assumption is that it comes off the board as all other Reserves do: from the controlling player's table edge. (I don't have my book in hand, so it may say otherwise, but I don't remember that being the case.)
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I guess the "confusion" (which is what led me to this post), is that "in a turn in which a flyer enters reserve from board, it can do so facing any direction." Apparently someone I play with is interpreting the RAW as the flyer can come on from any edge, facing whatever way they want. I take it to read that it can come in from the player's edge, facing any direction toward playing area (since it can't leave the turn it comes in - but I can't "prove" his interpretation is wrong RAW, any help?


I don't have my rulebook to hand, but doesn't it say that flyers enter play following the rules for Reserves?


Reserve states that you come on from YOUR edge - ergo I don't see how he can think he can arrive from any edge.


Facing isn't a board edge, it's the direction that the model is... well... facing :cuss


I think he's trying to stuff you :rolleyes:

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It's kinda hard to argue with:


"Flyers must begin the game as Reserves - ..."


"When a Reserves unit arrives, it must move fully onto the table from the controlling player's own table edge."



This means you pick a point from the table edge and go straight forward in the direction of your choice. For instance, you cannot possibly have it pointed toward your own table edge, as you would never arrive. Basically, you have a 178 degree range of direction that you can go onto the table, and it must be from your board edge. That's book-bolding too, not even my own.

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PS - the flyer has to come straight on, no turns during or at the end (turns are before moving). Also, cannot exit the same turn it enters.


Partly incorrect. The flyer has to come onto the board form the long table edge (unless it is able to outflank) in a straight line, that much is true. But the angle of approach can be anything the controlling player likes. If they want to measure from a particular point 18-36" and at an 30 degree angle from the board edge, that's perfectly legal.

Also, since the rules allow the flyer to be facing any direction it likes, you can conceivably move the flyer onto the board and have it end its move facing any direction at all. If you want it to Zoom onto the board and end up facing back towards that board edge, that's perfectly legal. It's not until after the arrival turn that it is bound by the 90 degree pivot before moving, and none after moving.

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It's 100% correct; a straight line can be in any direction in the 178 degree forward arc from a point on the table.


And like I pointed out, no, you cannot possibly be facing your board edge at the end of the move, unless you're moving in Hover mode.

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PS - the flyer has to come straight on, no turns during or at the end (turns are before moving). Also, cannot exit the same turn it enters.


Partly incorrect. The flyer has to come onto the board form the long table edge (unless it is able to outflank) in a straight line, that much is true. But the angle of approach can be anything the controlling player likes. If they want to measure from a particular point 18-36" and at an 30 degree angle from the board edge, that's perfectly legal.

Also, since the rules allow the flyer to be facing any direction it likes, you can conceivably move the flyer onto the board and have it end its move facing any direction at all. If you want it to Zoom onto the board and end up facing back towards that board edge, that's perfectly legal. It's not until after the arrival turn that it is bound by the 90 degree pivot before moving, and none after moving.

Sorry Shiny, but no.


"To represent its limited maneuverability, a Zooming Flyer can only make a single pivot on the spot of up to 90' before it moves. Thereafter, it must move directly forwards in a straight line. In a turn in which a Flyer enters the board from reserve, it can do so facing any direction you wish, providing that the resulting move will not carry it off the board again.", BRB, Pg.80.


There is no way for a model to make a pre-move pivot on the spot until it is on the table - that's what the "facing any direction" part of the instructions is for. But then the Flyer is still bound to move straight forward, which can only happen if the model is facing onto the table. So a Flyer can't be "facing any direction at all". It must be facing in the direction it moved, because it must move in the direction it is facing.

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Well then, I stand corrected. I read that line as an exception to the first turn arrival, and jumped to the conclusion that it could end its move facing any direction. I see now that the "enters from reserve" and "any direction you wish" are linked, and not separate parts of the same rule.


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