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True noise marines

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It's really hard to define something like this. I guess I've always tried to understand what it is over the years. The music involvement, mostly with Fulgrim the novel and the opera segments. Which might bore some but I think some of you would find this a bit interesting. I like opera myself a little. There is a diva known as Katherine Jenkins. Whom for the most part is still young but many opera enthusest think she sings like *remove*. But she also is very very attractive. So if she sings like *remove* and shes attractive....... you can see where I'm going with this if your interested in seeing her...


Opera is defiantly up there, I think it is the gawdy over the top style Slaanesh enjoys from what Graham McNeill tried to hint or put out. Dubstep I totally agree with specifically the song 'She likes to party'.

Now I'm laughing cause I just started playing both at the same time(Making sure they are the right links). This is an interesting experience. Anyway... I think Opera and heavy bass music really are a good mix. Though I also have a semi feeling that... a Dark Ambient or a Dark Trance. Would also be very in line as well. It has that Eriee'ness that Slaanesh has in an aura sense. I don't know why I feel that way it just seems fitting to include but I have nothing to show that I would say as good examples. The best I could say is Silent Hill 1 OST specifically Silent Hill 1. I don't know why, but that's the best I could say that would be a decent example but not a good one. Maybe Not Tomorrow 2 stuff like that but more refined.
I think a lot of music could hold Slaanesh aspects but it depends how they are made. Also what defines it, its a hard to pin down but its fun to try and figure it out. I think anything that overwhelms the senses continually is good. Though I think when a person listens to music they get adjusted to a song and it becomes not so effective so you need more to re-sensitize yourself as a noise marine would. Anyway! Happy Autiomancy!

-Sincerely Viridian
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I'm just going to call it, the answer is, and will always be, heavy metal. Every single time there's a poll regarding armies and music, the responses are always flooded by people suggesting black/heavy/scream/industrial metal, regardless of the actual army, except for Eldar.
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Well so far we all seem to agree (except roy... uh...) that what ever it is there must be a discordant techno remix associated with it. So if metal (meh) then metal remix!


In a previous similar thread someone suggested angel spit. It's a good start, as someone who makes the street thump when I drive by and takes in more stimulants than should be legallh allowed I must say angel spit is pretty stimulating lol. But hey it's taste, a long time ago when I started this game noise marines where guitarists, then they became spikey and largely deformed, now they are sleek and have many speakers...


It may not seem like much to some, but to me I think each era of noise marines has projected a certain image, new noise marines don't scream metal to me personally.

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They don't to me either, I'm just stating that that's the way these threads inevitably go. Hell, I've seen a thread about the best music for Dark Eldar, the sophisticated sadists, become an endless list of black and scream metal. 40k tends to attract people with certain musical tastes, who apparently don't have the widest range of music. 40k attracts metalheads, so they pick from the different sorts of metal.


Personally, with Slaanesh to me it's not so much just about the style, but how it's made. I can imagine the Emperors Children listening to sweeping symphonic orchestras performed with the sculpted corpses of their victims, stretched vocal chords becoming the strings, heart muscle the chords of a "piano", a harp formed from spread neural tissue. All of it still alive. All of it still screaming. The screams blended gracefully into the wider concerto. That is Slaanesh.

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  • 2 months later...
Well, I always thought that the name "Noise Marines" shows us pretty clearly what they are listening to. Older codexes described them as enjoying battlefield sounds. In Fulgrim there's a scene when Fulgrim talks to Horus and touches wall just to enjoy its texture. I think that they do not mean any kind of music, they like the sound, you know, lowest bass tones that makes your internal organs tremble, highest pitches that makes a strange feeling of something digging into your brain, or screams of dying victims, filled with emotions no actor will ever be able to show.
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Jedwood crossed with One Direction and Cliff Richard then combined with dull-sorry-dubstep. Truely the most torturous sound ever to be inflicted on any ears.
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I Imagine a cacophony of sound that cannot be encompassed into any form of music that can be understood as such by us mere mortals, I imagine a wall of sound that is terrible and amazing in the same instance, causing physical pain and joy at the same time, it would distort your take on reality and overload the sensory capability of your eyes ears brain and you could taste it, a sheer sensory overload exciting the molecules in your body to a bursting point and as the "music" overtakes you your body literally vibrates apart and your cellular structure breaks down turning you into a goopy mass of pleasure and pain......
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I Imagine a cacophony of sound that cannot be encompassed into any form of music that can be understood as such by us mere mortals, I imagine a wall of sound that is terrible and amazing in the same instance, causing physical pain and joy at the same time, it would distort your take on reality and overload the sensory capability of your eyes ears brain and you could taste it, a sheer sensory overload exciting the molecules in your body to a bursting point and as the "music" overtakes you your body literally vibrates apart and your cellular structure breaks down turning you into a goopy mass of pleasure and pain......
? :P
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