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True noise marines

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These kinds of threads are getting so old.

They always end up filled to the brim with kids who want to project their favorite bands.


AekoldHelbrass and jeremy1391 pretty much nailed it.

Noise Marines don't listen to, or wage war with any form of metal, dubstep, techno or whatever.

They use sonic weapons.


Imagine bursting your eardrums.

Now imagine that times a hundred.


Noise Marines.

Not Music Marines.

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  • 1 year later...

Well, I could easily say some form of metal as I play in a black metal band, but I think its been overdone. So Ill throw some random stuff into the mix.

Panacea (anti funk i think the album was called)

Some classical, the really moving stuff (beefoven tongue.png)




Grand Master Flash and the Furious Five - White Lines

At the Gates - Nausea

Duran Duran (mad world - Hungry Like the Wolf with some gut renching bass)

Random german techno

The Axis of Perdition

Blut Aus Nord

For pure bass metal, try Disma, blast that through a pa system turned up, I did, nearly :cuss myself.


But as the noise marines would be used to certain styles after a while (I find bands Ive listened to for a fair few years boring now) I see them as a mishmash of things, Champ with Doom Siren singing in a mix of opera and black metal (vision bleak anyone?), the Sonic Blasters shredding out some Carcass, Bit of Classical, some Euro pop, bit of Abruptum, Blast Masters banging out some double bass blastbeats and some techno/dubstep. each marine playing something totally different to the others...

Thinking about it, anybody near norfolk (england) wanna start a 'Noise Marine' band??? huh huh???biggrin.png

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  • 2 weeks later...

These kinds of threads are getting so old.

They always end up filled to the brim with kids who want to project their favorite bands.


AekoldHelbrass and jeremy1391 pretty much nailed it.

Noise Marines don't listen to, or wage war with any form of metal, dubstep, techno or whatever.

They use sonic weapons.


Imagine bursting your eardrums.

Now imagine that times a hundred.


Noise Marines.

Not Music Marines.


This right here. Anything approximating real music wouldn't be to their tastes; after all, "music" implies that it's pleasing to the sane and that's just not how they roll.

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I would think Dub Step Classical Music or Death Metal Clasical Music or maybe a bit of both tied in.


The original sonic weapons were actually musical insturments that Slaanesh worshippers at the concert used to summon demons during the performance. So I would assume the original music would be used still with some remix. That and being that it is gothic would still make sense of classical.

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  • 2 weeks later...

10,000 years of descent into depravity makes it quite likely that the "noise" has devolved well beyond actual music.

So dubstep then msn-wink.gif
Trap, you mean Trap my good fella. Yeah, its a Trap alright. woot.gif

Sorry...ment dullstep ;)

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I would think Dub Step Classical Music or Death Metal Clasical Music or maybe a bit of both tied in.

The original sonic weapons were actually musical insturments that Slaanesh worshippers at the concert used to summon demons during the performance. So I would assume the original music would be used still with some remix. That and being that it is gothic would still make sense of classical.

Making Noise Marines in to the power armored equivalent of a stereotypical 80s hair band should be one of Games Workshop's biggest embarrassments. Please leave the guitar equipped models in your mom's basement everyone. msn-wink.gif Noise Marines should be thought of as servants of chaos that use otherworldly weapons that unleash hellish sonic attacks generated from the Warp. Something between a cross of today's real sonic weapons and an Eli Roth movie.

10,000 years of descent into depravity makes it quite likely that the "noise" has devolved well beyond actual music.

So dubstep then msn-wink.gif

If we were on the loyalist boards I would say something along the lines of "PURGE THE HERETIC!!!" but I'll let it slide for now. msn-wink.gif

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Alec Empire and Atari Teenage Riot would be well up there on a Noise Marine's favourite R&R soundtrack, im sure. Certified riot music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ab7Dksqfnw .


Also, from what ive witnessed, "music" like gabba, hardcore techno, breakcore, speedcore etc. sends people pretty mad when played from deafening loud walls of speakers, and with the appropriate mix of stimms ;)


Id also chuck in some free jazz madness like Sun Ra, and early experimental electronic noise from the likes of Stockhausen and Cage.


Hello to everyone, btw.

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  • 2 months later...
Sorry but metal never rumbles in your bones the way some electronic music genres do. Well crafted dubstep has the effect that I would imagine noise marines would enjoy. I know controlled chaos is an oxymoron but that is the best way for me to describe the really good tracks. If its just chaos, then you get garbage dubstep, aka ugly noise.
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Sorry but metal never rumbles in your bones the way some electronic music genres do. Well crafted dubstep has the effect that I would imagine noise marines would enjoy. I know controlled chaos is an oxymoron but that is the best way for me to describe the really good tracks. If its just chaos, then you get garbage dubstep, aka ugly noise.

No such thing as good dubstep ;)


I have had a heavy Dillinja (drum & bass) tune cause havoc with my breathing thanks to the bass.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry but metal never rumbles in your bones the way some electronic music genres do. Well crafted dubstep has the effect that I would imagine noise marines would enjoy. I know controlled chaos is an oxymoron but that is the best way for me to describe the really good tracks. If its just chaos, then you get garbage dubstep, aka ugly noise.

try Disma, through a good sound system, loud, the bass is so brutal  nearly left a brown streak. 

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  • 2 months later...

I would guess classical music (in mockery of the imperial anthems) mixed with chants (same) mixed with squarewaves/dial tones mixed with brown note. (When it isn't just every pitch at the loudest possible volume.)

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