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Our brothers, the Sons of Russ...


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Wolf Guard are mostly too expensive. they used to shine as pack leaders, though that has decreased aswell (unless ofcourse you put them in TDA, which makes them even more expensive, but does net you a 2+/5++ "sergeant" for your pack) Though they have an extensive range of weaponchoises they're still only 1 wound models that cost a heapload of points. in their FOC slot, they compete with dreads, iron priests, scouts, Lone Wolves and Venerable Dreads. Scouts own, (bs4 sniperrifles) Lone Wolves tear apart anything they touch, soak up a lot of fire, and are generaly extremely cool-looking (TDA + Chainfist + Wolf Claw) Iron Priests, specialy mouonted on a thunderwolf, can smash vehicles apart, and keep your own vehicles going. dreads are dreads, need I say more? :drool:


but especialy as allies for BA, I don't think of Wolf Guard as a solid choise.

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Wolf Guard are mostly too expensive. they used to shine as pack leaders, though that has decreased aswell (unless ofcourse you put them in TDA, which makes them even more expensive, but does net you a 2+/5++ "sergeant" for your pack) Though they have an extensive range of weaponchoises they're still only 1 wound models that cost a heapload of points. in their FOC slot, they compete with dreads, iron priests, scouts, Lone Wolves and Venerable Dreads. Scouts own, (bs4 sniperrifles) Lone Wolves tear apart anything they touch, soak up a lot of fire, and are generaly extremely cool-looking (TDA + Chainfist + Wolf Claw) Iron Priests, specialy mouonted on a thunderwolf, can smash vehicles apart, and keep your own vehicles going. dreads are dreads, need I say more? :huh:


but especialy as allies for BA, I don't think of Wolf Guard as a solid choise.


Arjac. You wants one.


I just played against a BA player with an outflanking GH pack (plasma x2, motw, wolf standard, power axe) lead by Arjac and a Wolf Priest with Saga of the Hunter granting Outflank and Preferred Enemy to the pack.


When they came onto the board (on the side I wanted, thanks to Acute Senses), the BA player literally ran away, hiding his remaining nearby assault units behind some tanks which were subsequently handled by my plasma and some Long Fangs.


And when it comes to Challenges, that's practically what the Wolves were bred for.. especially Arjac, who is never allowed to turn down or make a challenge.


Also, since it says allies can have one HQ slot, you can have 2x HQ units from the Wolves, since one slot = two HQ units.

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If I brought in wolves, I'd be most interested in Long Fangs, Grey Hunters and Rune Priests.


Much like the average Space Wolf player...


To answer the OP's question, Space Wolves don't really have anything much that Blood Angels don't have - or at least that's the impression I got after thinking long and hard on using one allied to the other as a custom chapter. I'd agree with whoever said it works better the other way around - reliable all out assault units, objective sitters that aren't useless outside 24" and a flier are all things missing from the SW list.


But they do have several things which replicate stuff Blood Angels have only cheaper, better, or both. Rune Priests offer better psychic protection than Librarians while losing nothing. Grey Hunters are arguably better in the close fire and assault role than a normal tactical squad - deffo better at assault - and cheaper too. Long Fangs are cheaper and better than Devestators. Wolf Guard are cheaper than Vanguard Veterans if you're running them in a transport/on foot, which might be a little niche, and are also cheaper than shooty Terminators at 33 points for a WG with TDA, Power Weapon and Storm Bolter - Combi-weapon for only 5 more points. Plus you can throw Power Armour marines in there too, increasing firepower/throwing themselves in the way of lascannon shots, although that's more something Blood Angels can't do. If any of that sounds like it appeals, then why not?


Although something Space Wolves can offer that Blood Angels can't get - to the best of my knowledge, Saga of the Hunter characters can join any unit and take them outflanking with them - I'm not sure it's a great idea, but bringing on a 30 strong unit of Death Company marching into their flank should be fun if only for the reaction.

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Arjac. You wants one.




Arjacd is rather expensive to add as allies... you need 188 pts for him + at least 36 to be able to take him (Wolf Guard are minimum unit size 3) + the HQ and troops, is a minimum of 369 points, and then you have a wolfguard battle leader, nekkid, 5 grey hunters, nekkid, 2 wolf guard, nekkid and Arjac.


sure, he's good, but he's expensive, specialy considering he really shines in combos with Wolf Priest and Rune Priest (another minimum of 200 pts, - the battle leader bringing you at 500 pts for 10 models, 13 wounds, and practicaly all of em nekkid)


he's better in a main list, where it's easier to work him in

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