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Nurgle's Rot, Epidemus and Allied Gretchin...

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First of all, I'm sorry if this has already been covered, I did search for it but I didn't find anything (perhaps my 'search-fu' is poor).


My friends and I were discussing one of the more full on army lists/tactics that we'd seen (lots of Nurgle stuff, Marines/Daemons Epidemus/Typhus) and one of them suggested taking allied Gretchin and then killing them with Nurgles rot to 'up the tally'.


At first we argued against it, then we realised that, although allies of Convenience (or Desperation) cannot be targeted with templates/blasts from spells/abilities, they can be wound by consequence if the blast scatters on to them.


They also, for all intents and purposes, count as enemy models.


Therefore can a spell like Nurgle's rot (which is an AOE effect) hit nearby gretchin, kill them and then 'up' the tally due to the gretchin counting as enemies.


Caveat; My group is well aware that this is WAAC, cheesy and downright kinda jerky (none of us even play a Nurgle army) - what we're hoping is that some of you more analytical players could find some sort of RAW written defence against this particular brand of evil.


Any replies, or redirections to similar threads, would be greatly appreciated.

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Considering the new codex in a month or two might just change it all up anyway, they might want to hold off. Until then, here's how I see it.


Allies of Convenience cannot be 'targeted' by powers. Nurgle's Rot does not target any units, so it can indeed affect them.


If it becomes reclassified as a Nova power though, it will count as 'targeting' the unit, and so this devious plan will no longer work.

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Considering the new codex in a month or two might just change it all up anyway, they might want to hold off. Until then, here's how I see it.


Allies of Convenience cannot be 'targeted' by powers. Nurgle's Rot does not target any units, so it can indeed affect them.


If it becomes reclassified as a Nova power though, it will count as 'targeting' the unit, and so this devious plan will no longer work.


Seems pretty logical - like you say, hopefully NR will be reclassified to a Nova and things will be fixed :(


Thanks for the reply.

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