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My Iron Warriors Project


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Hey guys, a new edition of this game for me means a new army. After much pondering, I decided to revisit my old Iron Warriors and redo the entire army.

Actually up until a month or so ago, I was still up in the air, but after seeing IP's work I knew that it had to be Iron Warriors.

At first I was just going to paint some Chaos Marines and wait for the new Codex to come out. However, as I have a couple of large events coming up that I really want to take a new army to, this has blown a bit out of control.

Anyway, here is a quick picture of an Aspiring Champion


I have just finished my first squad of ten, and am now starting on my second squad, and also hope to get 2 Rhino Transports built today, so busy, busy.

I will be posting more updates as I progress, and there are more pictures in my blog of some of the other Marines I've finished, for those so inclined to check it out the link is in my Sig below.

Thanks for looking and of course all comments and critiques are welcome!

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I was a bit unsure when I saw the champ, but after reading your blog I changed my mind! I like them. They remind me a little of Steel Brethren (in the Vraks FW books). The red trim is a pretty cool idea, it works really well I think. Nice mix of parts as well.
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Thanks guys,


@Jeske, actually "clean" was the look I was going for. I figured Iron Warriors really, really care for their equipment, and when not fighting or building fortifications they are either maintaining their gear or some slave or servitor is cleaning and polishing it.


@Colossus, thanks, I went with the red instead of gold for very specific reasons, it's always hard to tell if it is going to work or not when just looking at one model. Of course I realize that it's not going to be to everyone's taste, but that is the risk you always take when you go a little out of the box.

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@Colossus, thanks, I went with the red instead of gold for very specific reasons, it's always hard to tell if it is going to work or not when just looking at one model. Of course I realize that it's not going to be to everyone's taste, but that is the risk you always take when you go a little out of the box.


Yeah, I get that, I've an Iron Warriors offshoot, done in brass, with silver trim, so the reverse of the usual- at the time I started them, most of my friends had started collecting grey knights, and I didn't want silver on silver games, so I went this route, it worked pretty well, and I built fluff around it. In both our cases, they were risks worth taking!


Looking forward to seeing some more!

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What really impresses me is the fact that you've taken the combi-bolter/melta from the old metal Iron Warriors Warsmith model. But I can't remember if the bolter comes separate from the torso; if it doesn't, then congrats on what must have been an arduous conversion process.
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(Wolf Lord Ragnarok gets the green light to thoroughly and utterly destroy, the wayward heretic littlbitz for renouncing his oaths of fealty and consorting with honour-less heretics!....hopes no one looks at his own sig. :D )



As usually littlbitz I love your style and converting work. Looks good and and I enjoy the out of box thinking. And I think I agree with your assessment of the IW's meticulously maintaining their equipment despite the ministrations for the warp and battle unlike like other renegade/traitor chapters/legions.


Good stuff!

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Beautiful. I'm working on Dark Angels atm but with the new starter set heading our way and the opposite side in there being Chaos fellows I'm considering making Iron Warriors (among a few other options). So far inspirational in any case!
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I am actually making some progress,

A full squad of 10 now done and the Defiler is as done as he is going to get for now.

Plus I'm almost finished another 5 Marines and the Chaos Lord is ready to get some real paint on him.

Here is a quick picture of one of my favorite Marines so far.


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I'm using the Army Painter Plate Armor Spray, then I ink the lower recesses with Nuln Oil, or Badab Black, and the higher areas, such as the helmet get inked with Asurman Blue, then I use the exact match Army painter color to clean it up, then highlight with Chain and Mithril as needed.


The Hazard striping has all been done by hand thus far, even on the Defiler. A steady hand and lots of touch up. I will probably go the tape route with the Dozerblades on the Rhino Transports.

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The Hazard striping has all been done by hand thus far, even on the Defiler. A steady hand and lots of touch up. I will probably go the tape route with the Dozerblades on the Rhino Transports.

Considered a career in neurosurgery by an chance?! Wow, well done, I would have bet dollars to doughnuts that the Defiler had been taped.

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Here is a WIP of the Land Raider I started painting last night.


Sorry about the picture quality, I took the photo late, with my cell phone, but I think it conveys the idea.

I'm hand painting these Chaos stars on all of my tanks, to break up the Metal color a little more, and to try my hand a freehanding some stuff.

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