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How to use my bikes


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So I made a list (2 tac squads in rhinos, 1 DC in rhino, 2 units of jump marines, 2 whirlwinds). This gave me enough points (of 2000) to add something else. I knew I wanted a librarian, but what to do with him?


I decided on putting him on a bike, along with a sanguinary priest and a bike squad (8+1 attack bike). I even converted the characters, and then I actually looked at the attack bike, and realized that pistol didn't come with a chain sword (my models, bought on ebay, had cc weapons, so I assumed they were legit). I still like the unit, but my plan was to rush all 3 rhinos across board, on turn 2 they all jump out and rapid fire stuff along with the jump marine flyers. Then the bikes were going to charge something. Now I am thinking bikes might not be great for assault, so I am looking for ideas of HOW to use this unit. Is it still viable, or should I look into painting them blue (ultra marine command squad)?

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Bikes are poor at assault, but the increase in toughness makes them more survivable than normal marines (especially when you factor in FnP). I model a lot of mine with chainswords for the look.


The best configuration now might be dual plasma, a multi-melta and maybe a combi-melta on the sergeant. In an assault challenge with the sergeant to draw out enemy elites that will kill your other bikes.


For myself I'm adding Dante plus two squads of Sanguinary Guard to my bikers to add some assault power.

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while not gaming with my BA yet (had one quick game of 6th) since they are still being bought and built :HS:


i have a squad of 6 bikes and an attack bike, magnets but prob MM most times (ravenwing box :)) and i have popped 2 meltas in the bikes, the srg has a chainsword just for the looks also :)


i see them as a hit and run, pester squad. getting in the way/ softening large hoard units so my jump packers can get in and choppy chop :) my friend plays orks...... he likes maxxed out boyz mobz..... they are a pain in drawn out CC so the bikes may make the assault that bit easier.

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  • 2 weeks later...

to add something extra to your bikes and to get a more melee assault unit you might want to consider Vanilla marines as allies and take Ko'sarro khan on his bike. As he is a captain and hes taken a bike it means you can then take an honour guard mounted on bikes. This then opens up the option for power weapons and other such nice things. Add to that that they will have hit and run from the khan you have a very nice T5 assault unit that always gets HoW on the assault. Of course i can't remember the exact points cost of this nor some of its finer points but i was looking at this to compliment a unit im making including Dante for hit and run.


now theres a thought, can a vanilla hon guard take ss and is this restricted by bikes? because you could essentially make these guys the biggest headache in the world for some.

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to add something extra to your bikes and to get a more melee assault unit you might want to consider Vanilla marines as allies and take Ko'sarro khan on his bike. As he is a captain and hes taken a bike it means you can then take an honour guard mounted on bikes. This then opens up the option for power weapons and other such nice things. Add to that that they will have hit and run from the khan you have a very nice T5 assault unit that always gets HoW on the assault. Of course i can't remember the exact points cost of this nor some of its finer points but i was looking at this to compliment a unit im making including Dante for hit and run.


now theres a thought, can a vanilla hon guard take ss and is this restricted by bikes? because you could essentially make these guys the biggest headache in the world for some.

Honor guard do not get the bike options. But command squads do.

And only BA honor guards get JP's. But you can ally with Khan, and a BA hq, and have a nice Biker army.

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