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Questions to Telion and Techmarine

The Librarian

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1) Telion


The scout sergeant can take a teleport homer, Telion replaces the Scout Sergeant. So a scout squad with Telion can never have a teleport homer?


2) Techmarine


Does a techmarine with 4 servitors with servo-arm automatically pass his "Blessing of the Omnissiah" roll? I could not find anything, that a roll of 1 is an automatic miss in this case.



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1) Telion


The scout sergeant can take a teleport homer, Telion replaces the Scout Sergeant. So a scout squad with Telion can never have a teleport homer?

That is correct.


2) Techmarine


Does a techmarine with 4 servitors with servo-arm automatically pass his "Blessing of the Omnissiah" roll? I could not find anything, that a roll of 1 is an automatic miss in this case.

A roll of 1 is always a miss! So a techmarine with 4 servitors doesn't pass his "Blessing of the Omnissiah" rollautomatically. Best roll is always 2+ ;)

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1) Tellion cannot take a teleport homer, his gear is fixed and he has no options. (as far as i know)


2) This is tricky because of the way it is worded. Servitors technically do not lower your target number, they raise your dice roll. You always need a 5+ but each servitor adds 1 to your roll. So if you rolled a 1 and had four servitors, it would be 1+4 = 5.

In my opinion that would still be a success.

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A roll of 1 is always a miss! So a techmarine with 4 servitors doesn't pass his "Blessing of the Omnissiah" rollautomatically. Best roll is always 2+ :devil:

Not quite, a roll To Hit (pg.13), to Wound (pg.14), Saves (pg.19) and a reserve roll (pg.124) all fail on a roll of 1.


The Blessing of the Omnissiah is none of these.

A roll of one does not 'always' fail, turn to page 7 in a characteristic test

...a dice roll of one is always a success.


The 'one always fails' only applies to certain rules, Blessing is not one of them.

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The 'one always fails' only applies to certain rules, Blessing is not one of them.

I agree with this.


Same here, it's only a "1 always fails" if it says so.

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