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Dual Color's in one chapter

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First off not 100% sure if this is the right thread (Don't post offten <.<') any way I want to try to have 2 different color scheme(can't spell -_-') in one army would there be any fluff that says that this can't be done?

sm.php?b62c=@hIAEG_haLvy.hHzJl@@@@@@@hr3uf@_@@..@@@@@@@@@@@____@@@@@@@@@@__@@@@@@@@@@@@@_iakk7& main color scheme

sm.php?b62c=@hyvFn_hIAEG.haLvy@@@@___iakk7@.@@hHzJlhHzJl@@@@@@@@@@@@_@_@@@@@@@@@@..@@@___@@@@@@@.iakk7& secondary color scheme (will be a darker metal color but could not find the right one on the army painted)

I have a bit of fluff for the idea of it but wanted opinions..

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One thing to be wary of is that a lot of fluff emphasizes that space marines leave their human lives and ties behind when they become neophytes. So if you're going to have two different paint schemes in an army, either make them represent some achievement in the marine's career (ie veteran status, members of a certain company etc) or have a really good reason why a chapter would want to maintain a distinction between recruits from two separate worlds.


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