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Curious about painting of allies


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I was just wondering what the consensus was about painting allies, in terms of WYSISWG. For example, if I took space marines allies with my blood angels, because I wanted the flyer - could I paint the flyer red, and use blood angel stickers (because just don't want it to look like 2 separate armies). I don't think this would be a problem, but what about the tactical marines I had to take to unlock the flyer. Can I paint my own tactical marines red, as well as the vanilla tactical squad, as long as my army list is clear about which they belong to?)


The goal of this painting is not to trick anyone, but I wonder if anyone feels this would be a violation of WYSIWYG?

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As long as your list is well defined and you explain it to your opponent you can paint everything and your dog red. As long as your models closely represent what you are fielding like, for example, Blood Angels riding bats or something equally ridiculous for thunderwolf cavalry I think there's no problem with WYSIWYG.
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I was just wondering what the consensus was about painting allies, in terms of WYSISWG. For example, if I took space marines allies with my blood angels, because I wanted the flyer - could I paint the flyer red, and use blood angel stickers (because just don't want it to look like 2 separate armies). I don't think this would be a problem, but what about the tactical marines I had to take to unlock the flyer. Can I paint my own tactical marines red, as well as the vanilla tactical squad, as long as my army list is clear about which they belong to?)


The goal of this painting is not to trick anyone, but I wonder if anyone feels this would be a violation of WYSIWYG?


There's no "right or wrong" answer for this, matey. Too much depends on your gaming group.


For me personally, there will be no blue marines (or any other colour marines) in my army - allies or not.


I will use modelling and creative thinking to make some fun additions to my lists - especially for cases like the storm talon etc.


My advice would be to make the models different in some way. If they're identical, its not necessarily confusing, but its a bit odd in terms of game mechanic as to why they look the same but have different rules.

Also, youre not limited to tactical marines - Sternguard can be troops, bikers, or even scouts ! So you have options to play with.

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That is what I am doing with my army. Just paint the squads from different codexes slightly different if you have something like, a squad of Codex tacticals, and a squad of BA tacticals. Other than that, just paint everything the same, and just point out the squads that are of the codex chapter before the game begins.
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If (when?) I use allies, they will be painted as my dudes. Tbh if I used the smurf dex for the Storm Talon, I only own one Tactical squad so I guess that is them, easy to tell apart from the rest who have jump packs (usually) <_<


Actually, they could also count as Grey Hunters, hmmmmmm.........

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If I did take allies I would only take SW as pretty much nothing else out there appeals to me. For my space wolf rune priest I will just model a death company type guy in flesh tearers livery with a bit of blue. For the grey hunters I have to take I will take some legion of the damned and model them with the GH weapons in flesh tearer livery, maybe leave a few SW sigils on them but they will be mainly LOTD/flesh tearer. This is in line with my space wolves blood angel fluff to support the allies brothers in arms. Yeah yeah I know but heck, if we have the opportunity for allies and I run a RP against my favourite enemy the grey knights I need to think how this could happen.


During Honours end 837.M1 during the eclipse wars on the shrine world lucid prime the space wolves fought alongside the flesh tearers against a chaos incursion. The flesh tearers carried the battle with their ferocity even the space wolves battle companies were shaded by the flesh tearers. One extremely vicious company of space wolves matched the flesh tearers ferocity. Swept along with the bloodlust of the flesh tearers this space wolf company slaughtered innocents alongside the flesh tearers. The remaining Space Wolves not engaged stepped in to stop the bloodbath aghast at what they considered an atrocity. Seths army fought back and both sides lost many marines. This company of space wolves were declared feral renegades by the remaining space wolf battle companies. Seth however accepted them for their battle skills the flesh tearers decimated ranks were to thin to ignore such battle hardened feral wolves. The last remants of this feral company of wolves uplifted off planet with Seths men and still fight on alongside the flesh tearers.

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I'm going to take a C:SM Capt. on a bike, a Techmarine on a bike and two bike squads as troops. One squad will have the Capt. kitted out with vanilla back pack and power fist, but Sanguinary Guard torso, painted red. The other will have a Techmarine on a bike with as much Techmarine stuff as I can get on him also painted red (duh). The bikers are my robed counts as BA figures. I will have no bikers from the BA codex so there will never be any confussion.
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I plan to paint mine as other companies of the same amrine chapter (unless I'm allying with those dirty, dirty xenos). Since my marines are black with red shoulder pads and jump packs and silver aquilas, I'm going to paint my terminators as red with black shoulder pads and (perhaps) bronze aquilas. This represents something like 8th company assault marines and 1st company terminator veterans, but plays as BA jumpers with DA deathwing. Keeps the army tied together, thematically, looks good, and accomplishes the goal of easily differentiating between detachments. As if seeing the SG and DW weren't enough, already.
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as long as the models used have the correct and legal gear set up, what does it matter what colour they are?


a tactical squad is a tactical squad, same options in both dex apart from red thirst which you would roll for with opponent there. i see no problems with that?


a storm talon in a BA army as allies why not? is there any confusion that its in the allied list and has no rules in the BA dex? no. so there is no problems.


as for confusion mid game (as deployment will sort out who is who, for special rules etc) that is the fault of the opposing player for not remembering what is what. models with special rules can be queried at any time anyway. thats why we need the dex at hand to play 'properly'. so the special rules added from specific units like captains (elites as trroops etc) can be verified when needed, no problems.

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Also, youre not limited to tactical marines - Sternguard can be troops, bikers, or even scouts ! So you have options to play with.
Sternguard are stiull elites, I'm afraid, Pedro just makes them scoring.


If you're using red tactical squads, just make sure that you dont give them FnP/FC from your priests, accidentally or otherwise!

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