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Deepstriking Landraiders and Such


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I am trying to sort out deepstiking and locator beacons in my mind and I ran into an issue. The locator beacon states that a unit that deepstrikes within 6" will not scatter. Got that part. But how do you determine the unit placement, or more to the point, how much of the unit has to be within 6"? If it is a unit, does the first person placed have to be within 6", then you can build the ring from there? Or do all members of the unit have to end up within 6"?


How do you guys handle deepstriking Landraiders? Do you have to get all of the Landraider into the 6" bubble? A majority of it? The very tip of the engine exhaust stack only?


I apologize if it is spelled out clearly in the BRB. Don't have it available and won't for a couple days.

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Res has it right. To expand: for normal units, you place one model, then roll for scatter, then place the others around it in circles, so you only check for the one guy. Since he doesn't have to be fully within 6", I'd assume that the same logic would go for a land raider, drop pod, landspeeder, or any other vehicle that comes down by deep strike. As long as part of it is within, you'd probably be ok.
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Makes me want to add a locator beacon to my DC drop pod. Turn 2 or 3, plop a LR right into the enemy army. The only bad part is the the delayed entry, though it is a lot more likely to happen now.



Also, does anyone feel that dropping that LR in by DS is now a better option, even more so now that the drawback to mishaps is far less horrible. I'm thinking it might actually be pretty good to DS a bunker right into my enemies army or objectives. Still get to shoot things up a bit, then assault out next turn. If combined with a drop pod force, then you could do some scary things. Just need to have a few other things on the board to start. I'm thinking Devastators and Attack bikes.

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Actually, this may be something that needs to be FAQ'd.


Why, do you ask?


Because of the changes to the way that embark/disembark measuring have been made.

Yes I know, Deepstriking is not disembarking, but the concept to how we measure is similar.


When disembarking:

in 5th, only the smallest sliver of the base need be within the 2" range.

in 6th, the entire base must be within 6".


now with loc beacon/teleport homer:

in 5th, only the smallest sliver of the base need be within the 6" range.

in 6th, it may still be the same...


But in my opinion, they changed the disembark rule, to limit the ammount of 'fudging' when placing models.

So, it would seem that teleport homers/beacons would be due for a change also.

I would think that perhaps the range would go up some to say 9" or 12" and all models fully within the range,

OR if no change in Range, that the entire first model must be within 6"


As of now, because of the way things are measured, I would say the first model MUST Fully be within 6" until clarified.


I do think that they changed measuring and added premeasuring, for a very simple reason.


In almost every game I have ever playyed/seen/watched... there have been instances of movement 'fudging' I would hate to say cheating, as that implies a premeditated decision to fudge... but sloppy play also leads to fudge...


And I like fudge free games.

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As of now, because of the way things are measured, I would say the first model MUST Fully be within 6" until clarified.

See now, you have added the word 'fully' into the rule, that isn't in the actual rule. If the rule meant fully, it would say fully, as per your own argument.


Anyway, disembarking =/= deepstriking onto a beacon/homer.


You try telling a daemon player that his soulgrinder must be entirely within 6" of that icon that has to be in the middle/back of the unit due to 6th ed wound allocation.

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