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Aircraft Transport Capacity


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Can a Storm Eagle Assault Gunship carry two 5-man terminator squads, or a 5-man terminator squad and one dreadnought? Can a Caestus Assault Ram carry two 5-man terminator squads? They are not dedicated transports, the Thunderhawk can carry quite a but, but if it is limited to one unit only there would be an awful lot of space wasted. Any help, direction or guidance would be Greatly appreciated. Thank you.
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Transports can only carry a single unit of Infantry and/or any number of Infantry Independent Characters unless otherwise stated. (BRB, p.78)


Such as in Apocalypse, where it says that Superheavy Transports can carry multiple friendly units of various unit types. (A, p.92)

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Thank you for the references. ;) Well, that kind of makes a Storm Eagle worthless in a Deathwing army, the most it could carry would be 6 terminators wil plenty of room left over. Same thing as the Caestus. I hope whatever new flyer the Dark Angels comes out with, gives you the option for better transport capacity.
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The Caestus is a different story. Its special rules say that even Bulky models only take up 1 transport slot, so you can cram a full 10-man terminator squad in one of those.


The Storm Eagle has a transport capacity of 20, meaning it can also carry a full terminator squad.


I suppose for Deathwing, who can't get more than 5 terminators in a squad though, yea that kinda bites. On the other hand, if you're playing 2000+ points, you can take up to four HQ's, and if they're all in terminator armor, they can all travel together in a squad of doom.

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