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Deimos Pred, Plasma Destroyer and Get Hot!


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My LR Executioner overheated twice and took two glancing hits on its first shot because of the updated rules...ugh.

Which it shouldn't have, as the LR Executioner's cannon doesn't have the Gets Hot! rule, either.

Common mistake. A lot of people assume "plasma" means "has gets hot". I believe the fact that many of the more powerful plasma weapons dont have it is to represent those additional cooling systems that were supposedly the reason vehicles didn't get hot before. I think the new rule is just to prevent guard plasma spam on vehicles.

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Oh! This is awesome.


I indeed thought it had Get Hot!, but it does not!


However, the question I asked was more so whether or not 3 shots from a weapon with presumably Get Hot rolls once or 3 times.

Thanks anyway guys!

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