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Typhus or Prince + Standard Psyker?

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Usually I run Typhus with a Terminators retinue, but now with the new rules and with the new Psy Power, but especially now that mark of Nurgle grant you to survive against enemy Power fist I'm doubtful about its utility!


Typhus is stronger than ever now, but are pretty expensive; He has FNP and 4 wounds, ok, but for almost the same price you can fit a cheaper sorcerer in Terminator Armor that can gain Combi-weapon and can get Psy Scream for the 10 points cost of a doombolt.


This frees a lot of point to fit a Demon Prince who is a Flying Monster Creature and can Get Psy scream either or retain the powerful Time Warp.


Hand in hand a hard choice! Run a Powerful guy as Typhus or add the second couple of HQ which lack of Feel no Pain and number of attack?


Your Advise??

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Keep in mind, it's all changing for Chaos very shortly. According to rumors, Typhus might get a bit less expensive (not sure about any new toys for him, though).


Our Daemon Princes are NOT Flying Monstrous Creatures, though. I guess the non-English FAQs did make them FMCs, however, and if you're reading those ... gratz.


Personally, I consider Typhus and Terminators way too expensive at the moment, but the new codex might change that ... maybe not so much for Termies, I guess they'll be way more expensive with Icons and Marks, but it might be worth it for the crazy survivability.


A standard Nurgle Sorc and a DP might be a cheaper, and better choice for basic games, but it'll lack the scary punch that I think Typhus and Chaos Termies will be in the new dex.

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