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Squad leaders

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No but I think I will paint some!




One thing that always irked me about them was that their armour markings were IDENTICAL to Sergeants - it was the colour of the banners that denoted the difference and I always found that kindof lacking, one answer to that however would be to give sergeants & squad leaders their codex squad marking in addition to the black pads (there is some precedent for this: the 1st edition scout sergeant had the inverted pad of a blood angel sergeant with the then codex scout squad marking on the other), and the codex rank emblem for a squad leader was the Iron Halo - for which the two of the heads and one of the backpacks from the Death Company box are PERFECT.

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I used to have the squad leader and Sarge both with the black pads and a banner each. I however no longer do this and have gotten rid of all the squads modeled like this. I much prefer the grittier cleaner more unified look. I do however make my Sargents look far more ornate than the rest of the squad (I also spend far to many point upgrading them). I do have one model a squad though that has something unique about him. It could be a pose or a different looking bit of kit. It's just incase I run a cut down barebones squad, so I can tell apart the Sarge from the rest.
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