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Thousand Skulls on the Throne of Sons

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Zeratil you are consistently helpful.


I'm attracted to fliers because of the new hotness syndrome however I'm going to have to have a think about all the other possibilities that come with the new book.


I would quite like to crowbar in a 4th unit of Thousand Sons and ditch the Rhinos but I feel thats probably hoping for the points to be highly generous in my favour.


Rhinos are highly likely to be a must have but if I can avoid them and find a way to increase the mobility and durability of the troops on the table that would be my preference.


You have inspired me to consider a horde of Cultists as this will provide anti-horde to some degree, the ability to soak up casualties and they can die in place of my Thousand Sons.


I have already clocked the absence of turn 1 firepower......again this will have to be thought about.


I'd like to have lots of bodies on the table covered by air dominance but yeah those Deamon engines do look feirce.


Ill scan through the rumors and have another think.





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What about Ahriman? Being mastery 4 aside his current rumours have him shooting multiple witchfire powers per turn and giving three units infiltration, which could make for some interesting situations. (plus, and this is just a guess, he'll probably have 3++ with the new chaos iron halo rumour)


Three fliers might seem like a good idea at a first glance, but be sure the list doesn't suffer in other places just to get them in. Maybe two would be sufficient and you could use the points for the daemon engine and/or something else?

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Ahriman and infiltrating three units would resolve the difficulties of making the Thousand sons mobile as they could start mid board.


He is clearly a hugely powerful Psycher which will be ace but I bet you really have to pay for him.


I imagine this list would be somthing like:


Shooty Demon Engine: 120pts AV 12/12/10 Two Str 8 Heavy 4 guns

Shooty Demon Engine: 120pts AV 12/12/10 Two Str 8 Heavy 4 guns


Dragon flyer 12/12/10 Vector Strike Str 8 Heavy 4 170pts

Dragon flyer 12/12/10 Vector Strike Str 8 Heavy 4 170pts


9 Thousand Sons inc Sorcerer 244pts

9 Thousand Sons inc Sorcerer 244pts

9 Thousand Sons inc Sorcerer 244pts


Problem is Ahriman would have to be at most 198 points for this and the units would have little room for adaptation.


I think he will be closer to 300pts.


I'm liking the idea of two flying and two shooting Daemon engines though. I think this could be powerful and would resolve the issues that nothing is firing at enemy mech on turn 1........unless the range on these guns is pitiful.





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If the rumour about cultists being like 4 points each you could skip one squad of TS and grab two squads of 30 cultists for the same price. It would also give you a bit more points flexibility to remove a few cultists to get certain upgrades from here and there if needed(who knows, TS sorcerers might get awesome upgrade options). Also, going to ground with 30 wounds is a lot to shift from objectives and with flamers/heavy stubbers & a LOT of autogun fire not many will want to charge them...
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I think we're going to have to wait and see about cultists, they're going to have awful survivability if they don't have a dedicated transport of some description, which would likely relegate them to backfield objective holding. If there is a cheap way to transport them and they can take melta weapons then they'd make a good suicide squad. On tourney tables with limited cover and LoS terrain they may not be worth it unless you take loads of them (90+).


Ahriman does sound very good, but with those sorts of abilities he's going to be 200ish points, I seem to remember he always was the second most expensive HQ in the codex. At 1500 points I think you'll be better off with a sorcerer lord, a 10 man squad of cultists to cower behind terrain while other stuff moves forward.


I like the two fliers, two shooty engine idea, I think it could work quite well with the theme you're going for.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Do you mean Psychic Shriek? If so, then yes, you have to roll to hit.


The key word is Witchfire Power - that defines how you use it. Witchfire Powers are like ranged weapons, so you have to roll to hit, as by the Witchfire Power rules in the main part of the rulebook (page 69 in the small rulebook)

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Been looking at the latest rumours, shame the codex seems to have been pushed back (I've heard the releases for Dark Vengeance and Codex: CSM were swapped for some reason to do with 6th ed sales, explaining the odd white dwarf back covers) but there's some new stuff to consider in the new rumours/FAQs


Firstly daemon princes look to be staying Flying Monstrous Creatures in the new codex, which makes them a lot better potentially, especially when you consider FMCs now have skyfire, they now make a terrifying anti-character beatstick and anti-flyer unit in one (more expensive) package.


The rumours for the flyer make it sounds like a best, 12/12/10, 2 S8/H4 guns AND vector strike at strength 10 is horrifically good.


Dark Apostles as elites also sound very cool, if they upgrade cult abilities and are not too expensive then improving your cult troops invulnerable save (I assume) may well be worth it with the increased use of plasma weapons and you don't feel like taking rhiiiiinos. Abaddon's rules and chosen with termy armour are less relevant for us, but chosen termies are an okay substitute for rubric terminators I suppose (grumble grumble).

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If the rumour about cultists being like 4 points each you could skip one squad of TS and grab two squads of 30 cultists for the same price. It would also give you a bit more points flexibility to remove a few cultists to get certain upgrades from here and there if needed(who knows, TS sorcerers might get awesome upgrade options). Also, going to ground with 30 wounds is a lot to shift from objectives and with flamers/heavy stubbers & a LOT of autogun fire not many will want to charge them...



I like cultists + bastion... they become fearless inside, and you can move them out and claim an objective placed near it on the last turn. Also being able to walk them 6 inches from the entrance and unleash some flamer love is nice because the only ones that can really harm it on a regular basis are melee units. (Note I believe the bastion can only hold 20, and the roof maybe 10)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all


I've found out a bit more about the upcomming Codex release and some confirmed pointms values (but not with options)


I believe for 1500pts I can get


8 Thousand Sons and a Sorcerer (I'm hoping to use Tzeentch Powers) - Resistant Troops Choice, with AP3 firepower and Psychic powers to boot.

8 Thousand Sons and a Sorcerer (I'm hoping to use Tzeentch Powers) - Resistant Troops Choice, with AP3 firepower and Psychic powers to boot.

8 Thousand Sons and a Sorcerer (I'm hoping to use Tzeentch Powers) - Resistant Troops Choice, with AP3 firepower and Psychic powers to boot.



Mauler Fiend - Fast vehicle wrecker and fire magnet

Mauler Fiend - Fast vehicle wrecker and fire magnet


Hell Drake (The Flamer option) For murdering backfield artillery, air superiority and viscious vector strikes.

Hell Drake (The Flamer option) For mudering backfield artillery, air superiority and viscious vector strikes.


All this leaves 150 odd points for my Sorcerer on disc. Not as many points as i'd like but we will se what we can do with him when the codex is in my hands.


This means this is the status of these prior concerns:

> The ability to crack open Mech (Achieved with the Mauler and Helldrakes)

> The ability to counter assualt (Achieved with the Maulers)

> The ability to down flyers (Achieved with the Helldrakes)

> The ability to have troops be mobile enough to capture objectives and respond to threats or opportunities. (This is still a weakness)

> The firepower and range to reach across the battle field and hurt the enemy in the early game (This is still a weakness).


I'm looking forward to seeing what adjestments I can make once the codex is in my hands.





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This means this is the status of these prior concerns:

> The ability to crack open Mech (Achieved with the Mauler and Helldrakes)

> The ability to counter assualt (Achieved with the Maulers)

> The ability to down flyers (Achieved with the Helldrakes)

> The ability to have troops be mobile enough to capture objectives and respond to threats or opportunities. (This is still a weakness)

> The firepower and range to reach across the battle field and hurt the enemy in the early game (This is still a weakness).


I'm looking forward to seeing what adjestments I can make once the codex is in my hands.






I think your crazy, i'd argue that the current codex we have that everyone complained about is better then the new one.


The Mauler is Initiative 3 so it will go after the standard stuff, ie Wrecked before it hits. The Old Demon Princes did everything the Mauler did but better, and it couldn't be 1 shot by a lucky hit.

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I would take two hordes of cultists instead of one of those TS squads for sure, and also I believe :cuss are better than MFs, 8x S8 shots? Good against fliers, light and medium tanks...


One problem though...what would you do against an AV14 vehicle? A crusader would run you over basically, even with the MFs...

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My Main problem is 1500pts.


Cultists look to die in droves where as the Thousand Sons hold some threat, longevity and flexibility. I feel they give me three opportunities to hold an objective where as the cultists look like their role is to slow the ememy down and clog their guns. I can see them being added after 1500 points but I currently doubt their kill potential.


The Forge Fiend looks to be some 40 points more expensive than the Mauler Fiend. The Mauler will have STR 10 attacks and therefore be able to mash up a Landraider without issue. It also can move 12 which means it is a threat early in the game.


Ill again have to see what the book has to offer but my hope is that the Helldrake will be able to hand out high STR vector strikes which may also be a solution to AV 14 and indeed other obstacles.


I do see the Forge Fiends as a more powerful option than the Mauler however I simply don't have the points for them.


It looks as though psychic powers will also give me a boost with fire power as Tzeentch is almost 100% about the shootyness in regard to the powers from what I have seen.


Our beloved Thousand Sons look to be almost entirely the same except with a significant points reduction but the does still leave them unable to overwatch.





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Hi all


I've found out a bit more about the upcomming Codex release and some confirmed pointms values (but not with options)


I believe for 1500pts I can get


8 Thousand Sons and a Sorcerer (I'm hoping to use Tzeentch Powers) - Resistant Troops Choice, with AP3 firepower and Psychic powers to boot.

8 Thousand Sons and a Sorcerer (I'm hoping to use Tzeentch Powers) - Resistant Troops Choice, with AP3 firepower and Psychic powers to boot.

8 Thousand Sons and a Sorcerer (I'm hoping to use Tzeentch Powers) - Resistant Troops Choice, with AP3 firepower and Psychic powers to boot.



Mauler Fiend - Fast vehicle wrecker and fire magnet

Mauler Fiend - Fast vehicle wrecker and fire magnet


Hell Drake (The Flamer option) For murdering backfield artillery, air superiority and viscious vector strikes.

Hell Drake (The Flamer option) For mudering backfield artillery, air superiority and viscious vector strikes.


All this leaves 150 odd points for my Sorcerer on disc. Not as many points as i'd like but we will se what we can do with him when the codex is in my hands.


This means this is the status of these prior concerns:

> The ability to crack open Mech (Achieved with the Mauler and Helldrakes)

> The ability to counter assualt (Achieved with the Maulers)

> The ability to down flyers (Achieved with the Helldrakes)

> The ability to have troops be mobile enough to capture objectives and respond to threats or opportunities. (This is still a weakness)

> The firepower and range to reach across the battle field and hurt the enemy in the early game (This is still a weakness).


I'm looking forward to seeing what adjestments I can make once the codex is in my hands.






Hello :)


First of all, I love the Thousand Sons and will be fielding them myself! That having been said, you have too many of them. 2 squads are enough. The Sons are not like Chaos Marines, they are more "special forces" and you should, I think, try to use them like that.

Also, I am afraid that your list lacks some synergy. I am going to run mauler fiends with my Iron Warriors, but I do plan to run one alongside 2 defilers and a landraider, all moving forward. I am sure you can see my point here :(

You have 2 fliers planned which is okay, but they dont have synergy with the mauler fiends. Why you may ask? Well, the guns that are going to shoot at the fliers will not be the same guns that are going to shoot at the fiends. Remember, template/ordnance etc., cannot target fliers at all. This means that it is going to be the target of auto cannons and stuff like that. But the mauler fiends can obviously be targeted by everything. Now, I realise that you plan on using them as a bullet sponge, and I approve of this, but to do that, you must give the enemy several targets. As it is, the mauler fiends are specialized machines designed to wreck vehicles and are not that terribly good at targeting infantry at all.


What I would do to improve your list. First of all, Ahriman is going to be a must. Instead of Mauler fiends (which I love, but which doesnt suit your list I suspect) I want to nudge you to choose obliterators instead. Far better sybergy. Also, Ahriman can infiltrate them ^^

Also, instead of the third Thousand Sons squad, try fielding a cultist blob. It will be more of an allround unit and if you put a secondary cheap HQ, type sorcerer in it, they become fearless (which is obviously golden!) Depending on your opponent and your Infiltrate roll, you can choose which units you want to infiltrate. The same is not true if you field the mauler fiends. If you DO want to field the fiends, you should really have more vehicles. If you dont want to run cultists, try fielding a Tzeentch marked Chaos Space marine unit, and upgrade it fully with extra cc and VotLW and so on. You really need at least one all round unit IMO. Against some opponents, you may pull it off with those 3 Sons units, but against other lists you may really need something more balanced (Thousand Sons are experts in ONE aspect of warfare, but they do indeed suck in others despite how much I love them).


Forgive me if I missed this, but if the tournament allows allies, you may also want to consider (if you have the models) to withdraw both of the fliers (I know, I know, and you dont have to take my advice, haha!), and field one Lord of Change, minimum horror unit and push some points into a flamer unit. The Lord of Change is truly good, and would make a nice and big secondary threat (after Ahriman), and the flamers are, well, good and cheap and sets fire to...stuff.


Anyway, the only thing I am quite certain of is that fiends does not fit into your list and that 3 squads of sons is one too many ;)


Regards Iron Sage


Ps. Also, one of the strenghts of the Sons is that they are fearless with that +4 invul. This means that you may not always want to field them in 9 man squads, and Excessus is right. Sacred numbers are kind of retarded fluff wise. Every sorcerer knows that Tzeentchs favoured number is 9 and much mystical and esoteric secrets are hidden within that number, but not even tzeentch expects his chosen warriors to wage war in coherent units of his sacred number (he is all about change after all :) ). He may expect them to try though when the oppurtunity is there. what I am trying to get to here, is that the Sons can and sometimes should, be fielded in small squads, such as 5, since it can be surprisingly annoying to dislodge a small 5 man TS squad hiding on an objective. Not even Marbo can trust his abillities to f-uck you up with his unexpected entrance, where he follows up with his feared demolition pack due to that pesky invul save.

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Thanks for the feedback.


I agree, I think The Maulers arn't killy enough! I look at them and all their abilities and think they are ace and then I get stuck at the fact that they only have 2 attacks and imagine them running up to a perfect target rolling a 2 and a 1 and then geeting nuked.


I can only save points by ditching one of the Thousand Son's units which on reflection I'm happy to do.


Ahriman and his infiltration would be nice but i'm not feeling him. I'm in love with the posibilities of a sorcerer on a disc (as a kind of LINEBREAKER!)


Forge Fiends look powerful especially with the Ectoplasma option (not the 3rd one from the extra head one just the two guns each).


So here is what i'm thinking now:


8 Thousand Sons and a Sorcerer (I have to use Tzeentch Powers) - Resistant Troops Choice, with AP3 firepower and Psychic powers to boot.

8 Thousand Sons and a Sorcerer (I have to use Tzeentch Powers) - Resistant Troops Choice, with AP3 firepower and Psychic powers to boot.

20 Tzeentch Cultists, with mark and two flamers - Objective holder, cheap demi horde.


Forge Fiend with Ectoplasma - Dakka, Dakka, Dakka ARRRRRRGH Anti-everything except flyer fire power.

Forge Fiend with Ectoplasma - Dakka, Dakka, Dakka ARRRRRRGH Anti-everything except flyer fire power.


Hell Drake (The Flamer option) - For murdering backfield artillery, air superiority and vector strikes.

Hell Drake (The Flamer option) - For mudering backfield artillery, air superiority and vector strikes.



Mastery level 3

Tzeentch Disc (+1T, +1A and makes him super fast)

Sigil of Corruption and Mark of Tzeentch (gives him a 3++)

Veteran of the long war

1 Tzeentch Power and 2 Biomancy powers or 2 Tzeentch Powers and 1 Biomancy power (I'd like advice on this please).


and points permitting

Spell Familiar

(He runs into the backfield to cause havoc or else hangs back as a counter assualt option. He is exact function would be decided by his psychic powers.)


I think NOW I am starting to feel like i'm looking at a list that could handle a tornament!


Thoughts welcome.





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Forge Fiend with Ectoplasma - Dakka, Dakka, Dakka ARRRRRRGH Anti-everything except flyer fire power.

Forge Fiend with Ectoplasma - Dakka, Dakka, Dakka ARRRRRRGH Anti-everything except flyer fire power.


Hell Drake (The Flamer option) - For murdering backfield artillery, air superiority and vector strikes.

Hell Drake (The Flamer option) - For mudering backfield artillery, air superiority and vector strikes.


Consider Predator's instead of Forge Fiend's... I can't really see the point of Forge Fiend's when Predator's are around.


As for the Hell Drake, I would take the non-flamer option so you have some more weapons to shoot enemy flyers. You can Vector Strike one enemy Flyer and shoot the other that way, it will give you a chance to combat Necro transports that way.



As for Cultists i'm thinking smaller squads that can be 100% hidden might be the way to go, if no can shoot them they won't fail leadership tests.....



If I wanted to win a tournament i'd bring Typhus and cultists behind an aegis defense line... go to ground every turn with the cultists and spread the aegis defense line long enough to cover your deployment zone. In most scenario's that's 2 objectives held for you behind 3+/5+ saves. Then possibly Plague Marines for counter-chargeing, and big squad with Typhus to claim objectives, add in some Marked Chaos Biker's + Hell Drake and there you go.

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Narses advice is solid I think (but you would need to run Tri-las preds then due to you needing dedicated anti tank).


If you exchange the torrent flamers on the fliers, you really should see if you have (exchange your bolt pistol for it) points for the Burning Brand of Skalathrax. It is very devestating, and your sorcerer is likely to live longer than a flier anyway.

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  • 1 month later...

My final army was:


Bale Lord Phaereon (Ahriman)

8 Thousand Sons

9 Thousand Sons

20 Cultists 2 Flamers 17 Autoguns

Heldrake (Bale Flamer)

Heldrake (Bale Flamer)

Forge Fiend

Forge Fiend




I won 4 lost 1




Thousand Sons vs Thousand Sons: VICTORY Very enjoyable game I was in control throughout but ended up being a very close grind


Dark Eldar (MSU Venom/Raider Spam) DEFEAT Never played Dark Eldar before they picked me apart then bum rushed me off the objectives.....I'd had little left but put up a fight at least.


Imperial Guard (foot list) VICTORY Reserves took forever to come on but his list was badly built and wasted points and I picked him to pieces before half my army was on the table......the only difficulty I had was having so much in the end Stracken sat in one corner surrounded and outnumbered and the Company Standard Bearer Stood mid board Surrounded and outnumbered.


Daemons VICTORY I was in control throughout but still those White Dwarf daemons are ridiculous so I had a real job killing all them. My opponent played a canny battle despite taking many casualties and nearly contested me into a draw on the last turn.


Greyknights (Inqisition Henchmen) A very odd list and I had no answer to the land raider. I got first blood and contested the Relic on the final turn sneaking the win. It was a very difficult game.


Brilliant fun as ever.....looking forward to next year.





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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Charliemachina. Congrats on doing so well without any of the 'crutch' units people are so keen to assume you need at the moment (well... except the Heldrakes, butnobody is perfect :( )


Would you care to give us a run down of how the units you took performed, and your opinions on them in a fairly balanced tournament setting?


I.e: Did you ever wish those Ectoplasma Fiends had Hades Autocannons instead? (To help fight fliers)

Did you ever wish you'd split the cultists into 2 smaller units to claim objectives/ hide more easily?


Would be good to get a first hand perspective ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Individual Performance of units:


Bale Lord Phaereon (Ahriman)

8 Thousand Sons


This unit took two infiltrate slots to place in outflank or infiltrate so it was always deployed on the table during each game.

The Thousands Son's work soooooo well in a meat grinder battle they can take the hits and they can hand out some hurt as well with those AP3 bolters to. I didn't fight any normal marines and I think if I had the Thousand Sons had they would have thoroughly proven their killing power. Like normal marines Thousand Son's struggled

in hand to hand combat but the sorcerer is reasonably capable character for challenges and in general so he can tip the balance sometimes. The sorcerers power Tzeentch's fire storm is fun but very unreliable, the Tzeentch lance power is always a welcome addition for a sorcerer. I always avoided the boon power it just seemed to contribute nothing to the goal of achieving victory.


Ahriman certainly tipped the close combat in the favor of this unit frequently (lack of 2+ and 3+ AS opponents I believe). Some battles the volume of powers he could put out in a turn was noticeably game changing, in other games he would perils himself to death (4 powers a turn results in a lot of Perils and with no save at all it can easily kill your general). I enjoyed having four powers but I found even with four you can get duff rolls and end up with a largely nutered Ahriman. His KNOWN warlord trait added a lot of flexibility to an otherwise inflexible army. I liked him he was very fun and often very powerful dependent on the powers he had.....I always made sure i'd be able to have at least 3 shooting powers through primis choices to make use of his high BS and 3 shooting attacks a turn ability.


9 Thousand Sons


As above but lacked the presence of Ahriman. Took a lot of fire to bring them down and putting this unit it close to the enemy's flank as an infiltrated unit was excellent as it presented an immediate threat and drew a lot of attention. They could be isolated and ground down so needed support. Take this unit walk it towards your enemy in a line across open terrain and most opponents seem to feel it's rude to shoot at anything else.



20 Cultists 2 Flamers 17 Autoguns


They run away.....I imagine 10 cultists would have run quicker because at least 20 bodies means you have to kill 5 go force a moral check. They were wildly varied in their success/failure. They cannot take punishment, but especially when outflanking and entering the table with rapid firing auto guns and wonderful flamers they can threaten any infantry with volume of hits (because they are 20 strong). I enjoyed them, they can grab an objective, they are ok at shooting but really they are great because they are cheap. I loved using the invisibility psychic power on these boys...it made them stand and take fire rather than fall to pieces from it.



Heldrake (Bale Flamer)

Heldrake (Bale Flamer)


I cannot see why people would take the Hades Autocannon option BS 3. The Baleflamer is a beautiful tool for digging enemies out of cover, the vector strike can be used to kill off characters very effectively, it got me some easy SLAY the WARLORD points. If you can't vector strike and flame every turn you might suddenly find that the Heldrake has contributed but not made it's points back. That I see, is the down side of the Heldrake, they draw firepower beautifully, everyone is terrified of them, they are amazingly resistant, they can harm a lot of targets and be absolutely devastating however suddenly you run out of targets, lose a turn to maneuver which is added to the turns lost from waiting for it to come in from reserve and SUDDENLY and shockingly it's failed to pay for itself. It's amazing but a canny opponent can make it have to work very hard to earn it's points back.



Forge Fiend (2 x Ectoplasma)

Forge Fiend (2 x Ectoplasma)


They took hits they handed out misses, they took some more hits, they handed out a hit or two, they took some more hits. They are tough and another grinder unit. In close combat they are very hard to remove but lack any ability to hand out wounds. Some battles like against Dark Eldar I would have loved 2 Hades Autocannons instead of 2 Ecto-plasma but sometimes it was the other way round. BS 3 sucks but the Fiends hang around long enough to make up for that. They spent the games wishing for marines/terminators in the open and never got them but they were still able to hurt vehicles. The forge ability to re-roll pen/wound rolls once a game is not amazing but useful when you use it in conjunction with a grander plan e.g. crack open transport to expose troops inside to bolters!




My army was a grinder army, Ahriman made it work.


Thousand Son's certainly could have benefited from a Rhino.


The army missed STR 9 and 10 weapons.


I would have loved some hand to hand power but I only felt it was truly missing in the games against the Inquisitor army where 10 Death Cult Assasins and a land raider HURT HURT HURT me.


I can see a Thousand Son army build not needing Ahriman but doing well with standard sorcerers instead. Units like Helbrutes, Tzeentch Terminators, Rhino's, Chaos Spawn and many more could have all worked well in place of any of the above units. Ahriman made this army work without transports.

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