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Overwatch and Grenades


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Can grenades be used during overwatch?


Overwatch leads me to believe it is allowed, however under grenades it specifically states that only one throw per Shooting Phase. Overwatch is in assault phase.


Also, same page references grenades are treated differently in Shooting phase than Assualt phase. NOT shooting attack and fight sub-phase.



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Does not say 'only in shooting phase', it says "once per Shooting Phase"

Overwatch is carried out as a 'shooting attack'

Overwatch is carried out in the assault phase.


Krak grenades are being thrown at MCs and FMCs, and a walker once i think, during overwatch where i play.


Then the krak grenades are used in that same combat, or Fight subphase, using the assault rules for krak grenades.


Not for or against this, just trying to see what the ruling is and the general consensus.

Actually, reading it now, it says "when a unit armed with xxx makes a shooting attack, one model can choose to throw a grenade." So yes, you can overwatch with a grenade, provided it meets the snap fire requirements ie. not a blast weapon.


How would you incorporate the first paragraph of Grenades pg 61 into that?


A unit can overwatch with a krak grenade as a shooting attack and also use it in close combat that same assault phase? So twice per phase.


Why not? Seems fine to me.

What about witchfire? like Smite or Living lighting?


I believe this has been covered before, although I can't find it. As the rules for witchfire powers says "in your shooting phase", you can't use them as an overwatch attack in your opponent's assault phase.


Does not say 'only in shooting phase', it says "in Shooting Phase" as all other shooting (see p.12).

Overwatch is carried out as a 'shooting attack'.

Overwatch is carried out in the assault phase.



Manifesting Witchfire count as firing an assault weapons.

Witchfire powers are manifested during the Psyker's Shooting phase instead of a weapon


Bolded is mine and very important. They can only be used during the Psyker's Shooting phase. Overwatch isn't resolved then. If you look at page 12, that's a blanket statement for all shooting. But if you look at all the different weapon types in the book, they don't use the same wording as witchfire powers, which for all intents and purposes, is a type of weapon.


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