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Flesh Tearers


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I've recently set up a project at my Local Gaming Club called 'Battle-Forced'. The idea being we all start a new edition with a new army. So for this I chose Blood Angels or more specifically Flesh Tearers.


The idea is that all the participating members (8 of us so far) all grab a battle force, build them together, paint/convert together and then play together. It's essentially a tale of four gamers type project with some minor differences.


There will be some events throughout, painting competitions, tournaments and special games etc, but the final step is where the battle-forcing lies, the project will end in a few months time with a 1000pts tournament with the premise that in your 1000pts you must use everything in the battle force with no exceptions.


So my question is how do I build a list on the BA battle force (contents shown below), I've been running through lists in my mind but haven't come up with anything that I'm remotely happy with.


My opponents are going to be:

2 Necron Players

1 Chaos Player

1 Nid Player

1 Dark Eldar Player

1 Eldar Player

1 Tau Player


that's the list so far anyway, so how do I build on the following:

1 Tactical Sqaud (10 strong)

1 Assault Squad (5 strong)

1 Death Company Squad (5 strong)

1 Rhino


Also I have one small painting question, how do Flesh Tearers mark squads/companies is it just the same as the regular BA, I know it's not likely there will be a lot of info on that but any help is appreciated.


Thanks in advance for any help.


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The Flesh Tearers have a two-tone colour scheme with crimson red covering the torso, arms and legs of their Power Armour, while the helmet, shoulder pauldrons and backpack are a jet black colour. Like the Blood Angels, the Flesh Tearers' company designation is displayed on the right shoulder plate in the form of a skull (for the Veteran 1st Company) or a differently-coloured drop of blood for the other companies. A Flesh Tearers' squad designation is determined by a Low Gothic numeral placed on the right knee plate. -- Fleshtearer Wiki


Here you go, this should help you out.

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You could look at Samanagol's



And a lot of FT brothers: possible links in signatures.



Army suggestion:

10 tac, ml, flamer, rhino.220?

5 assault - 5 vanguard, 5 Melta bomb, free PW.190?

5 DC, jump, 1 fist, 1 PW.215?



Lemartes 150?

Jump librarian.125?

2 x Multimelta attack bike. 2 x 50?


Codex is at home. :wallbash:

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I can add to the squads however I see fit, the only stipulation is that I had to use everything that is in the battle force, meaning at the bare minimum my list had to contain those squads/vehicles.


There is one other rule that states no special characters for the tournament so unfortunately (really unfortunately) I can't take Lemartes.


Ideally I'd have all squads bumped up to 10 but those 30 marines will be costly and really limit the rest of my list, as I'ma bit worried about anti-tank options. I feel like I really have to take the standard 5 Dev's with 4 ML's. Although if anyone else has anti-tank suggestions I'd be appreciative of finding out what works for you.

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I remain convinced my three speeders with a melta are awesome anti tank.

They have yet to prove it in game though :devil:


expensive in money terms too


depends what you might be facing too.

It takes nine krak missiles to glance av14

you either need s10 or melta to worry raiders (or fists, just sheer volume wins out there).

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