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Sternguard Vets in 6th Edition


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Hello guys


I've been tempted in the past week to try and kitbash together a sternguard squad, but I'm not entirely conviced on if they are worth taking along, or if I do how to best use them.


I did have one idea of having them in a raven, then dropping them next to an objective to either defend until i can get a scoring unit on it, or to neutralize any hostile unit contesting it, but elites slots are highly competetive.


I was running mainly RAS squads with dev support, but the new rules with overwatch etc have made me consider a more shooty based list, and in turn these guys appeared on my radar.


Do people use them now, and how is best to kit them and use them effectively?

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Sternguard are one of my favorite hypothetical squads. I have not tried them in 6th yet, but I certainly will sometime!


Most likely 8 in a pod with divination Libby and priest with powerfist. Possibly take 2 heavy flamers as well. Divination will make these guys super deadly. Rerolls to hit when they drop in + anyone who assaults them is going to eat a round of stern Guard fire with rerolls to hit and 2 heavy flamers! The priest just makes them tougher and divination has a lot of powers that can help these guys out! Like over watch at normal bs or 4+ invul etc etc.


You could also take a bigger squad in a raven or land raider which does appeal to me as well!

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Sternguard are a unit that I thought really benefited from the change to 6th.


But after several tries, I have decided that I think points are better spent elsewhere, Tacticals for scoring, Devs for more heavies and the signum.


Now, if you use allies and Pedro Kantor to make Sternguard scoring, that changes it.

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I brought an all Drop Pod army to a tournament the weekend just gone and came 2nd overall. My Sternguard were my best unit. The squads were as follows:


8 Sternguard, 5 Combi-Plasma, 1 Combi-Melta, 2 Meltaguns

Librarian, Shield, Lance, iPistol

Priest, Fist, iPistol

Pod, Beacon


9 Sternguard, 4 Combi-Plasma, 3 Combi-Melta, 2 Meltaguns

Priest, Fist, iPistol

Pod, Beacon


They came down and annihilated whatever they shot at. They are also just as good as RAS in combat, if not better due to squad wide Ld 9.


Sternguard are awesome in 6th.

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So from why I've read so far they work best when dropped ontop of the enemy, so my storm raven idea could work.


I am also quite interested in the allies idea, scoring sternguard would be useful, an would mean I could get a talon, but they won't be red :)

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I've played 2 games with them, and its the first time I've ever used them - and WOW. I'm very, very impressed.


I believe that counter attacking and pre-charging shooting attacks are super important now and theyre just excellent.


I keep Corbs with them in a pod to make sure they have a bit more staying power and have kept it relatively cheap.

In my 1750 I can only afford 7 with a fist, 2 combis and a hvy flamer. But it has been diong excellently .

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Sternguard are one of my favorite hypothetical squads. I have not tried them in 6th yet, but I certainly will sometime!


Most likely 8 in a pod with divination Libby and priest with powerfist. Possibly take 2 heavy flamers as well. Divination will make these guys super deadly. Rerolls to hit when they drop in + anyone who assaults them is going to eat a round of stern Guard fire with rerolls to hit and 2 heavy flamers! The priest just makes them tougher and divination has a lot of powers that can help these guys out! Like over watch at normal bs or 4+ invul etc etc.


You could also take a bigger squad in a raven or land raider which does appeal to me as well!


Unfortunately the Librarian can't use any powers the turn he comes in.


I used 8 with 6 combi-plasma last game, worked well but got a lot of attention!

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I've been running 7: 3 combi-meltas, 1 regular melta, 1 power fist, all in a pod. I've recently added Tycho and Corbulo to the mix, but think Corby is a tad too expensive for my liking. They were my best performing unit throughout 5th edition, and they're still good. Check my battle report thread running around to see how they're getting on - I'll hopefully get a couple more games in today.
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Unfortunately the Librarian can't use any powers the turn he comes in.


Are you able to quote the section of the rulebook that states this? I think you may have become confused over psychic powers and psychic powers that are used at the start of the movement phase. For example: Wings of Sanguinius is a psychic power that is used at the start of the movement phase so therefore can not be used on the same turn that a Librarian has Deep Struck. However I believe that they may be able to use psychic shooting attacks as any unit may shoot after having Deep Struck with the exception going to Heroic Intervening Vanguard Veterans.

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Libby may use psychic powers, but blessings and curses are used on the beginning of the movement phase unfortunately. But what I would like to try:


Get reroll to hits and defensive fire on full BS with your libby. Drop Sternguard with some plasma +libby in pod somewhere safe. Next turn cast reroll to hits and you will never ever get charged again, because the attacker will eat around 10 rerolling plasmashots and AP3 bolter rounds on normal BS ;)

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Unfortunately the Librarian can't use any powers the turn he comes in.


Are you able to quote the section of the rulebook that states this? I think you may have become confused over psychic powers and psychic powers that are used at the start of the movement phase. For example: Wings of Sanguinius is a psychic power that is used at the start of the movement phase so therefore can not be used on the same turn that a Librarian has Deep Struck. However I believe that they may be able to use psychic shooting attacks as any unit may shoot after having Deep Struck with the exception going to Heroic Intervening Vanguard Veterans.


Yeah, blessings & curses. I thought it was explicit he (Jorre) was taking about Divination (which if IIRC are all blessings) but yeah, I should elaborate more fully. Serves me right for replying on my phone.


- Dallas

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Unfortunately the Librarian can't use any powers the turn he comes in.


Are you able to quote the section of the rulebook that states this? I think you may have become confused over psychic powers and psychic powers that are used at the start of the movement phase. For example: Wings of Sanguinius is a psychic power that is used at the start of the movement phase so therefore can not be used on the same turn that a Librarian has Deep Struck. However I believe that they may be able to use psychic shooting attacks as any unit may shoot after having Deep Struck with the exception going to Heroic Intervening Vanguard Veterans.


Yeah, blessings & curses. I thought it was explicit he (Jorre) was taking about Divination (which if IIRC are all blessings) but yeah, I should elaborate more fully. Serves me right for replying on my phone.


- Dallas


I get it now.

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This weekend I plan to use 6 or 7 with combi plasma in a Drop Pod with Corbulo. My opponents are Nids, IG & SM.

Has anyone tried this? Mort, did you say you tried this combo? I'm a bit uneasy about dropping down 350 points, I've used plasma Sternies before but always tried to keep them cheap-ish (230 points). I'm a bit worried about blast templates, anyone got any tips? I was thinking it would help if I could drop pod down near cover, getting a save might really help.


Also, I'm going to try & support them with;


6 VV

Jump Packs

Sergeant w/Twin lightning claws

Meltabombs x4


The Drop Pod has a Locator Beacon.


- Dallas

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Well after rummaging through my bits I have spare, i have found a spare Space Marine command squad, but more interestingly that I completely forgot about, is the Sevrin Loth command squad.


I'm thinking these guys would look amazing as BA sternguards, might have to try and order some Combi-Melta's though. Where do people get them from in the UK?


As for the heavy weapon, I'm not completely sold on taking one in this squad, but at the moment the heavy flamer does seem the most useful from what I can see.

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Wow, you must have a sweet bits box! They are great models ;)


I can see taking a Heavy Flamer since it's an assault weapon. Combi Meltas can be converted from Boltguns and Meltaguns.


- Dallas


I originally got the Sevrin Loth pack just for the libby himself as I thought he was a sweet model, and I dont like models that dont have helmets (kind of a fluff thing for me, why would you go running into a battle in nice big power armour, but leave yourself open to head shots???) and I figured the command squad that came with him would come in handy one day maybe as some slightly different sergeants or something, and completely forgot I had them lol.


I dont see many options for heavy flamer weapons though, dont seem to be in the devastator kit, options on these? 2 flamers stuck together maybe?

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Well, the 'best' way I've seen it done is by taking a Devastator Multi Melta & cutting the 'metla' bits off the end of the weapon, then stick a heavy flamer (from Ironclad or Baal sponson) onto the end & hey presto, a mean looking Heavy Flamer Sternguard. He looks good because he's holding it 'properly' in power armour, rather than looking like he's been working the old right arm too much :D


Having said that, the old beef arm can look good too.






- Dallas

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