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Sternguard Vets in 6th Edition


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I dont see many options for heavy flamer weapons though, dont seem to be in the devastator kit, options on these? 2 flamers stuck together maybe?

Grey Knight Strike Squad Incinerators

well played sir lol


I have had great success with a "Melta Bomb" 5 sternguard in a D Pod with 5 combi melta, specially in small games, for 185 points you can basically kill any AV unit you want as long as you can get a pod next to it no problem. great for stranding a land raider in the backfield and making the nasties inside walk alot :-)

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For everyone wanting to go the Heavy Flamer route (without the extremely expensive/rare LotD Heavy Flamer...) I went the way of the beefy Termy one:




You're literally going to need to murder the termy shoulder (dremel made quick work of this, but I stress that you need to dremel → check fit on shoulder pad → rinse repeat):




The fitment to the body should sort of roll into a smooth curve at the shoulder joint:




You'll also need to dremel some of the cabling in order to fit the shoulder pad on properly (VERY carefully. guess on where the shoulder pad bottom will end and start from there, Be careful not to go too far down the cabling or else you will see it beneath the pad.):




You'll need to dremel the inside of the shoulder pad as well in order to help make more room for the cabling to fit under the shoulder pad:




I've yet to use my Sternguard, but 6th makes them EXTREMELY dangerous/effective imho. Can't wait to use them.

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I really cannot wait to try these guys out, I'm thinking a mix of combi plasma and combi melta wit heavy flamers is how I'm gonna roll them, it's all too easy to spend points on these guys though, especially as you need to consider transport!
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Very nice Evicerator, those will look super once painted.


I really cannot wait to try these guys out, I'm thinking a mix of combi plasma and combi melta wit heavy flamers is how I'm gonna roll them, it's all too easy to spend points on these guys though, especially as you need to consider transport!


Yeah, you can end up with a squad costing >300 points. I think you should think about their role, what is it you want them to do? Personally, I need AP2 so for me it's combo-plasma with a SHP for FNP. But if you have this covered then combo-melta or heavy flamers can be good. Even vanilla with just their special ammo is fun. Just don't spend too many points on them!


- Dallas

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I used Sternguard in a tourney yesterday. In a droppod kitted as:


5x Sternguard, 4x combi-melta, 1xhvy flamer + meltabombs on the sergeant


The first game they got shot up due to Interceptor rules (my bad, didn't understand it was an option). I then proceeded to roll horribly with the remaining melta shots. They DID keep the attention of the IG player and let me get Mephiston and pals up close and personal without being annihilated.


Second game was money. Dropped in and nuked a Chaos predator, then next turn melta bombing his buddy. They died to his Greater Daemon, but again, tied up another unit AND inflicted a wound on the Daemon (love auto-Overwatch with the heavy flamer). That would was the difference between taking out the Daemon with my Baal Predator on the last turn of the game.


Third game was... questionable. Dropped in between a Tervigon and 3 Hive Guard. Tried to nuke the Hive Guard and would have gotten 2 out of 3 if not for cover. So... killed one, wounded another... wounded Tervigon... and got munched.


This was the first time using them and I have to say I was happy. Even if I didn't get full point for point return on my investment, they disrupted my opponent's tactics and let me close with reinforcements.

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I've been using 10 allied vanilla and a vanilla librarian in a drop (stupid 10 capacity BA drop pods) and they have been great. Ive dropped them in first turn as interverence and to put people off while the rest of my army get in close. They usually get mauled quite badly but they do their job.

I'm planning of using Lysander instead (as I was cheating and using my powers when he dropped in) for his re-rolls, to absorb hits and to put people off charging them.

We will see how that goes.


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took mine out for a spin tonight against orks and i was certainly impressed. i had...


10 sternguard, 1 powerfist, 2 combi melta and a combi plas

and for some of the battle corboulo(he started in a tact squad and moved around...)


the versatility of the ammo allowed me a lot more control over the battle( longer range if needed, ignoring cover when night fight came into play, wounding on 2s when overwatching etc. the melta killing a truck got me first blood(despite both tactical squads missing...) and prefered enemy works so much better and beautifully on orks with this unit. and the amount of shots it takes to down them...tycho, after getting hit by an ap2 shock attack attack gun then went and passed 14 armour saves in a row. (lootas were mad at that) and took another wound in cc from a large unit of orks before loosing his last wound to a volley from another lootas squad. (which i failed one of, and just missed his fnp roll) the init of 5 helped run down 2 ork units and with the same number of attacks as an assault squad they were no push over there. in the battle they accounted for...

2 trucks

a mek

a burna boyz squad

a boys squad

a lootaz squad.

which might look around their points cost but not only did they manage to get first blood and slay the warlord whilst preventing the enemy being in my deployment zone, they protected the centre objective from being captured(which would have resulted in a draw) and distracted huge amounts of firepower from my tacticals which survived to hold my 2 objectives. and compared to my sanguard who only killed one unit of boys they just did well. corbs is a beast and whilst he definitely helped the unit i dont think hes necessary(saying that i used his reroll on the last charge of the game cause otherise i would have been out of charge distance and then enemy could have got to another objective which would have resulted in me loosing.(i got the warlord trait that gives fnp if within 3 inches of an objective, conga lined it between objectives... :( )

also despite the sarge and tycho firing every turn i don't think i precision strike once....;)

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