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Representing Space Marine Cavalry


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Yes I know not many people are in favor of space marines riding horses. If you want to flame me go away.


I'm looking for modelling ideas.


The Company I am modelling in my SM chapter makes use of both skirmish cavalry/dragoons and heavy cavalry.


The issue I am running into is how to represent them on the table top in models.


For heavy cav I am settled on running marines on Chaos Knight mounts possibly with MK VIII Errant armor and maybe some pre-heresy/heresy era shoulder pads (specifically MK V Heresy/ MK VI Corvus) to represent their more armoured nature.


The Skirmish cavalry on the other hand have me stumped. Currently my line of thought has me either using Glade Riders from the Wood Elves range or Empire Pistoliers/Outriders.


The horses look like they would fit in for use as skirmish cav. However I am interested in the thoughts of others

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for the skirmish cavalry would you be using the scout biker rules? Would think you could use the scout biker figures and the lighter armored horse figures somewhat effectively.


also if you are trying to make them look somewhat "knightly" you may want to look at the black templar plastic kits (mainly helms) and maybe the ravenwing biker kits (robed biker rider bodies).

Or mechanical horses?




While that is a full mechanical horse, maybe you can do cyborg horses like how the thunderwolf calvary do... have some parts mechanical, but mostly organic... you could always say cybernatically enhanced steeds... so you could just get 1 to cut up and split amongst say, 3-4 other normal horses...

I agree, it depends on whether or not you are running the skirmishers as scout bikers. If so, then lighter horses would work with the scout armored bodies. I'd advise against the glade rider horses though as they are VERY slender. I use them for my rough riders and I have to bulk them out with baggage to offset the size. If the standard cav are getting heavy armored horses I'd give the skirmishers regular unarmored WHFB Empire horses. They will look smaller than the Dragoons but not TOO small.


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