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Space Dragon Terminators

Master Gresk

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Here's the next entry- more elites!

These terminators were finished at the end of 5th ed. Not sure if I will change some of the wargear for the new edition, but for now, they stand as is.




















The mohawk head swaps are off necromunda goliath models.

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I'll be the first to say it. The huge freakin' chainsaws are SICK. I also modelled my Terminators with big f-off chain weapons, but they're more like two-handed swords. What do you count them as?


I think the only thing to criticise (and I say this only because it slightly detracts from an otherwise very nice paintjob) is that the eyes on the bareheaded marines are way too big and starey. Try painting them by having a black 'zone' where the eye should be, and then painting a tiny, tiny white dot either side of the blackness. You should end up with a pair of eyes that look much more realistic. Also maybe try a wash of very light Devlan Mud on the flesh areas as those areas are a little 'flat' right now.


Otherwise I really like them! :lol: Guessing they're a Fist successor chapter. Any background for them?



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Thanks for the comments. The demo-saws were inspired by the movie "High Tension"

My brother was like "You have to put a giant concrete saw on one of your models!" I've actually done another one on an IG model as well.


There is fluff for this chapter, but it's coming along slowly and needs a lot of work. I'll post some stuff eventually.


As for the celestine cloak- I just thought it looked cool.


I think the eyes could probably be done differently, I was going for a pretty wide eyed and crazy look for the assault termies, but I agree they came out cartooney. I'm not super unhappy with them though, so they will probably stay like that because there are a ton of other models in the pipeline for this army.

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