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Lilith and Shooting Attacks


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So I was reading elsewhere that lilith of the Dark Eldar attacks ignore armor saves and has not been faq'd to just mean the assault phase. That means that when she throws her plasma grenade it ignores armor save also. I know what some will argue is that it was RAI for the assault phase, but keep in mind Tycho's Dead Man's Hand refers to the assault phase specificly. This is also applied to Colonel Straken of the IG and his Admantium Arm. So with that out of the way and intended that Lilith shooting attacks ignore armor saves. Does this mean that if she use the fortress of redemption Missile Launcher that is a STR8 ignores armor Ordnance 1 Barrage Large Blast?
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This is a case of someone having no ranged weapons when the codex was released, having an ability that ignores armor. now that she can throw grenades it doesn't specify that her rule only applied to close combat attacks, because previously she only had close combat attacks.


Personally I don't feel that her rule is there to let her ignore armor saves with her grenades (or what ever else she can use) but it is not clear or specific.

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