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Imperial Guard Orders


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Alright so I just checked the Guard FAQ and previous threads here and I didn't see anything about either of these. I feel like the answers are obvious but I wanted to ask you guys in case I'm missing something:

Can Guard Officers issue orders to units on top of a building? I'd assume because they aren't "Embarked" in the building, they're on top, then they can receive an order, but I may be missing something in the wording of how being on top of a build works.

Do weapon emplacements operated by a guardsmen unit that receives an order receive the benefit of the order? (Rerolls to hit from Bring it Down!, etc)

Thanks mates.

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Can a IG officer give orders to himself and his unit if they are embarked in a vehicle?



Where are you getting that? I thought it specified that embarked units can never receive an order.

Actually, no. An officer can not issue orders to an embarked squad - which prevents him from issuing orders to his own squad if they are embarked.

The Chimera Mobile Command Vehicle rule overrides the prohibition on officers issuing orders while embark, but it doesn't override the prohibition on issuing orders to an embarked squad.

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Can a IG officer give orders to himself and his unit if they are embarked in a vehicle?



Where are you getting that? I thought it specified that embarked units can never receive an order.

Actually, no. An officer can not issue orders to an embarked squad - which prevents him from issuing orders to his own squad if they are embarked.

The Chimera Mobile Command Vehicle rule overrides the prohibition on officers issuing orders while embark, but it doesn't override the prohibition on issuing orders to an embarked squad.


Ah, I mistakenly jumped to the conclusion that if he could issue out, he could then issue to himself.

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Frankly, for me, I thought I'd read it somewhere (recent faq or something) that they could, but there is a detail (...must get a highlighter...) somewhere...that says no. Just trying to confirm what I was told in a recent game that I was not missing anything newer. More than likely I was thinking about psykers being able to cast spells on themselves while in a vehicle or something like that...orders are not spells...
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