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Who will you be? Build-a-hero


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The name that was given to me by my battle-brothers on the day of me becoming a blood angel is Maximus Carbohol. I quickly rose through the ranks as an expert assault squad member, until I was approached by none less than Astorath the grim, High Chaplain and Redeemer of the Lost. He saw something in me that "spoke" to him and suggested that I follow the path of the chaplain. I eagerly agreed and soaked up the spiritual knowledge and lore of my beloved chapter. After many, many years of study, I was given the rank and title of Chaplain and was presented with my cold black armor and the blessed Crozius Arcanum. I led furiously on the battlefield for 30 years before being invited to the 1st company's terminator squad by Chapter Commander Dante. Almost 40 years have passed since that day. Now I lead my brothers in terminator armor as reclusiarch, from the front as Maximus Carbohol, Terminator Reclusiarch of the 1st company. I wear terminator armor that is freshly blessed and anointed with purity oils. My weapons are the mighty Crozius Arcanum and the fearsome storm bolter. Pray to the emperor that I never raise my weapons to bear on you, for I am a fearsome enemy without pity or remorse and my battle hymns will be the last thing you ever hear.
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I had a go at Sword Brethen's Challenge Accepted! earlier this year with 'me', a Captain armed my favourite way; twin lightning claws, jump pack and articifer armour (I don't care what Ward says!!). I was lucky enough to win the challenge :tu: See post #99 in that thread for the finished 'me', so I am guessing he can't be entered in this challenge because he is already done.


Entered as Captain Valek, J/pack, dual claws, melta bombs, power armour/iron halo :)

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i would be a Captain, Power Armour, Jump Pack, some sort of Glaive and Infernus Pistol, not far from the Black Rage, but still on the bright side. oh, and i would be part of the Lamenters, being ashamed that my beloved chapter fought side by side with tyrants legion ...
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Honour Guard of the Scarlet Hosts (BA successor chapter)


Descent on the battle on wings of fire, armed with a wrist mounted storm-bolter and custom crafted powerfist gifted to me by my late mentor, we follow beneath the wings of our Chapter Master to bring the Emperor's light to the darkness of the galaxy.


Is a member Honour Guard alright? Or it has to be a alone character?

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When I sleep or meditate I am Brother Melveccio, respected and honoured by my brothers. When I go to war in my armour, the color of darkest night, wielding my blood fists, melta gun and flamer I am feared by all. Then my brothers know me as mad Mike and friend and foe fear me equally. Have you any comments on my wargear you at most welcome to approach me and state your problem. I assure you that our disagreement will be short lived..... :)
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When I sleep or meditate I am Brother Melveccio, respected and honoured by my brothers. When I go to war in my armour, the color of darkest night, wielding my blood fists, melta gun and flamer I am feared by all. Then my brothers know me as mad Mike and friend and foe fear me equally. Have you any comments on my wargear you at most welcome to approach me and state your problem. I assure you that our disagreement will be short lived..... :lol:

Gentlemen, we have a winner already~

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I am the Lord of Skyfall, Captain Giaus M. Strongblade of the 8th reserve company. 162 years have I lead my "Bloodblades". Admit death my enemy, because surely it is coming for you. I carry on my right arm the famous storm shield "Azzabalar" my left hand is enclosed in "Morello's Wrath", a ancient an mighty power fist carried by the legendary Morello himself. On my back doth a dual engine jump pack propel me. In battle I go helmetless. At my command are 10 assault squads & and our battle brother Pron, victor of Skarfall, destroyer of the deamon Allaban, incased in his fearsome suit of Drednought armour. Fear us for no mercy do we show our beloved Primarches hated foes. "Bloodblades! Ignite your engines! Feel the roar of you swords! Live forever in the light of Sanguinius ! For the glory of the Emperor, Attack!!!"
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It's going to have to be a Space Marine Captain (more options). Armed with twin thunder hammers....

A space marine after my own heart. <3


Aye Brother, I've been looking for an excuse to make this model for ages. I'm quite excited to get my 'Lux model out of the way (just a few finishing touches to do) and get started on him and part two what ever that might be. :)

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This guy's my first conversion, so he's not my best paint job (and the pictures aren't great either) but I still love him. He's since lost the banner and is going to pick up some other icon (I haven't decided what, but the banner has a name that I gave to another model). The hammer was a power axe...some chopping and a bit of sprue later, and bam. (Seriously, "bam".) The other hammer is from the metal set from GW Direct.


It's funny how often people ask me "If he counts as having only one Thunder Hammer" as if they can't fathom (perhaps justifiably) spending the full cost of a second hammer for a single attack.


He is in fact WYSIWYG. And he's awesome and I love him.

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