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Who will you be? Build-a-hero


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Here's a little game that's both fluffy and fun.


I had a talk with one of my friends on who I would be from any codex in the 40K universe. The only rules are that you must be able to build him from a 40K codex allowed for full discussion here at the B&C. I think our next step is to physically build the model and paint them for use in our games. That way, you can actually be on the battlefield!


Here's me..


Wolf Lord, Runic Armor, Belt of Russ, Frostblade, Wolf Tooth Talisman, Wolf Tail Talisman, Meltabombs, Saga of the Warrior Born


For now, don't write the points out on your dude.

Why? Because there's a Part II coming to this exercise that you guys will love.


Hi, I'm a Wolf Lord. Who are you?

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There would have to be 3 sides for me from 3 different armies as I have three different sides to my gaming personality..



Dark Apostle of the Word Bearers in TDA (as we have no artificer equivalent and I'd have to be in the best armour available), I'd have an Accursed Crozius, Combi-flamer (just to be able to burn stuff on occasion), I'd be a psyker as well (So that'd make me a sorc according to the codex).



A Chaplain of the Black Templars in Artificer armour, with a Crozius Arcanum, Plasma Pistol, Frags, Kraks and Melta bombs, a Holy Orb of Antioch, and an adamantine mantle.



A Wolf Priest with Runic Armour, Crozius Arcanum, Plasma pistol, frags and kraks and meltabombs, Woolftooth Necklace, Wolftail talisman, Saga of the Warrior Born.




Well crap, I guess if I have to pick one I'll go against the norm and pick the one below:


A Wolf Lord with Runic Armour, bolt pistol, 2 handed double bladed Frost Axe, Frags, Kraks, and Meltabombs, Wolftooth Necklace, Wolftail talisman, a pair of Fenrisian Wolves, Belt of Russ, Mark of the Wulfen, Saga of the Bear.



Now I know that I am not really playing the game right, but it's one of those situations where all of these are part of my gaming styles. The first three are what I like to play as there is something about being the motivational, put-the-fear-of-God-into-the-troops type character, but the final one is closer to how I would probably actually be. (Being that I am a tall, barrel chested, long haired, bearded bastard of Nordic decent, who loves his dogs, loves a good tale of valor or saga of heroes, is quick to anger and quick to forgive, impatient, lead from the front kind of guy B) LOL



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Chaos Daemon Princess

Heraldess of Slaanesh

Mount of Slaanesh

Soporific Musk

Unholy Might


So... yeah. I'm a former Inquisitor from the Ordo Malleus, who I got framed by the Ordo Hereticus. So after escaping Nemesis Tessara, I decided to show them what I could do if I really wanted to cause trouble. I sacrificed an entire hive world to Slaanesh, and became one of her daemon princesses. I've since moved on to being the "girl behind the man" for a contingent of Word Bearers along with a cute Tzeentchian herald, but I do like getting out into the field and shredding someone with my claws. Luvya!


OOC: Damn, that looks more like a facebook slut's profile than I was actually trying for. Basically, she's a Herald but for fluff purposes she's a DP. The Mount of Slaanesh is actually her oversized daemonic body, which I still have yet to model. Imagine something combining the worst aspects of St. Celestine and the Red Terror.

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There aren't rules for who I'd be, sadly.


Like BtW above, I would probably fit under one of 3 set ups. 2 are currently illegal, but work with me, they're from my warband and they're not table ready.


1) Lord Apothecary/Sorcerer of [Redacted by the Inquisition]. One of the instigators of the Fall of the cursed Stone Wardens Chapter. Involved in the corruption or destruction of over half of the gene-seed of the chapter. Those whose gene-seed is corrupted have been retuned so that normal Psykers are a painful anathema to them, driving them into a homicidal madness. Mounted in TDA with a Daemon Weapon that is part Narthecium, and granted dark Biomancy powers by our Patron.


2) Dark Tech Marine/(Warpsmith?) of the above Warband. Full Harness and a squad of guardians to cover me with one menial assistant.


3) Tech Marine of the Imperial Fists. Again, full Harness with squad of Servitors.

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^^; Again, I'm not a legal unit. I'm a sorceress of the dark mechanicum, playing the long game with Tzeentch and acting as the voice behind the throne of the Tiankong Necrontyr dynasty.


On the battlefield, I'm represented with Nemesor Zahndrek's rules, though (That or Ahriman's, if I'm using my Chaos... my SoB army actually don't have a model to represent me).

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Bah. The legal rules are too limiting.


For example: I'm a girl, who should have a human stat line, but psionic powers and carry a servo-harness. How on earth should I represent that using the current rule set?

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Bah. The legal rules are too limiting.


For example: I'm a girl, who should have a human stat line, but psionic powers and carry a servo-harness. How on earth should I represent that using the current rule set?


That is indeed, quite troubling.

Phase 2 of this exercise (after I catalogue everyone's selection, there are currently 4 of these topics on B&C alone, one in the Dark City and one of my bog) will be to add rules to the model and adding it to the total points of the model.


I can't get into this next part too much because I don't want to ruin it, but I guess if you absolutely the idea of using a female human with psionic powers and carry a servo-harness, I can allow it under certain circumstances:


Please use the Ordo Malleus Inquisitor profile from Codex Grey Knights. The cost to upgrade to Psyker Mastery Level 1 should also be there.

As for the Servo-harness, it will cost +25 points as per the Techmarine upgrade from Codex Space Marines.


Thanks for participating :D


Edit: Closing shop next Monday. Get all your characters in by next Monday at the latest!

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Bah. The legal rules are too limiting.


For example: I'm a girl, who should have a human stat line, but psionic powers and carry a servo-harness. How on earth should I represent that using the current rule set?


Genestealer Cults haven't been anywhere near legal without Apocalypse since 2nd and Doctrines in 3rd. Or was it 4th IG? I can't remember.


Regardless I don't have my Chaos Codexes and I will not be buying the new material, so I'll go quietly dissapear...again.

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I would be a Chaos Sorcerer with Mark of Nurgle, familiar, melta bombs, and either Wind of Chaos or Nurgles Rot though will definitely have Gift of Chaos the idea of turning my enemies into a Spawn of Chaos to be my pet is pretty funny , Force weapon would be a force sword as I like swords.
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Power armor, frag, krak and melta bombs. Former Alpha Legion sorcerer with a specialization in pyromancy. MoT for better save and Mastery 2.


I got a model made and painted, but I've never fielded it.


I would say Sorcerer with a Mark of Khorne, but...well you know can't do that >_>

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Night Lord Equerry


Counts as chosen with power blade, bolt pistol, bolter, frag and krak grenades.


Simple as that. I am under no misguided belief that I would rise above the others. Im a scholar, not a fighter.

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Survivor to Demolisher shell, Killer of Mephiston, killer of 2 Assault Marines, you name it :

The Infamous Raptor (a Raptor fig, one of the few that aren't painted yet because painted figs die first) with a Flamer to burn Orcs away.

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Alright, then. An Inquisitor with Daemonblade, Psyker (Divination), Servo-harness, Power Armour and Brain Mines. I'd throw the Mark of Tzeentch in there as well, but the servo-harness is pushing it a little. ;)
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