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Who will you be? Build-a-hero


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I would most likely be an Alpha Legion lord, ancient archaic jump pack and daemon weapon. Unmarked. I like to be able to advance and retreat quickly(especially the last one, when needed), without external aid...and I'm also probably arrogant enough to think that I could master a daemon weapon, hehe


Also I like strategies and schemes and is fully aware of the chaos "gods", but isn't devout or religious enough to be bonded to a single god, an atheist.

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Ugh. Just one? Well, I guess.


Rutao Indra, The Ever-Damned

Night Lord Atramentar of First Claw, XXX Company

Counts-as Champion w/ Terminator Armour, Reaper Autocannon, Power Maul


Wearing ancient Cataphractii Terminator Armour, laced with filthy bronze chains and skulls, a daemonic hound shaped helm.... and a fatherly voice.

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Having thought about it: wingéd Slaaneshi Lord with combi-melta and blissgiver.

Only problems are that my warband's raison d’être is killing all of the Slaaneshi scum and that, if this does end up as a conversion contest, I refuse to look like the Slaanesh daemons. But I'm an Alpha, so I'll be able to make it all work out. ^_^


EDIT: reason for edit, demoted myself from DP to Lord in order to fit myself into my fluff better. Will now be a person-size daemon model.

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Having thought about it: wingéd Slaaneshi DP with gift of chaos.

Only problems are that my warband's raison d’être is killing all of the Slaaneshi scum and that, if this does end up as a conversion contest, I refuse to look like the Slaanesh deamons. But I'm an Alpha, so I'll be able to make it all work out. ^_^


Then why be a Slaanesh DP? ^_^

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Best representation of me. But having thought about it, it does have a beautiful fluffy side, the Slaaneshi AL drawing in all of the Slaanesh haters to make up a warband to destroy the opposition, with them all unknowing. ^_^ Being retconned into my fluff right away, along with all of those nice Fallen in the new box set.
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unlike you guys i am not the finest genetically engineered soldier that humanity has ever produced.....


i would be a cowardly guardsman,


im not a very good shot though, nor am i good in close combat...


id say


ws 2

bs 1

s 3

t 3

w 1

i 2

a 1

ld 5


armed with a shotgun and a combat knife


special rules would be:


avoid death at all costs (if enemy directs attention at this model it must immediately take a ld test or run back 2d6")

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