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Allies for our troops choice


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What allies have you guys tried using for troops? I'd like to find an ally primarily for the troop choices slots. I haven't read the rule book as much as I would want have wanted to since I've been so busy with life stuff. (Just got married and stuff :lol: )


I'm not sure if this is legal but I'm contemplating using Vets with 3x Meltas in Chimeras. Is this legal to have just a spam of these as our troops? What have you guys tried out as troops?

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I've been playing around with Eldar Jetbikes (fortune/doom) plus BA jumpers. Super speedy, adds some firepower and Doooooom, plus psyker defence!


Been putting it together the other way around though :/ with 2xASM, two priests, HQ ally.


Scouts are a BA choice Mort :)

I did like my 10 Eldar rangers with precision shots (AP1) plus doooom!

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im thinking grey knights, for the henchmen(so cortez) so you can have a squad with 3 meltas, a few storm shilds, couple of serv heavy bolters and a few powerweapons and it dosent cost the earth. never mind that the cheapest guy can be only 4 points.... can even then take a grey knight heavy or some such as back up too...
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I just used IG allies to great effect.


Skip the melta vets, BA troops already do melta + assault the contents better and can survive while doing it. I'd recommend plasma vets. Plasma has gotten much more important in the 6th ed and it isn't something BA can spam cheaply on their own. A couple squads of IG plasma vets can make a HUGE impact for shooting and still sit on objectives as scoring units.


In my 1500pt army I run two plasma vet squads, one with a lascannon added in to sit on objectives with my company command squad supporting them with orders. The other has Sgt Harkar in it so I can infiltrate or outflank with the unit. In the first game I used them the lascannon squad scored me first blood by destroying a drop pod, a warlord kill by melting the face of a wolf lord, and held my own objective safe. The Harkar squad outflanked next to and wiped out a long fang squad with rapid fire plasma and then captured the enemy objective. In short, I look to my IG to hold/capture objectives while the main body of my BA army runs interference and cleans enemy units off of objectives. It's very yin and yang and actually fluffy, the Space Marines do the heavy fighting and the IG holds the ground that has been gained.


I also use Marbo as an elite because he is great support for my drop pod Death Company unit. A psyker battle squad could be brutal with the combination you mentioned.


As to heavies, one of the less obvious choices to consider is Griffon artillery units. They are cheaper and have a higher strength template than our own whirlwinds and can reroll scatter. This would be a great investment for the vehicle light jump pack BA army which doesn't have enough tanks on the board to soak up enemy anti-tank and could make good use of the templates and the indirect fire.


Also don't forget regimental advisers via the Company Command Squad. You can boost your own reserves roll by one, reduce the enemies by one or even get an orbital strike template all on the cheap.

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I've considered Deathwing for allies, but keep deciding against allies for the simple reason that I can't give them FNP/FC.

I have been considering this too James, I will be painting Termies anyway in my successor scheme no doubt so I will be able to use them as either DW to score with a suitable Belial or run them with a priest/libby with the BA codex.


I am also considering bikes from the DA codex or Vanilla (cheaper!) versions, and Space Wolves (Priest/Grey Hunter/Drop Pod combo)

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Ive been using 10 scouts and they've been excellent. Precision shot is AWESOME.

I really rate these guys now.

I had a game against some White Scars last night and he was really unlucky with his scouts getting not a single precision shot in four turns of shooting before they died (I left them alone as their shooting was poor lol) however I can see their potential especially with a big squad.

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I used to play Ravenwing and even though expensive Sammael on a bike or speeder with some attack bikes sounds complimentary with Blood Angel jumppackers. The bikes can bust almost anything open and Sammael with an AV14 speeder front and side armour is going to be a handful. He is weak with AV10 on the rear armour (necron scyths) but makes all the bikers troops which makes up for the cost in points
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I'm building a small GK allied detachment with these units:

-HQ: Coteaz

-Troops: Henchmen (2 crusaders, 3 servitors with heavy bolters/multi-melta and 3 naked warrior acolytes), joined by Coteaz

-Troops: Henchmen (3 naked warrior acolytes)

-Elite: Vindicare assassin


The plan is to put the Vindicator on top of a bastion and snipe out things with the provided good LOS. The Henchmen with Coteaz will be used to capture and hold some near-lying objective. They have pretty nice firepower for a scoring unit and the crusaders should be able to suck some incoming fire (and after them, the warrior acolytes). Coteaz's ability also let's the servitors fire on any enemy unit trying to deep strike near the unit. The other, cheap henchmen unit will be used to occupy the bastion and fire it's heavy bolters.


All in all, this costs only 329 (plus the bastion) and adds 2 scoring units, a nice psyker HQ and the best sniper in the game. I'm not sure what kind of BA army I will run this with though.

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I'm building a small GK allied detachment with these units:

-HQ: Coteaz

-Troops: Henchmen (2 crusaders, 3 servitors with heavy bolters/multi-melta and 3 naked warrior acolytes), joined by Coteaz

-Troops: Henchmen (3 naked warrior acolytes)

-Elite: Vindicare assassin


The plan is to put the Vindicator on top of a bastion and snipe out things with the provided good LOS. The Henchmen with Coteaz will be used to capture and hold some near-lying objective. They have pretty nice firepower for a scoring unit and the crusaders should be able to suck some incoming fire (and after them, the warrior acolytes). Coteaz's ability also let's the servitors fire on any enemy unit trying to deep strike near the unit. The other, cheap henchmen unit will be used to occupy the bastion and fire it's heavy bolters.


All in all, this costs only 329 (plus the bastion) and adds 2 scoring units, a nice psyker HQ and the best sniper in the game. I'm not sure what kind of BA army I will run this with though.


I thought only one unit was allowed in buildings. So that would be either your Vindicare or Henchmen in the Bastion, not both.

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Coteaz is a really good HQ for 100 points. Really really good. Stops initiative seizing shenanigans for an aggressive BA army and he's a great psyker.

Then join him to a GK Strike squad with a couple of psycannons is also pretty solid. You can reroll their shots and you stop the opponent deploying on top of you ala drop pods.


Just 320 points for that package. Plus you then have the option of taking a Dread Knight or one of those crazy Autocannon Dreads if you like.

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I'm building a small GK allied detachment with these units:

-HQ: Coteaz

-Troops: Henchmen (2 crusaders, 3 servitors with heavy bolters/multi-melta and 3 naked warrior acolytes), joined by Coteaz

-Troops: Henchmen (3 naked warrior acolytes)

-Elite: Vindicare assassin


The plan is to put the Vindicator on top of a bastion and snipe out things with the provided good LOS. The Henchmen with Coteaz will be used to capture and hold some near-lying objective. They have pretty nice firepower for a scoring unit and the crusaders should be able to suck some incoming fire (and after them, the warrior acolytes). Coteaz's ability also let's the servitors fire on any enemy unit trying to deep strike near the unit. The other, cheap henchmen unit will be used to occupy the bastion and fire it's heavy bolters.


All in all, this costs only 329 (plus the bastion) and adds 2 scoring units, a nice psyker HQ and the best sniper in the game. I'm not sure what kind of BA army I will run this with though.


I thought only one unit was allowed in buildings. So that would be either your Vindicare or Henchmen in the Bastion, not both.


You can have one unit inside the bastion and another in the battlements (i.e. the roof). Check rulebook page 95 for details.

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I'm building a small GK allied detachment with these units:

-HQ: Coteaz

-Troops: Henchmen (2 crusaders, 3 servitors with heavy bolters/multi-melta and 3 naked warrior acolytes), joined by Coteaz

-Troops: Henchmen (3 naked warrior acolytes)

-Elite: Vindicare assassin


The plan is to put the Vindicator on top of a bastion and snipe out things with the provided good LOS. The Henchmen with Coteaz will be used to capture and hold some near-lying objective. They have pretty nice firepower for a scoring unit and the crusaders should be able to suck some incoming fire (and after them, the warrior acolytes). Coteaz's ability also let's the servitors fire on any enemy unit trying to deep strike near the unit. The other, cheap henchmen unit will be used to occupy the bastion and fire it's heavy bolters.


All in all, this costs only 329 (plus the bastion) and adds 2 scoring units, a nice psyker HQ and the best sniper in the game. I'm not sure what kind of BA army I will run this with though.


The Vindicare while still very nasty has had a slight nerf, he can't reliably snipe models as he used to because of "Look Out Sir"! He still busts armour and infiltrates but sniping models from units with LOS is less reliable.

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I'm building a small GK allied detachment with these units:

-HQ: Coteaz

-Troops: Henchmen (2 crusaders, 3 servitors with heavy bolters/multi-melta and 3 naked warrior acolytes), joined by Coteaz

-Troops: Henchmen (3 naked warrior acolytes)

-Elite: Vindicare assassin


The plan is to put the Vindicator on top of a bastion and snipe out things with the provided good LOS. The Henchmen with Coteaz will be used to capture and hold some near-lying objective. They have pretty nice firepower for a scoring unit and the crusaders should be able to suck some incoming fire (and after them, the warrior acolytes). Coteaz's ability also let's the servitors fire on any enemy unit trying to deep strike near the unit. The other, cheap henchmen unit will be used to occupy the bastion and fire it's heavy bolters.


All in all, this costs only 329 (plus the bastion) and adds 2 scoring units, a nice psyker HQ and the best sniper in the game. I'm not sure what kind of BA army I will run this with though.


The Vindicare while still very nasty has had a slight nerf, he can't reliably snipe models as he used to because of "Look Out Sir"! He still busts armour and infiltrates but sniping models from units with LOS is less reliable.


LOS roll can only be taken for characters, so he's still very good for taking out heavy/special weapons.

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I've considered Deathwing for allies, but keep deciding against allies for the simple reason that I can't give them FNP/FC.

Belial's command squads gets FNP, so you're halfway there.


Umm, why Can't you? Dark Angels and Blood Angels are Battle Brothers...


IC's (Sang Priests) can join a Dark Angel Unit, and a Dark Angel unit IS affected by any USR/Psychic Power/Wargear that you have and vice-versa...


Did I miss something?

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