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Fighting Daemons


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Well everything gets a saving throw and can't be instant death'd due to the Daemon special rule. Bloodletters are armed with power swords so kill marines in combat, plaguebearers are tough to kill as they have T5 and FnP. Daemonettes are a higher initiative value and also have Rending in combat.


As far as shooting is concerned you'll only really be on the receiving end of this from Tzeentch daemons. Warp fire isn't too much to be afraid of other than number of shots but be afraid of Flamers if your opponent has any. Breath of Chaos kills marines outright and don't forget that as its a flame template you'll get D3 hits against you if you charge Flamers, they also have two wounds each now.


Bloodcrushers are a hard unit with T5 and a 3+ saving throw and two wounds each. A Soulgrinder with phlegm will not be fun for you either as it's a large blast template at either Str 8 or 10 and they've got 4HP and ignore the shaken and stunned damage results for penetrating hits with a front armour of 13.


Weigh of fire in your favour is required and if you face bloodletters even when reduced to three or four models they are a serious threat to a full strength tactical squad.

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I've found mobile and weight of firepower works well, in general they don't have much in terms of shooting so go for speeders, bikes baals or vindicators. Death co are good too as always and sternguard with hellfire rounds. In general you need them to force them to take lots of saves, those inv saves are a pain. Watch out for flamers if he has any, they will punish you badly.
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once it gets to cc, you might as well be guardsmen.

So dont let it, shoot, shoot, redeploy, shoot some more.


Maybe some terminators to hold up the enemy ground forces whilst everyone else redeploys for more shooting.


Id suggest targets as fast, big, numerous in that order.

A grinder is brutal, but a FLYING daemon price is nasty 2 turns sooner

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