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Space Wolf Thread - Ragnar Blackmane added 3/2/15


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Formerly called "4 Weeks to paint a 1,500 pts Space Wolf Army", since I'm way done with the 4 weeks and am now just filling out the army I thought I'd change the title of the thread...


This is going to be a break from my Fallen - they're not finished as an army, but I'm getting tired of painting Black tongue.gif .

So, my local GW store is running a comp to paint a 1,500 pt army over 2 months. The comp runs July 1 thru Aug 31. I'm coming to the party a little late, but luckily I have almost 3,000 pts of Space Wolves that I've had kicking about that need painting, so this is a great excuse to get them done. They are a mix of new and old models, some going back as far as the 1st Wolf Codex.

The army will be based on Sven Bloodhowl's Great Company, but I have a Logan Grimnar model, and will be adding a few squads from his Great Company too. I'll be throwing up pics as I go, but since I only have till the end of the month it'll likely be just finished models I put up, not WIPs.

First up are the Wolf Scouts.

First Squad






Second Squad






The bases will be an urban/winter mix - hard to see from this angle, but I think it will become clearer when I post the Terminators.

I haven't figured out names for the Squad leaders yet - that will come later. If I have time at a later date, I'm going to try and add some battle damage, but otherwise I think these are finished. What d'ya think?

All comments and criticism welcome as always.



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Thanks for the comments guys, I appreciate you stopping by.


So, I'm a little behind schedule, but I've been bulk painting the armor for my Terminator squads, so the next few entries "should" follow pretty quickly.


Today I have for your viewing pleasure my Wolf Priest in Terminator armor, Einar Darkwald. I still have to paint the Great Company Symbol, but he's finished apart from that. I think he's about 85% of whatl I had envisioned when I started. I'm not sure I have the sculpting skills to get the full 100%, so I'm going to say I'm pretty happy with him.














So, can you see anything I missed? (Yes, I did remember to drill the bolters this time). Wolf Lord and Terminators will follow shortly.


Comments and criticisms are always welcome.





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  • 2 weeks later...



So the pack grows...


Today for your viewing pleasure I have Sven Bloodhowl and Logan Grimnar. I'm relatively happy with the paint jobs (although I think that the frost blades need work, and I want to add battle damage before I consider that they're 100% done.) One thought I have is that my Sven Bloodhowl model doesn't really look "lordly" enough to be a Wolf Lord. Anyone got any thoughts as what I can add to make him stand out more?


Sven Bloodhowl






Logan Grimnar






Comments and criticism are welcome as always.





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Comments? Looking good so far, though I'd suggest another highlight across the grey plate and the skin to help them stand out. Both are a bit flat and lifeless right now. Nice start though, man.


Criticism? You're not working on your Fallen. I will continue to criticise you until then... :)

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I love that red hair on Sven and his warpaint, but if you want him to look more lordly, I'd pimp out his armour with some Wolf-y bling. It's a bit annoying to hear that AFTER you've painted him of course, and it's up to you if you wanna change him.


I see little wrong with your GSing so I'm sure you can manage to sculpt some juicy deets around his waist and legs since he's a tad top-heavy with that wolf cloak at the moment.


Lots of inspiration on Deviantart if you need ideas :blush:

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Thanks for the comments guys,


@1000Heathens - Cheers mate - I may have to go back and do that. The armor has 4 different highlights, but it is pretty subtle... they look good in the hand, but I think that the blend might be getting washed out with the light. The face could definitely use some more layers. I'll get back to my Fallen once these are done - 2 more weeks and I'll be free of the puppies :P


@GooseDaMoose - I appreciate it. Yeah, I think it's the legs that are the problem. If I'd been smart (or perhaps not so eager) I'd have used the legs with the large wolf skin from the Termi pack. Problem was by the time I realized, the glue had set. And of course, this is the one model the glue has decided to bond properly on. :devil: I my go back and GS on a pelt, but yeah, I think that might solve the problem (Or I can see if I can get the cape off and add it to the wolf guard model posted below).


Keep the comments coming guys, I appreciate it.


Next up is the first Wolf Guard Terminator Pack.












And Group Shots






Quality of the pics are a bit ropey, for which I apologize - I'm still learning how to use this new camera - but you get the general idea. I will also be drilling the bolters shortly.


Including the Wolf Guard Terminator Pack I hope to have posted by tomorrow, I think I'm sitting at about 1,200 pts done, so I'm almost there. Looking forward to having the next pack up soon.


Comments and criticism welcome as always.






Edited for better pictures

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Thanks guys, I appreciate the comments.


@Mr. Malevolent - Thanks, I am pretty pleased with how the Wolf Priest came out... I resisted the urge to try and put a Helm of Russ on him (a wolf skull basically).


@Lord Morgrim - Cheers, I appreciate it. More coming soon. I should have a pretty decent LoganWing going by the end of it.


@Captain Cirrius - Thanks. I almost left him alone, but as you'll see below, I was messing about with him a little and I think he's definitely more over-the-top now.


So I did a weapon swap on the two Forge World models, and this is the result...


Sven Bloodhowl






Which leaves this as the new Wolf Guard...





I think this is a better combination - The lord is far more weathered and the white hair is appropriate. The additional pelts helps set him apart - now definitely more imposing than before. The remaining wolf guard is still pretty wolfy, so I don't think he suffered too badly in the change. What are your thoughts on the changes?


Also as promised, I have a second pack of Wolf Guard in Terminator Armor. What d'ya think?












And as a group shot...






Comments and criticism are welcome as always.





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@Captain Cirrius - Thanks. I almost left him alone, but as you'll see below, I was messing about with him a little and I think he's definitely more over-the-top now.


So I did a weapon swap on the two Forge World models, and this is the result...


Sven Bloodhowl





:blink: I stand corrected!

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you make wolves so preeetty in such a short amount of time :) I failed at doing up 20 guys and I had near 3 months!! :o


very nice... now you've started on the pathway the wolf within will be clawing at the restraints, come and join us little dress-wearer ;) we've already got your master of recruits :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the comments guys.


@Franzdietrich - LOL! If you start collecting Wolves I do not know you, and this thread never happened.


@ Brother Syth - Thanks - I was aiming for tattoos, but I think they might be a little bright. I'm happy enough with them that I think I'll leave them as is rather than go back & try and fix them.


@Capt. Cirrius - Heh! Cheers! Glad you still like him.


@ Russ Brother 92 - Thanks. Wolves are my second love in 40K. Dark Angels (both Fallen and loyalist) will be first and foremost, but I've always liked Russ and his puppies - this has been a good excuse to repaint them.



So - I got to the finish line on Friday (turns out I had till Saturday, but no-one updated the website). Here are the last two Wolf Guard Terminator Pack, and as you can tell from their shoulders, they will be wandering the battlefields with the Great Wolf.


First Pack












Group Shots







Second Pack












Group Shots






I have to drill the bolters, but these guys are pretty well done.


I believe this takes me to about 2,000 pts. I think.


On the painting table now are Njal Stormcaller, a bunch of Grey Hunters, and a couple of Rhinos. I'm gonna play about with the Wolves for a little longer and hopefully GW will release either a CSM or DA codex soon so I can get back to my Angels.


Anyway, as always, comments and criticism are always welcome. More soon.





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Excellent work!

I particularly love the second pack sergeant with the white hair, deep tan, holding up his sword.

All look weather beaten and rough, as the Wolves should.

Must also say that the red cloaks are particularly striking.


...and all these compliments coming from a son of Prospero! :angry:

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  • 1 year later...

And now for a little bit of threadomancy...


@Thirdfox and @jeremy 1391 - Thanks guys - I appreciate it. Yeah, I never really liked the sky blue of GW wolves - especially when the fluff describes the armour as being "slate grey", "Storm grey" or "The colour of thunderclouds.


@Kierdale - Hah! Much obliged! That is high praise coming from a son of Prospero!  I love the Wolf Guard Terminator models - they are a joy to paint.  I'm hoping that some of the Chaos forces get the same treatment soon.


So my wife was kind enough to buy me an airbrush for christmas.  I'm still playing around with it, but I'm using it as an excuse to get some more of my puppies up and finished.  I'm still experimenting with it, and honestly am pretty crap when compared to some of the finished work you see on here, but hey, practise makes perfect, right?


So, my first attempt was a lone wolf - see what you think.









Comments and criticism - especially tricks as how to improve airbrushing techniques - are always appreciated.





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And we're back!


@Deathspectersgt7 & CoachDake - thanks for the comments guys. I appreciate you stopping by.


So my adventures in airbrushing continue.  I think my control actually went down since the lone wolf, but I know where I went wrong, so hopefully next time they'll be better (wasn't happy with the variation in colours I achieved - the shade and base colours were too close together.  Hopefully I solved that by getting a different interim paint colour)


Next up, I have a bunch of wolf guard in power armour.  They're a little dark, and need their warpaint redone, but see what you think below.  My apologies because this is going to be a little pic heavy.


Whole Pack




Storm Bolter and Thunder Hammer








Plasma Pistol and Chainsword - needs work on his warpaint... it didn't quite come out as planned, so now he looks like Nightwing.








Bolter and Chainsword








Frost Blade and Storm Bolter









Frost Blade and Bolt Pistol - Again, this guy needs work on his warpaint.  Not quite what I had in mind.








Frost Blade and Bolter









After posting, a whole bunch of errors and things i missed jumped out at me, but oh well.


As always, comments and criticism are welcome.





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