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Powers for your Sorcerer

Lord Morgrim

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I dont take sorc and chaos doesnt do divination or mastery+ like loyalists , so there is little sense to take a hth sorc , specialy as now he gets singled out in hth easily[either does nothing or dies in challange or gets tanked] .
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I only tried fielding a sorc in 6th once so far:


Mark of Slaanesh

Terminator Armor

Lash of Submission


In a big unit of Tzeentch terminators (unfluffy I know...)

Just use the lash to get into close combat faster.

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OK you are convincing to run mine as a Tz Lord in TDA with daemon weapon and combi melta.....i just say the combi melta are his sorcerous powers (he has the hand from the SM Librarian as a casting hand and a Chaos KNight Axe right arm)...
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I run my Dark Apostle as a Tzeentch marked Sorc and have had fun with him. I generally use Telepathy and Telekinesis with him, but Pyromancy can be fun too. I do also run my Coryphaus as a Chaos Lord along with him. I can't vouch for how competitive, or not, running one is in a "competitive" environment as I play fun, fluffy games. Jeske would be better for competitive answers.


So I suppose it all comes down to what type of environment you play in...



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