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Preparing a Word Bearer host for a new codex


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I'm working on my WB force and got to thinking after having read the "rumored" rules from the new dex.

I want a fluffy force that can still be at least semi-viable..


I'm not too fond of the rumor that the dark apostle will have to join a cultist unit to buff it, hopefully the leader of a mighty WB host wont have to lead some gretchin costed (and prob stated) fodder in battle.


I have a loose list planned:


Dark apostle (posibly in termie armor, depends on cost and rules)


A squad of terminator veterans


Two full blobs of cultists with icons


A couple of CSM squads with icons


Some oblits and possibly a predator/havoc squad



I would like to run a daemon ally contigent with this list aswell, not entirely sure what daemons to choose tho...



Anything i'm missing for a WB force?

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I'm thinking something similar myself, just (likely to be) a Power Armoured Dark Apostle, as well as a squad of Chosen instead of the Terminators.


I'm considering taking a Defiler, Obliterators and some Havocs in the Heavy Support section; from Garro- Oath of Moment, it sounds to me like the Word Bearers employ one in one of their charges; tho admittedly I might be wrong. Obviously this does probably limit my availability when it comes to armour; but we'll see.


In terms of what God you'd head towards, they all have their bonuses. Nurgle tends to be played alot by my friends, but can be hard to paint; obviously with the ability to drop a squad of Plague bearers on an objective is a really good ploy and makes it harder for your enemy to take it; whereas Bloodletters and Flamers can help you take them. Slaanesh however; I'm not too sure about, and as such I shall not be commenting on them.

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Thanks for the quick replys, i'm actually in the process of adressing the flyer problem, im scratch building a cathedral style bastion for some emplacement love, also if havocs get flakk that could help adress the flyer issue aswell.
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Dark Apostle, no idea what he does, dont care what he does, he is in! Helping the cultists not flee in terror is a probably, helping daemons enter the battlefield is probable as well. Both sound awesome to me.


I never liked Chosen, especially with my creepy facination with Possessed (i have 40 painted up and 10 more not out of the box yet). I will avoid this unit regardless of how good they are.


I have three Obliterators but i rarely run all three, i usually stick to two if i run them at all.


Maulers (rumored) - these dudes i have so much hope for. I dont know how good they will be or what slot (heavy or elite) they will fill, but i am very much fingers crossed for them to be decent. I just really think the ability to swap melee weapons around from round to round makes them very versital and able to hold their own vs anyone. Good or bad, if the model looks decent i will surely get me three of these guys.


Not a fan of Land Raiders or Predators. I will however be all over some Daemon Engines, i feel this fits the theme of a WB Host very well and i will be happy to add these to my current standing force.

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flyers and flyer counter units.


...can I turn a Defiler into a mobile Flak Turret?

That would be awesome ;)


I was reading on the Lex a month back on tanks (I love them, too bad I can't afford anything as usual) and stumbled upon the Imperial Guard's Flak Turret, and a twin Auto-cannon Russ that can also try AA duty.


I wish we could do the same with our Predators/Defilers. Hell, I'd put that Minigun from the Russ on a Defiler.

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If it would show up to be true that the dark apostle hangs out with the cultists and slaves, just do as we have always done - name your chaos lord or sorcerer to be the dark apostle instead. What does it matter that a unit entry has his name?
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I agree with The Prophet. If we get a unit called "Dark Apostle" which is really just a leader for cultists, I personally will just call them 'Missionaries' or 'Acolytes' or something, and call my badass Chaos Lord 'Dark Apostle'.


But we have yet to see the rules. BoK says the codex will hit at the end of September, but we will see. It's not far off, that's for sure!

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Fully agree with the Prophet and Totgeboren on the name thing 100%.....


On my WB list in larger games I also run a Coryphaus (as a lord, so 2 HQ's, but you could just as easily, the admittedly not as badass, run him in a group of Termies as a champ), but I'm sure there are some hosts that don't run them.


I am hoping that some costs come down on the units as right now getting everything in and some daemon allies is a pain under 2000pts. I already plan on adding 2 groups of 20 cultists (in fact I have 20 done and am waiting on the starter set for 20 more) and there are a couple more rumoured units that intrigue me. Between my cultists, Space Wolves, and a PA armoured DA conversion, I have enough to work on and paint to hold me over til the codex arrives, just wish I wasn't having to wait... (just like the rest of us I know)



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