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Chaos Lord preservation society

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Ahoy hoy.


Unless your ships been lost in the warp since 3rd edition, you're probably aware that our codex is just not at all good.

A big chunk of this is that the book feels pared down and boring, with some of the unit choices seeming fairly nonsensical.


And here we reach a problem- HQ units.


We have chaos lords- sort of alright space marine characters with access to the same sort of stuff, but have a worse inv save and access to supremely cool daemon weapons that will most likely bite you in the arse at an optimum moment.


Then we move on to Daemon princes. For 20 points more, EVERYTHING is better. It's absurd. You pay 15 points for a jump pack for bloody death company and yet these buggers get a whole profile pimping for five points more. Its' not even a hardship to find the points to take the prince over the lord and indeed, most chaos armies i see, do use them.


You know what? I think it's a bit sad. One the main draws of chaos for me, is the fact that your general can be an absolute cackling mad bastard demagogue of evil. A chap that's been sowing discord and terror for thousands of years before your chapter master was a lusty twinkle in his father's eye. What do we get? Some lackluster profile that sees us being slapped by an emperor's champion most of the time.


It's one of the biggest let downs of the codex for me, that the lords just don't feel like the walking antichrists they should do. I'm sure this will be rectified in the new codex, but for now, who still loves the idea of their lords, even if he's a bit chod?

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I always run my Winged-Tzeentchian-Deathscreamer-wielding Lord with Raptor bodyguards. Now that he gives them Fearless it's even better. My Abaddon Counts-as and my Sorcerer Lord also now have Fearless Terminator bodyguards. I actually rarely run my Prince. If I know I am facing something equally as inhumanly...inhuman...I run him with warptime and doombolt, although I might swap Doombolt out for a new power from the BGB. If I am facing down my opponent's prized commander I take Gift of Chaos.


It WILL work...eventually.

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I like the idea of Chaos Space Marines leading Chaos Space Marines; and never really sought out Daemon Princes as an 'answer'. I did buy one, and built him, but I don't really have a name for him or anything. The idea of chaos lieutenants interests me, I prefer lower points games.
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Hi, my name's Tezdal... and Im a lordaholic, erm I always run a Lord, just never been a fan of DPs model or fluffwise(aside from the Nurgle one), plus I think Termy armor is lovely on my Lords. Might not always be the most powergamer option, but my Khorne lord with LCs always makes me smile.
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i've always found lords to be a much better both fluff and modelling wise. the DPs just seem like a stop gap measure to me at the moment as lords have been made pale in comparision to their former codex versions. look forward to the new dex though, as should hopefully rectify this and see a new age of evil madmen dancing and skipping across the galaxy.
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I'm with you guys....I love either my Lord or Sorcerer Lord in TDA....to me they are the figures that typify chaos....i like him leading a unit of terminator champions....i dont care about winning the game but I love it when my Lord and retinue munch bigtime.........I have modelled my Tzeentch Lord to look like a Sorcerer and I say that his combi-melta are just his manifest sorcerous powers.....when i have him painted I will post him for you....
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Yeah I always field my DP in game but fluffwise they are former company champions that chose to be enhanced by Sorcercers/Warp Smiths. I would field Chaos Lords if they had nice optional rules kinda like the Wolf Lords in the Space Wolves dex. Oh how I envy their eternal warrior option. ;)
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Not that DPs are bad but I definitely agree Lords are almost useless in game. Still shouldn't have DPs removed from the codex but they should be limited again to one per force.Lords on the other hand, barely better than a regular Aspiring Champion and get beat down every time against a space marine captain. Regardless if the lord is former legion warrior or not, (because I know someone would jump on that train and say "oh but they're not all ten thousand years old!") they're still blessed by the dark powers and have powers beyond that of their loyalist counterparts. Yet in game they go against some of these captains with SS or relic blades or thunder hammers, etc and get smashed into the ground, usually without doing much of anything in return.


I miss the days when our lords were essentially what the wolf lords are now. There's actually alot from C:SW (besides the rules for legions) that reminds me of the 3.5 codex.

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I... wish I could sign on here. When my lord lost his kai gun, mutation, and chaos armor, he just went on the shelf. I didn't have the heart to run him as a hollow shell of his former self. And my other lord conversion never got off the ground. Maybe when the new book is released I'll be able to invite my lords back in out of the cold, but I'm not exactly holding my breath over here.
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I always use my TDA lord with TL-bolter and demon weapon. Demon princes aren't as widespread as they seem to be in game and I get sick of seeing them as the only used HQ. Sorceror's are unreliable though I love them in the manipulative backstabbing role like Sindri in dawn of war. That said chaos lords all the way!
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Hi, my name's Tezdal... and Im a lordaholic, erm I always run a Lord, just never been a fan of DPs model or fluffwise(aside from the Nurgle one), plus I think Termy armor is lovely on my Lords. Might not always be the most powergamer option, but my Khorne lord with LCs always makes me smile.


There really is something to be said for going all Wolverine on somebody.

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Lord all the way, always with blissgiver (yes, im a slaaneshii) DP is always considered 2nd in charge, and is interchangable with sorcerer.


Nothing like taking a few minutes to describe the agonisingly orgasmic end that the enemy HQ has just experienced before whispering "lucky him" :(

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