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Forge world AA = Skyfire?


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Just a question. Some Forgeworld models have the notion off AA on them (anti air) can this be seen as Skyfire?


Seems to be logic that these models can fire without penalties at air units but alas 40k isnt always about logic reasoning, thats why i ask.


This in regards to the Landspeeder Tempest and the Whirlwind Hyperios i have those, i lack flyers in my marines armies and i dont want to always resort to allies to get me some flyers.

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Officially/RAW, no - nowhere does any published 6th Ed rule or FAQ make AA = Skyfire and/or Interceptor. Some AA units have been FAQd to have Skyfire/Interceptor, others have not.


RAI, it looks like every unit with AA is meant to have some flavor of Skyfire/Interceptor. And it seems to me that it was just rushed editing that caused these loophooles.

ie. A Whirlwind Hyperios gets Skyfire & Interceptor, but the Hyperios Air Defense Battery gets neither.

A C:IG Hydra gets Skyfire, but not Interceptor (making it good against Flyers but crap against Skimmers), while the IA Hydra Support Platform gets both Skyfire & Interceptor.

Finally the Contemptor Mortis gets Skyfire & Interceptor when it remains stationary, but normal Mortis Dreads don't. Intentional or accidental?


Best to ask your opponent or group. I, personally, view it as all AA = Skyrfire & Interceptor.

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As per the latest rules release in IA:Aeronautica, the Whirlwind Hyperios (plus the Hyperios Air Defense Battery and Land Raider Helios) has Skyfire, Interceptor, and Heatseeker missiles, which means it can reroll failed To-Hit vs Flyers and Fast Skimmers.


Since the Tempest is not a Flyer, it does not and will not get Skyfire/Interceptor.


A C:IG Hydra gets Skyfire, but not Interceptor (making it good against Flyers but crap against Skimmers),
Muh? It's still good vs skimmers because of auto-targeting.



Finally the Contemptor Mortis gets Skyfire & Interceptor when it remains stationary, but normal Mortis Dreads don't. Intentional or accidental?
Intentional. Regular ol' dreadnoughts don't have the Helical Targeting Array :tu:.
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A C:IG Hydra gets Skyfire, but not Interceptor (making it good against Flyers but crap against Skimmers),
Muh? It's still good vs skimmers because of auto-targeting.

I don't consider hitting on 6's "good", even if they don't get their jink save...

Plus, without Interceptor it can't get the out-of-turn shots at a Flyer. Making it a more vulnerable AA weapon than those that have both Skyfire & Interceptor.

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I don't consider hitting on 6's "good", even if they don't get their jink save...
Why would it only be hitting on 6's? "...fires using its normal Ballistic Skill when shooting at Flyers, Flying Monstrous Creatures, and Skimmers." Without Interceptor is is more vulnerable, sure, but that's why you'd take Interceptor weapons that would get targeted first.


@Shiny: What FAQ?

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@seahawk: did you notice my comment about the Tempest not having skyfire as per the provided link, seems redundant to say it a 2nd time.



Maybe @shiny was reffering to the link in my post for that faq.

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Finally the Contemptor Mortis gets Skyfire & Interceptor when it remains stationary, but normal Mortis Dreads don't. Intentional or accidental?


Actually, incorrect :). it's in the FAQ linked below.

Missed that. Thanks.

I don't consider hitting on 6's "good", even if they don't get their jink save...
Why would it only be hitting on 6's? "...fires using its normal Ballistic Skill when shooting at Flyers, Flying Monstrous Creatures, and Skimmers." Without Interceptor is is more vulnerable, sure, but that's why you'd take Interceptor weapons that would get targeted first.

Hmm, missed that. Thanks. I think I need to get a little more sleep, I'm missing all kinds of tidbits laterly.

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As per the latest rules release in IA:Aeronautica, the Whirlwind Hyperios (plus the Hyperios Air Defense Battery and Land Raider Helios) has Skyfire, Interceptor, and Heatseeker missiles, which means it can reroll failed To-Hit vs Flyers and Fast Skimmers.


Since the Tempest is not a Flyer, it does not and will not get Skyfire/Interceptor.


A C:IG Hydra gets Skyfire, but not Interceptor (making it good against Flyers but crap against Skimmers),
Muh? It's still good vs skimmers because of auto-targeting.



Finally the Contemptor Mortis gets Skyfire & Interceptor when it remains stationary, but normal Mortis Dreads don't. Intentional or accidental?
Intentional. Regular ol' dreadnoughts don't have the Helical Targeting Array :P.



Where apart from spending £26 on a book for one model own can I get the rules for the hyperios?

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