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Old models and different bases


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A question came up today between myself and an old gaming partner. We've both played (minus a few breaks) since second edition, whe base sizes were far less perscriptive. Not only were many models such as greater daemons etc on smaller bases than the ones they are on at present, but having bikes, cavalry and monsters on square bases was perfectly acceptable. My friend pointed out that if we turned up at most events with our old armies we'd probably be denied a game due to inncorrect basing. It got me thinking about how many old models would be unusable - most large tyranids, terminators, greater daemons and plenty of others bourght around mid-3rd ed or before.


How do you guys feel about this? Would you fuss if someone's termies were still on 20mm bases? Would you mind playing a daemon army based for fantasy? Personally I don't have an issue with any of these, but then I'm a casual 'beer and pretzels gamer rather than a tournament player. At what stage would you refuse to let someone use a model, or even refuse a game?

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Nobody is allowed to refuse such a game. The rules assume that the models are on the bases they are supplied with, including the older ones, which were supplied with such and such a base. There are very easy workarounds to make them fit with the rules set, so it should never be an actual issue except with someone who makes a stink about the tiniest things in life.


My terminators are on 25's (my IG heavy weapons teams are too! :tu:), my Wraithlord and Daemon Prince are on a 40's, etc.


It's categorically no different from one person using the physical copy of a codex and someone else using the digital copy, where some things are slightly different between the two, and believe you me there are some examples of this terrible work.

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