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The 13th Black Crusade


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Well some pretty big claims here.... There used to be all the results posted up on da waaagh but i cant seem to find them.


The Imperium did indeed control the space lanes, they did not however control cadia (system) they had the capacity to move reinforcements from system to sytstem but it would still have been a hard slog to actually get reinforcements on the ground.


I will continue to look for all the location control % results so we can discuss this properly.



But until I find it.... consider the following



Battlefleet Solar had to fill the gap for Imperium and Segmentum Solar now is undermanned with the fleet. There is a Daemon world within the Imperial Space.

Chaos forces are over and through the gate in numbers never before seen, and the surrounding sectors are on the whole, burning.


That just sounds like number pampering to make it seem like it means something, but it doesn't. I'm not failing the logical grasp that the Sector is Contested, but the plot doesn't move for a variety of reasons, so in reality nothing is changing besides giving more details to make new Warbands and Chapters. Demon Worlds appear within Imperial Space more frequent then noted, they then fall back into the Warp or get destroyed.


Contested Territory is not owned territory, its only good if you capitalize on it, and sadly there is not going to be any good use of it for long time. The only good thing about this is the Fleet is undermanned, but they still control the lanes. GW can go magically conjure another Fleet like the other million planets that are found and lost in a day.

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Well heres the last news letter


Darkness has fallen across a hundred worlds, and for the defenders of the Cadian Gate, the pure light of day now seems but a distant memory. Though the forces of the Despoiler have been denied the ultimate prize of the fall of Cadia, Abaddon’s hordes have gained a foothold upon the worlds of Man, and none can see them being repelled for many years to come. Abaddon and his council of three have outmanoeuvred and out fought the forces of the Imperium at almost every turn. Corpses litter the battlefields in their millions, yet millions more still stand beleaguered, against a foe that knows no mercy and whose only goal is the utter destruction of all who stand before them.


The Thirteenth Black Crusade has broken the Imperium’s hold upon the Cadian Gate- perhaps forever. The raging tempest of the Eye of Terror has surged forth, engulfing those worlds lost to Chaos. The Imperium no longer bars the gate to the Eye, only a small channel remains through which Imperial Navy vessels may pass to bring aid to the desperate forces upon Cadia.


At the close of the Thirteenth Black Crusade, Cadia still stands. But she stands alone, a failing beacon flickering against the encroaching night. Total war is come to Segmentum Obscurus, and all hopes of repelling the invaders are dashed. The Imperium must now consolidate its grip upon those worlds it still holds, and prepare to fight a war that will not end within the lifetime of any of its combatants. While Cadia still stands, humanity has reason to hope, but Abaddon the Despoiler has finally achieved what he has failed to do on twelve previous occasions, over ten thousand years- he has breached the Cadian Gate, and none can now hold back the inexorable tide of Chaos unleashed upon the Imperium of Man.



The bleak moors of Cadia are reduced to a barren, crater-pocked wasteland, blasted by orbital torpedoes, super-heavy artillery and the footfall of titans. The Vilklas and Andur defence lines have collapsed under the relentless pressure of a million frenzied cultists, traitors and mutants, and the Cadian High Command has been forced to relocate to Kasr Gallan on the far side of the Caducades Sea. Though the Imperial Navy is in control of the inter-system space lanes, Chaos rules the skies above Cadia since the orbital defences fell in the opening days of the Black Crusade. The defenders of Cadia are now deployed around Kasr Gallan and throughout the Wastes, resolute that not a backward step shall be taken. The order is given- ‘stand at Cadia, or damn the Imperium of Mankind to the depredations of Chaos for all eternity’.



The unstoppable force of the Green Krusade has laid waste to the Scarus system, and now the Orks rule Lethe Eleven and Mordax. The Forge Worlds of Mordax are now infested with lootaz of the Death Skull clan, a truly terrifying prospect to the devotees of the Machine God, who know full well the depths of blasphemy against the Omnissiah to which these barbaric xenos will sink. Only Thracian Primaris holds firm against the Green Crusade, bolstered first by the intervention of a Black Templars Crusade, and later by the stalwart defence mounted by the Salamanders Chapter. The situation is grim in Scarus, and none can see an end to the infestation given the dire situation across the region.


Belis Corona

The Imperium have largely held at Belis Corona, suffering the worst excesses of a Tyranid splinter fleet of Hive Fleet Leviathan, and the horrific plagues bestowed upon the Hive Cities by the Death Guard. Subiaco Diablo saw the Convent of the Order of the Ermine Mantle hold out against overwhelming odds, before being relieved by a host of Adepta Sororitas from across the region, their assault spearheaded by the celebrated Canoness Astra.



The industrial heartland of the Cadian Gate lies in ruin. Though the Imperial Navy controls space, many worlds of the sector are lost to anarchy and destruction. Agripinaa itself may stand, but without the Agri-worlds of Yayor, Ulthor and Dentor, its populace may yet starve to death, and without the vital materiels provided by the Hive worlds of Albitern, Amistel and Tabor, its mighty forges may yet fall silent. With Typhus, Herald of Nurgle consolidating his grip upon the Ulthor system, as if claiming it as the capital of a nascent, plague-ridden empire of his own, it is apparent that the taint of Chaos is well and truly upon the Agripinaa sector.


The Webway

The Eldar have sealed the Webway against all invaders, expelling the Traitor Space Marines of the Thousand Sons Legion, and pushing their own wayward kin, the Dark Eldar, back to their shadow-realm of Commorragh. For now, the hidden places of the Eldar, and the most terrible secrets they hide are safe from the predations of the ‘lesser races’. Those warzones only accessible through the Webway are now held by the Eldar, including the ancient Crone World of Belial IV, former jewel in the once-mighty galaxy-spanning empire of the race.


The Space Lanes

The Imperial Navy has fought with courage and vigour throughout the war, ruthlessly taking the battle to the enemy wherever it encountered them. Admiral Quarren has been hailed a true hero of the Imperium, for his masterful defence of the space lanes was all that stood between survival, and utter defeat for the Imperium. Though Cadia is besieged, the Imperial Navy commands space, and is able to offer support to beleaguered forces on the ground. The only question is whether the rapid redeployment of almost the entirety of Battle Fleet Gothic, along with a substantial proportion of Battle Fleet Solar will leave the Navy dangerously overstretched elsewhere and unable to maintain the level of operations required to hold the line at the Cadian Gate.



The Dark Angels have not only held on to the ruins of their homeworld of Caliban against continuous attack, but have countered the activities of a number of the ‘Fallen’- rogue brethren who the Chapter and its successors relentlessly hunt to the exclusion of all other considerations. Rumours abound that the Dark Angels captured The Voice of the Emperor himself, only for this mysterious heretic to escape his prison en route to the Tower of Angels. Other rumours suggests that Lord Castellan Ursarkar Creed now harbours a deep resentment towards the chapter, whose presence, he feels, might have proved critical in the defence of Cadia in the most desperate phases of the war, were the chapter not focusing their efforts upon Caliban.


The Tau Empire

If any one group can said to have gained from the wholesale destruction of the Thirteenth Black Crusade, it is the Tau. The collectivist xenos have expanded their territory, and look set to establish at least one, perhaps two, new Sept worlds in space formally claimed by the Imperium. With the forces of the Emperor firmly committed to defending Segmentum Obscurus, the Tau may just be able to consolidate their hold upon their newly won worlds.

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1. Chaos was officially declared the victor, both in the setting and the summer campaign. Period.


2. Control over the space lanes alone couldn't win you the game. Again, that goes both for the fluff and the game mechanics behind the campaign.

"So sudden and mobile has the Despoiler's invasion proved that many commanders at a system and planetary level have simply been unable to coordinate their actions, and are reacting to the enemy's attacks rather than dictating their own terms of battle. Creed has issued stern orders to his subordinates- take the initiative at a planetary level, or fall. The choice is that simple." Newsletter #5


3. The Apocalypse Rulebook had a batrep that was set after the summer campaign, where Abaddon's Black Crusade approached the imperial world of Thesus Reach. Sadly, the incident was retconned in a WD and now takes place before the 13th BC. So, at least for a while there was actual proof that the 13th BC didn't come to a grinding halt or was pushed back after the summer campaign.

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So... is the point of this thread just to troll chaos players, or what? Why else roll onto the chaos board to contest the results of a decade old campaign, stubbornly refusing to acknowledge the official results or recognize the answers given to your questions? Why else even bother to argue over fluff that's been erased from current continuity regardless?


I'm as bored with picking over codex rumors as the next poster, but even that's better than this. Thread needs a lock.

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Found it.




This was posted on. Dakka, the review gives us the history and battle reporting habits of the factions involved on a system by system breakdown along with starting and finishing control %


Kindly note that as I said that although the Cadian sector and the space lanes were firmly in the hands of the imperials, the cadian system was Chaos controlled for the most part.

I restate my opinion that given both the reports and the sresults the imperials would likely have little trouble in bringing in reinforcements to where they were needed, they would still have to 'run the gauntlet' and deploy those troops in largely hostile territory.


The gate is open but not free.


Its sort of like a prison, the inmates are out of the cells and scalling the walls, and climbing the outer walls, but the front gate is still locked as the warden and a few guards have barricaded themselves in the staff room with the key. Want to truly take the prison, you have to get the key.

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Not this argument again! :lol:


That said, I participated in that campaign, as a Loyalist, and was pissed by the results. However, you do have to balance things out. Part of the appeal of the game is the setting, and you don't want to change that up too much.


And as for blockading even a single planet...yeah, it could be done. But I'm thinking that the ole Imperium has better things to do with those ships that sit in close orbit over a handful of planets for years or decades. Fighting the [insert name of non-Imperial enemy here], for instance.


And, the Victory at Sea analogy once again rears its inappropriate head! SPACE is not an OCEAN. STAR SYSTEMS are not ARCHIPELAGOS. PLANETS are not ISLANDS. The only reason that sci-fi uses the maritime terms for ship classes is because Heinlein, Asimov, & the other "greats" used it, and they were inspired by the Victory at Sea anthologies, as well as their own military service. Space belongs to the Air Forces, not the Navies!


And I'm in neither! I'll keep my feet in the mud where boots belong! :D


But yes, lock the thread so that fools like that Tigrinus fellow can't post dumb rants! ....wait a sec...

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2. Control over the space lanes alone couldn't win you the game. Again, that goes both for the fluff and the game mechanics behind the campaign.

"So sudden and mobile has the Despoiler's invasion proved that many commanders at a system and planetary level have simply been unable to coordinate their actions, and are reacting to the enemy's attacks rather than dictating their own terms of battle. Creed has issued stern orders to his subordinates- take the initiative at a planetary level, or fall. The choice is that simple." Newsletter #5




No, but you can win a war with control over the Space Lanes. Not going to argue tactics, but the reason why this happened was the lack of organization between the Imperial Order forces until GW stepped in.

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2. Control over the space lanes alone couldn't win you the game. Again, that goes both for the fluff and the game mechanics behind the campaign.

"So sudden and mobile has the Despoiler's invasion proved that many commanders at a system and planetary level have simply been unable to coordinate their actions, and are reacting to the enemy's attacks rather than dictating their own terms of battle. Creed has issued stern orders to his subordinates- take the initiative at a planetary level, or fall. The choice is that simple." Newsletter #5



And as for blockading even a single planet...yeah, it could be done. But I'm thinking that the ole Imperium has better things to do with those ships that sit in close orbit over a handful of planets for years or decades. Fighting the [insert name of non-Imperial enemy here], for instance.



And, the Victory at Sea analogy once again rears its inappropriate head! SPACE is not an OCEAN. STAR SYSTEMS are not ARCHIPELAGOS. PLANETS are not ISLANDS. The only reason that sci-fi uses the maritime terms for ship classes is because Heinlein, Asimov, & the other "greats" used it, and they were inspired by the Victory at Sea anthologies, as well as their own military service. Space belongs to the Air Forces, not the Navies!


Forgive me if this doesn't quite answer the question but....


You need secure locations to return to in order to safely refuel, rearm, refit and repair your ships, and to deposit the ill-gotten gains of your raiding operations where you're sure it won't be pinched by your ostensible allies (or happened upon by an Imperial Navy patrol). Not even the Traitor Legions can summon spare parts and refit facilities out of the aether.


All those ''raiding fleets over the walls'' are not going to last long.

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So... is the point of this thread just to troll chaos players, or what? Why else roll onto the chaos board to contest the results of a decade old campaign, stubbornly refusing to acknowledge the official results or recognize the answers given to your questions? Why else even bother to argue over fluff that's been erased from current continuity regardless?


My point was that the actual results did not match up to the campaign fluff given at the end. And none of the results have been satisfactory.


Let me illuistrate:


1. Any chaos forces on the ground are going to be quickly cut off by the Imperial Navy. Any chaos ships entering those systems will be detected by something called ‘’sensors’’. ‘’Sensors’’ are the same way ships use to detect each other in space combat and find each other so that they can actually engage.


No blockade is air tight, but the Imperial Navy has a virtually insurmountable advantage here. Going by the results they had an utterly overwhelming advantage in in space, like a 97% control. This is going to be a major chokehold on Chaos forces. For Chaos it's going to be a big uphill battle to renforce or resupply troops.


2. Any chaos ships trying to raid past that are not going to do much good in the long run. Even Chaos needs bases to refit, rearm and repair. Even they can’t summon up parts out of thin air. They won’t be finding many due to said Imperial control of planets above. Eventually they’re going to be hunted down by the overwhelming numbers of Imperial ships.


They are a problem yes, but eventually those fleets that got out of the Eye are going to be worn out and hunted down without a good means of resupply or any bases.

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Haven't the results of the Eye of Terror Campaign been sort of retconned out of existence anyway? The 6th Edition rulebook is fairly clearly set "pre"-invasion. Pretty sure GW would just like to forget it all happened, much like Storm of Chaos in WHFB.
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There's never any point to most stuff. But still it doesn't stop people discussing RT era, and other retconned sources. I don't see how this is any different.


I'd love to see another 40k GW campaign.

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But did a realy bad job leting a random dude switch cadia control through a single game at one shop . And pulled a master troll level pun on the DA community with the whole pre 13th caliban write up and after DA put more then 100% control in to the system , they just went lol chaos fooled you .
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Gree, you are forgetting one thing about supplies...


The chaos forces have no interest of maintaining some sort of balance or rationing. They have stockpiles and warehouses full of food(meant for the population, that are now either dead or dying or slaves or both) and don't require much "ordinary" food either since they are marines and can probably live off warp-matter or blood or something. Chaos marines are scavengers. Whatever equipment they need there is a big chance there will be tons of leftover loyalist gear that can be taken and/or rebuilt. Summoning, offerings and other daemonic activity probably makes them require less sustinence as well.


They rampage across the surface until there is nothing left, and if the imperials want to get rid of them they don't have many options. Either planetary assault or exterminatus(an ordinary bombardment wont do, look at istvaan). If they are waiting for them to get out of rations they'll probably have to wait for years. Imagine how much of the navy it will take to lay siege to all the planets that are chaos infested...and for every extra ship they dedicate to such a siege, their hold over the "space lanes" lessens...


You oversetimate the imperial navy and their communications. You also underestimate the forces of chaos and what these "space lanes" actually are. They are lanes that are safer than other routes around the eye, which a) Don't mean they are 100% safe for the loyalists, ^_^ don't mean that chaos ships can't travel elsewhere. They are aligned with the powers that creates the disturbances in the warp after all...



...and so on and so forth...


Your WW" comparison was way off btw. The US forces weren't on the defensive, and the Japanese ships weren't trying to escape anywhere...

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Indeed, many of the forces of Chaos make little use of space travel. Invaders can pierce through the warp itself (the Vraks campaign had many forces, daemonic and CSM alike, warped in from elsewhere).

Even resources can be transferred to chaos held worlds through daemons and warp sorcery (such as the water consuming creatures deployed on Gereon in the Gaunts Ghosts novels).


The Imperials might control the high ground, but orbital bombardment is scarcely a tool that can be used on most planets held by chaos. After all, if they were to be simply abandoned to the followers of the Dark Gods, they would have already been destroyed via bombardment or exterminatus.

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As I said cadia (sector) does not equal orbit and in system control. I will concede that its probably a fair reflection on some of the lesser worlds.

But cadia, agrippaa and belis corona all had stats for their own system control.


Particularly Cadia system was rated at unreliable so any attempts at landing reinforcements will not be simple and orbital bombardment is certainly out of the question. It will be hard enough to safely deploy reinforcements.


The cadia sectror has been described as deep space and back water worlds. It wouldn't surprise me if orbit was included in planetary control.


While sectot is space lanes and minor worlds.

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The chaos forces have no interest of maintaining some sort of balance or rationing. They have stockpiles and warehouses full of food(meant for the population, that are now either dead or dying or slaves or both) and don't require much "ordinary" food either since they are marines and can probably live off warp-matter or blood or something. Chaos marines are scavengers. Whatever equipment they need there is a big chance there will be tons of leftover loyalist gear that can be taken and/or rebuilt. Summoning, offerings and other daemonic activity probably makes them require less sustinence as well.


Ah so you suggest that Chaos Marines scavenge and live off the Imperials? Never mind all the logistical problems as that's really not going to be a sustainable strategy in the long run at all, even Chaos Marines need shipyards and based to conduct repairs, refueld, rearm and prepare for large-scale warfare. Long-term raiding is not going to cut it. Whatever stuff they might get on an infantry scale they probably won't get for a starship.


And Chaos Marines are only a small part of Abaddon's horde. You forget abotu the normal humans.


But a large part of my point was also on reforcements. No Chaos ships are going to get close to said planets and the Imperium can hem in and obliberate the forces in the ground via orbital bombardment all while bringing their own immense renforcements into play largely unhindered.


They rampage across the surface until there is nothing left, and if the imperials want to get rid of them they don't have many options. Either planetary assault or exterminatus(an ordinary bombardment wont do, look at istvaan). If they are waiting for them to get out of rations they'll probably have to wait for years.


Why would they have to wait for ''years''? And why would't an ordinary bombardment do? Horus's problem was that Angron jumped the gun in that case. Chaos forces will pretty much have to hunker down and hide without conducting any offensive operations if they wished to live under the threat of orbital bombardment.


and for every extra ship they dedicate to such a siege, their hold over the "space lanes" lessens...


I don't think you understand just how overwhelming the space control that the Imperium had. They had like total domination everywhere. Chaos in many cases really had no chance. At one point I believed Imperial players actually tried to counterattack into the EOT itself before the campaign ended.


You oversetimate the imperial navy and their communications. You also underestimate the forces of chaos and what these "space lanes" actually are. They are lanes that are safer than other routes around the eye, which a) Don't mean they are 100% safe for the loyalists, :( don't mean that chaos ships can't travel elsewhere. They are aligned with the powers that creates the disturbances in the warp after all...


As I said, no blockade is airtight, but things like ''sensors'' do exist that allow ships to detect each other in system range. It's how ships actually do track each other in the fluff and how they engage. The Imperium will be clamping down tightly on the Eye and they will be clamping down tightly on any renforcements.


Indeed, many of the forces of Chaos make little use of space travel. Invaders can pierce through the warp itself (the Vraks campaign had many forces, daemonic and CSM alike, warped in from elsewhere).


News to me as I distinctly recall most of them arrriving by fleet.


Even resources can be transferred to chaos held worlds through daemons and warp sorcery (such as the water consuming creatures deployed on Gereon in the Gaunts Ghosts novels).


Well, first of all ignoring that was something purely done in Abnett's novels and we're never seen it anywhere, that's really not going to be a sustainable thing to do if the Navy just destroyes the creature from orbit. Not to mention that rather defeats the entire point of Ahirman trying to conquer the webway if Chaos alread has a ''webway'' of it's own.


Particularly Cadia system was rated at unreliable so any attempts at landing reinforcements will not be simple and orbital bombardment is certainly out of the question. It will be hard enough to safely deploy reinforcements.


When you control space, how exactly is it going to be hard?

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They didn't control space around cadia. As I said it was rated unreliable, so largely chaos held.

They controlled cadia sectot but losing in cadia system.


They have to run the gauntlet.


And to put into perspective...


A sizable portion of battlefleet solar diverted, also forward elements of said battlefleet ambushed and destroyed (imperial and chaos event cards respectively)

Armageddon is still raging and probably weakend against orks in solar due to the diversion.


Orks controlled pretty much all manufacturing with Green Kroosade


Agri worlds all pretty much chaos controlled.


Supply lines secure but as the fighting on cadia is they key chaos can spew out of the eye and straight into the fighting into a system they control in orbit. Thus they can move reinforcements in, as can imperials.


Orbital bombardment is never a good idea when your dependent on the foirtifications your destroying. Cadia must be taken relatively intact or it becomes useless. In fact the only referenced orbital attack comes from the chaos forces attacking the cadians towards the end of the campaign despite the so called 'naval dominance'


Fact is imperials have a long hard slog and alrhough they can move reinforcements, there on the back foot with pretty much all manufacturing capacity ruined,


The only reason imperial players tried attackibng EoT is that they thought they were winning when in fact they had been tabled across almost all sectors. Idiocy does not constitutebackground.


The only reason Chaos didn't get a major victory and only a minor is the high sector scores. Despite they had been mauled across most planets.

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They didn't control space around cadia. As I said it was rated unreliable, so largely chaos held.


They did control space around Cadia. That's even stated in the newsletter and the results.



A sizable portion of battlefleet solar diverted, also forward elements of said battlefleet ambushed and destroyed (imperial and chaos event cards respectively)

Armageddon is still raging and probably weakend against orks in solar due to the diversion.


Orks controlled pretty much all manufacturing with Green Kroosade


Agri worlds all pretty much chaos controlled.


again, I'm talking about the results here, and the Imperium pretty much totally won on that end.


And were does it have the agri worlds pretty much chaos controlled?


Supply lines secure but as the fighting on cadia is they key chaos can spew out of the eye and straight into the fighting into a system they control in orbit. Thus they can move reinforcements in, as can imperials.


Except they don't control Cadia's orbit.


Orbital bombardment is never a good idea when your dependent on the foirtifications your destroying. Cadia must be taken relatively intact or it becomes useless.


I was speaking of any Chaos controlled world actually. But why would orbital bombardment not be in the cards against chaos-held positions? The Imperium can just be rebuilt later and they already control the space lanes.



In fact the only referenced orbital attack comes from the chaos forces attacking the cadians towards the end of the campaign despite the so called 'naval dominance'


Which ties into my point. The fluff does not match the stated results at all.


Fact is imperials have a long hard slog and alrhough they can move reinforcements, there on the back foot with pretty much all manufacturing capacity ruined,


Where does it say that in the results?


The only reason imperial players tried attackibng EoT is that they thought they were winning when in fact they had been tabled across almost all sectors. Idiocy does not constitutebackground.


Actually I'm told the Imperium was actually winning, just losing by noy properly reporting victories.

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There's also the fact that Chaos has still has overwhelming access to close-by naval stations, whereas all Imperial orbital facilities, at least the makor ones, got taken out of action. Chaos may suffer from Imperial orbital superiority for the moment, but the Imperials don't have the facilities to keep it. Chaos does.


Lastly, you seem to underestimate how slow ships truely go in 40k. Sure, we've still got FTL travel, but once your scanners detect that the nearby system is under attack, it'll take you about a week to move out to the jump point, several hours/days to travel to the system if you're lucky, and then about another week to get close enough to the planet to begin landing troops/opening fire. That's more than enough time for Chaos forces to attack and smash up a place, and be leaving just as you arrive at the edge of the system. This isn't like Star Wars, where you find out "Damn, the Imperials are attacking Planet Y!", go into hyperspace instantly, and are within visual distance of the enemy fleet within 5 minutes. The Imperials may have orbital superiority, but they can't be everywhere at once, and Chaos can simply slip through the gaps.


That is, of course, ignoring the fact that Chaos also doesn't need ships to travel to different planets, they can make use of warp rifts and rituals.

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There's also the fact that Chaos has still has overwhelming access to close-by naval stations, whereas all Imperial orbital facilities, at least the makor ones, got taken out of action. Chaos may suffer from Imperial orbital superiority for the moment, but the Imperials don't have the facilities to keep it. Chaos does.


Where is that stated in the results?



Lastly, you seem to underestimate how slow ships truely go in 40k. Sure, we've still got FTL travel, but once your scanners detect that the nearby system is under attack, it'll take you about a week to move out to the jump point, several hours/days to travel to the system if you're lucky, and then about another week to get close enough to the planet to begin landing troops/opening fire. That's more than enough time for Chaos forces to attack and smash up a place, and be leaving just as you arrive at the edge of the system. This isn't like Star Wars, where you find out "Damn, the Imperials are attacking Planet Y!", go into hyperspace instantly, and are within visual distance of the enemy fleet within 5 minutes. The Imperials may have orbital superiority, but they can't be everywhere at once, and Chaos can simply slip through the gaps.


The ships are already in the system dude.


That is, of course, ignoring the fact that Chaos also doesn't need ships to travel to different planets, they can make use of warp rifts and rituals.


Then why even have Cadia in the first place or even bother to invade the webway if Chaos can just teleport wherever they want to?


I mean, you do realize the entire point of the Cadian Gate right?

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They didn't control space around cadia. As I said it was rated unreliable, so largely chaos held.


They did control space around Cadia. That's even stated in the newsletter and the results.


Supply lines secure but as the fighting on cadia is they key chaos can spew out of the eye and straight into the fighting into a system they control in orbit. Thus they can move reinforcements in, as can imperials.


Except they don't control Cadia's orbit.


In fact the only referenced orbital attack comes from the chaos forces attacking the cadians towards the end of the campaign despite the so called 'naval dominance'


Which ties into my point. The fluff does not match the stated results at all.


Though the Imperial Navy is in control of the inter-system space lanes, Chaos rules the skies above Cadia since the orbital defences fell in the opening days of the Black Crusade. - Final Newsletter


Cadian (sector) - Initial Control = 85% ........... Final Control = 100% .......... Status = Faithful

Cadian (system) - Initial Control = 92% ...........Final Control = 29.4% .......... Status = Unreliable


Not to mention that rather defeats the entire point of Ahirman trying to conquer the webway if Chaos alread has a ''webway'' of it's own.

Ahriman was trying to reach the Black Library.

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