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Colour Scheme for my Chaos Marines

Lord Morgrim

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Good start, as long as the main color is grey rather than metallic. If it were metallic, I think it would be quite ugly.


A lot will depend on the accent colors--the bolter casing (black would look best, I would say) and the base coloration. Giving a good green base, or a blue-to-white winter base would look very nifty and give the model more contrast without having to change the scheme.



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Silver on Grey tends to blend into each other and not look too great in 28mm (although it's outright dazzling at 1/1 scale).


You might want to consider using a bluer grey for the armour - Fenris, I think the new version is called, would be good.

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Grey and Orange is great!


Depending on how you assemble your guys, their accessories at the belt or on their legs can be made to give contrast to the grey parts.


Also, take time to think about your basing. Those grey boots will disappear into urban rubble/wreckage if you aren't careful.


Looking forward to seeing some pics of completed models :)

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I like the second option far better, personally. Orange washed with a reddish brown might look somewhat muddy/weathered by itself. That could be handy depending on exactly how much detail you like to put into a model.
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Looks really good, man. I'm glad you went for more orange. I still prefer grey tones over bright metallics, but overall it's a strong theme--and you won't see many other Orange armies, so yours will always stand out!


Keep the pics coming as you finish more models!



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That was the main fear that prevented me from painting my CSMs orange, was afraid they would be mistaken for the Pyre. But that's like saying all red armies look like World Eaters, or all green armies look like Dark Angels.


Some Tzeentchy symbols will help differentiate them. And if you want to reincorporate some of that silver/grey color, I think silver hot rod flames would look good on your vehicles.


The lord came out nice!

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Thanks guys.....people can think they are The Pyre thats ok it will be similar anyways lots of meltas and flames and probably pyromancy on my sorcerer!....i am trying to come up with a symbol for the chapter that will stand out on the orange pads....
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