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Box Set content (Chaos vs. DA)

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For those that may have missed ICE's comment in the NEWS area:


Beast of War info.


So the word has been out for some time that the new Warhammer 40K starter box, replacing Assault on Black Reach, will (or is that should) contain Dark Angels and Chaos Marines… but is that really true… and if it is, what will you get?


Well, you might feel better to know there are still some insiders in the Stalinist like regime that is GW who want the fans to be excited and those plucky rebels have braved the wrath of the mighty Empire to bring you some solid information on the contents of the new box… information that bodes very well for those interested, not only in starting 40K, but those with existing collections too!


So here we go… and remember… many Bothan spies lost their lives bringing you this information!


Chaos Cultists are in!


That’s right all you Chaos players… I refused point blank to believe that GW would ever release Chaos Cultist, but they have. The Dark Vengeance boxed set (did I not mention the name previously?) will have 2 units of 10 Chaos Cultist models, one armed with auto-guns (with a shotgun & CC weapon for the leader and a Heavy Stubber support trooper) and one with auto-pistol & CC weapon (with 2 CC weapons for the leader and a Flamer support model).


The Chaos Cultist look like everything you’ve ever wanted for Chaos. They’re bound in rags, with metal half-masks and weapons that suit the cobbled-together, improvised look that you expect from the dregs of Chaos.


But that’s not all for those naughty Chaos worshippers; they’re getting a unit of 6 Chosen…elite Chaos Space Marines, armed with a variety of Power Weapons (a Maul on the Sergeant, a Power Fist, a Chain Axe and a set of Lightning Claws by the look of things). The remaining Chosen are armed with Boltguns, but this bodes well for the potential that these exemplars of Chaos might get some more customisable options in the upcoming new Chaos Marines codex.


To lead your forces, you have the obligatory Chaos Lord, armed with a Power Sword & Plasma Pistol. His pose is a bit static, but that is only in comparison to the much more animated Chosen.


Lastly… what would Chaos be without something big and menacing to bring to the table? Well… how about a brand new model… the Hellbrute!


The massive Hellbrute model comes equipped with a Multi-Melta & Power Fist. Suggesting that this isn’t a Dreadnought replacement, but is in fact a huge suit of specialist armour crewed by a Chaos Marine (or more likely a Champion). Actually, the model resembles a huge suit of Terminator Armour with lots of cool Chaos gribbly bits… I’m hoping for a Monstrous Creature that acts like the Dreadknight… what about all you Chaos fans? What would you like it to be?


But what about the Dark Angels?


They haven’t been left wanting and with a new codex (no doubt in their future) there is quite a bit to have a look at.


Firstly, they wouldn’t be Space Marines without the obligatory 10 man Tactical Squad. However, the Dark Angel Tactical-Squad has a twist… it’s got Plasma!


The ordinary Space Marine grunts come sporting a Boltgun, but the squad also has a Plasma Gunner and a Heavy Plasma Cannon model giving support… and just to round out the theme… a Plasma Pistol/Chainsword Sergeant.


Looks like that squad will be getting hot!


The Tactical Squad also has a mixture of poses, this time around. Some of the Bolter-totting Marines are holding their ubiquitous weapon at jaunty angles to make the squad look a bit more animated… and it works too… good job GW!


The Marine side wouldn’t be Space Marines without a smattering of Terminators… so you get a squad of 5 of them. It’s a pretty standard squad, with Stormbolter/Power Fist, with a Power Sword Sergeant. However, you do get an Assault Cannon and Chainfist option… and true to previous form… the models now come in a variety of more dynamic poses with the squad sergeant even sporting Wings but thankfully no nipple armour!


The last squad in the box is a unit of 3 Space Marine (or Ravenwing) Bikers, with Sergeant and one Biker sporting Bolt Pistol/Chainsword and the third Biker packing a Plasma Gun. The models look similar to previous Ravenwing Bikers (with that big wing banner on the back) and are probably the least inspiring out of the box.


But let’s not end on a low… let’s talk about the Dark Angel Triple Whammy… 3 Heroes!


The box will contain a Dark Angels Company Master (Balthasar)… resplendent with his erect Power Sword!


A Dark Angels Librarian… with a slightly less impressive looking Force Sword… and a limited edition Interrogator Chaplain, who’s Power Armour (including smoking exhaust details) and embellished robe might be the most ostentatious model in the box!


That’s all the models in the box… but what about the Rulebook?


I know many of you have been planning to buy the box (price TBC) in order to get your hands on the smaller rulebook. So rest easy… there will be one in the box.


There will also be templates and a new How to Play Dark Vengeance booklet, that allows you to jump right into the action.


I'll be in my bunk.

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This is basically just confirming the info we had weeks ago from the leaked Chinese summary page.


I'm excited for the cultists, but the chosen, from the sound of things, will be entirely unchanged from their current rules, apart from the hatred of loyalists and general changes to icons & marks. Same options, same statline, maybe a touch cheaper. Which is not in the least inspiring given how underwhelming chosen are already.


I'm also sad for any new players unfortunate enough to try and play that chaos assortment against the imperials out of the box. There is basically nothing in that list that can hope to harm the terminators, and while the walker may not be a dreadnought, it's still a dreadnought. And it will be carrying a multimelta into combat against an opposing force that has no vehicles to shoot it at, and meanwhile anything on the loyalist side can take it down with plasma, grenades, or fists.



But these boxes aren't really for running against each other on their own, they're for starting or bulking out forces and picking up mini rulebooks. The mini rule book will of course be nice to have, and as for bulking out forces?


Hrm. The chaos lord sounds... ok, but not super inspiring. The 20 cultists sound great, but maybe not worth half of this box by themselves, especially if the price goes up. The chosen... will be cool models? But not even equipped right to use as champions in other units. So, split one box with a loyalist friend if you can get the mini rulebook. Or get one for yourself if you feel you can convert the terminators into chaos termies. Otherwise, just get a mini rulebook off of ebay, and wait for cultists to be released on their own.

I have two buddies that play chaos and DA, respectively, so I'm sure we can split up something reasonable from this box. The DA player does play interrogator chaplains, so I'm sure he'll be happy about that one, as well as the character model. I'm really only interested to see what the models look like, and if I'll be able to convert those chosen into reasonable champs for my PM squads. Otherwise, I may not bite.
Otherwise, just get a mini rulebook off of ebay, and wait for cultists to be released on their own.


Assuming they will be released on their own. The Ork coptas were never released outside the AoBR box...

Well that's a scary thought. Still, I'm feeling very underwhelmed, here. Mostly because chosen are kind of terrible, and none of the rumors make it sound like that's changing, and even if they weren't this set is not how I would choose to equip them.


IF the price is the same as black reach, I might split a box with a DA friend. If not....

I think a lot will depend upon what others said: do the cultists get released in their own boxes, and what are the price point comparisons of the boxes.


If they follow the prior trend, we may see that these boxes do not make their way into general use: I point at both the Ork Kopta and the Skaven Plague Mortar. Box set only. The GW website even still has that awful old metal Ork Deffkopta as the only one in the fast attack section. Maybe with Black Reach retiring they'll give the Koptas out some other way.


I want to be optimistic, but I'm sensing that people who want to do a cult-heavy list may be the ones who are splicing these boxes on eBay for the rest.



They can, but rumors at this point - based on supposed copies of the unit summaries from the scenario pamphlet from the upcoming starter box - say they won't. Now, that's just rumors, and there may be something we haven't seen. Like, maybe every squad member can be upgraded to a champion for some silly cheap cost? But at the moment there's no indication of any significant changes to chosen that would make them attractive, and even if there was, the weapons loadout on the starter box squad isn't particularly appealing. So even if there's something we haven't seen that might make you consider fielding a chosen squad, it's still very unlikely that you would want to be fielding this one.

The most important thing about this rumor/confirmation is:


6 Chosen…elite Chaos Space Marines, armed with a variety of Power Weapons (a Maul on the Sergeant, a Power Fist, a Chain Axe and a set of Lightning Claws by the look of things).


For many year i been preyed for a pair of lightning claws fos CSM in power armour!!!


What do you think about this?

The most important thing about this rumor/confirmation is:


6 Chosen…elite Chaos Space Marines, armed with a variety of Power Weapons (a Maul on the Sergeant, a Power Fist, a Chain Axe and a set of Lightning Claws by the look of things).


For many year i been preyed for a pair of lightning claws fos CSM in power armour!!!


What do you think about this?


Can't say my life climaxed at reading about a pair of lightning claws...

I'm actually a little disheartened by all this. Yeah I'm a DA player and we get a bunch of cool stuff (Three characters, a full plasma tac squad, a deathwing squad and a ravenwing bike squadron) but the chaos side of things seems pretty poor. Yeah the cultists are a great addition but the rest? No one runs chaos lords in the current dex and even BoW said the mini was uninspiring. The Chosen sound cool but they're hardly an effective unit. Oh and a mini-not-quite-dreadnaught? Is it a dreadnaught? A single Obliterator? That doesn't seem all that inspiring.


This is heresy but I WANT a strong chaos side. I want more chaos players and a good core of decent units right out of the box would mean more newbies wanting to play the bad guys. They aren't going to want to play the bad guys if they get hosed every time they play their Dark Angel playing friends.


Victory doesn't mean anything if it isn't earned and heroes are judged by their arch-enemies. I want chaos to be a strong faction.


I know that someone will counter and say that the forces in the box aren't meant to go toe to toe and are instead designed to play though the introductory missions. For a lot of new players though this boxed set will be the start of their first army. It's kinda putting the Chaos players at a disadvantage right off the bat.


Unless of course we are being duped and there is more here than meets the eye.

well... i'm really good with this, and only because it suits what i currently have: i can use the chaos cultist for my Count-as GK army as non-GK members of the =][= and the rest i can use if shift my wip battle company towards a warband of the infamous "Fallen"

To be honest the new box content isn't that far away from the Black Reach.


Black Reach - New Box

20 Ork Boyz - 20 Chaos Cultist

5 Ork Nobz - 6 Chosen Chaos Space Marines

Ork Warboss, - Chaos Lord

Dread - Hellbrute

3 Ork Deffkopta -3 SM Bikers

5 Termies - 5 Termies

10 Tact SM - 10 Tact SM

1 Captain - 3 Indies (captains etc).

The only difference is that the Marines are getting a lot more units. (Bikers seems more plausible to be CSM bikers)


However I believe all depends the price (including rulebook, lets not forget that!)


But I am not that excited because until now, GW made the starter box impossible to get a single army out of it.

5th Marines vs Orks.

4th Marines vs Nids.

3rd Marines vs Dark Eldars

2nd Marines vs Orks, (Rogue Trader before that).


So I will take all rumours with a lot salt until I actually see it on sale.

Because especially someone that has some Chaos spares can convert them all literally and 'fluff wise' as minions to the Dark Gods.


And we all know GW is :)

Close combat chosen with schizophrenic weapon choice and no significant close combat buffs over generic squads apart from those weapon choices make me sad.





What really disappoints me though:


via Mad Mek


i was in my local GW for the 1st time in a while when the staff tried selling me a 6th ed rule book

i said i was going to wait for the starter set for the mini copy, i was then told by this staff the

starter set will not have the full rule set but a basic rule set and you still need to buy the big rule

book no matter weather you get the starter or not


If this turns out to be true, why even bother buying the starter set?


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